Chapter 152 Brother Peter, good luck!

Tang Yao stopped paying attention to Petrov, and chatted with Yuan Zhan and Chu Jian.

Except for Tang Yao and Yuan Zhan, none of them are very familiar with each other, and chatting is just to pass the time.

After waiting for a while, Tang Yao and the others saw a large war shuttle slowly landing not far away.

Soon, a group of people walked out of the office building.

Tang Yao looked at the leader, and was stunned for a moment.

Wan Po prisoners!

In this competition, is Lao Wan leading the team?

Good thing!

Old Wan’s injury is healed?

From the evening of the 30th to now, it has been more than 8 days. It should be almost the same, right?

The general curator at the peak God of War level is a cow!


When healed, all kinds of genius treasures smashed down, and he quickly recovered.

In addition, the martial arts center will be reimbursed half of the cost of healing.

I’m jealous!

There are 4 people in Wanpo prison, in addition to Wanpo prison there are 1 senior God of War and two intermediate God of War.

That senior God of War is Liang Shaohui, the deputy director of the genius training camp.

Walking to Tang Yao and the others, Wan Polu smiled at Tang Yao and did not speak.

Liang Shaohui stepped forward and said to Tang Yao and the others: “Let’s go, get on the war shuttle first. Others, talk on the road.”

After speaking, Liang Shaohui walked towards Zhan Shuo.

Tang Yao understood that the real leader was Liang Shaohui.

Wan Polu should be sitting in town, in layman’s terms, he is a bodyguard.

Also, the most prominent group of students of all levels in the training camp are there, and you must find a strong thug as a bodyguard.

After everyone got on the war shuttle, the war shuttle slowly took off.

When the shuttle was flying smoothly, Liang Shaohui stood up and said: “This competition is different from the past. It is no longer confined to a town, but is divided into two stages. The first stage lasts for 3 days, which is similar to the field training. , You can move around freely around Karen base.”

“Three days later, the score is calculated based on the corpse crystals and the beast crystals. 1 point for the elementary corpse soldiers and beast soldiers, 5 points for the intermediate level, and 10 points for the advanced level. 100 points for the primary zombie and upgraded beast commander, 500 points for the intermediate level, and advanced level. 1000 points are counted.”

“For those with the top rankings, in the second stage of the one-on-one battle, the opponent can be selected first. In the second stage of the battle, a group of 9 soldiers-level students will be rewarded for the top three. The 3 to 5 star warriors will be the same. Level three groups, the first place in each group will be rewarded.”

“This competition is related to the distribution of the benefits of the three major martial arts gyms. Therefore, people with good performances will not only get the rewards of the competition, but they will also be rewarded when they return to the training camp. I would like to remind you that this reward will benefit you in the future. It’s helpful to break through to God of War. The match is held every two years. You only have this chance. Take it.”

Hearing this, the eyes of Tang Yao’s 6 people lit up.

This reward is awesome!

After thinking about it, Tang Yao asked: “Dr Liang, will there be strong guards for the first three days?”

Liang Shaohui shook his head and said, “No. Starting at noon tomorrow, you will be free to move around. Even if you do not leave the Karen base, no one will interfere with you. For these three days, you will be one of the ordinary Practitioners, and no one will protect you. , Life and death depend on fate.”

“The area covered by the Non-Canada Alliance is more than three times the size of Xia Country, but there are only 5 bases, and each base has a very large population. When you fight in the wilderness, you have a high chance of meeting other people.”

“What you have to face is not just zombies and upgraded beasts, but also humans who hunt zombies and upgraded beasts just like you. In the wilderness, you can control what you should do. Everything, your life is the first. Bit.”

Tang Yao nodded.

So much the better!

No one to guard, it means no one to watch.

Although Yuan Zhan just said that there will be no surveillance, since the rules have changed, it is better to ask clearly.

Otherwise, someone who accidentally saw me incarnate as a corpse king would be finished.

Free activities, no one is watching, life and death are up to you!


Thinking of this, Tang Yao turned his head and glanced at Petrov with a smile.

Petrov looked at Tang Yao’s brilliant smile, but his heart was chilly and his face turned blue.

If Tang Yao shot him alone, Petrov would not be very afraid.

But the trouble is that this competition is a free activity, and Tang Yao is likely to unite Yuan Zhan against him.

Once that happens, unless Petrov does not leave the Karen base.

Otherwise, as long as the two of Tang Yao follow him out of the base, he is likely to be killed by the two of Tang Yao.

Upon seeing this, Liang Shaohui frowned.

Liang Shaohui could see the mess between Tang Yao and Petrov at a glance.

In the past few days, Liang Shaohui has just pressed down the protests of the forces behind Zaluyev. He doesn’t want Zaluyev’s affairs to ferment.

With Tang Yao’s strength and courage, it was not impossible to kill Petrov through a confrontation match.

If Tang Yao really did this, it wouldn’t be considered a violation of the rules.

However, the forces behind Petrov will definitely come up, and Liang Shaohui really doesn’t want to wrestle with those people anymore.

Moreover, Petrov comes from the largest thousand-top base in the Russian state, and his talent is much better than that of Zaluyev.

If he were killed by Tang Yao, it would be even more troublesome than Zaluyev’s death.

Liang Shaohui said in a deep voice, “Tang Yao, externally, I don’t care what you do. But internally, you can be honest with me.”

Tang Yao chuckled and said, “Director Liang, I just made a joke with Brother Peter. They are both brothers in a training camp. We have to unite! Maybe my joke was a bit too much. I apologize.”

With that, Tang Yao got up and walked to Petrov.

Tang Yao looked at Petrov and said sincerely, “Brother Peter, I’m sorry. I made a joke before. You have a lot of adults, so don’t care about me. I wonder, can Brother Peter forgive my brother?”

After speaking, Tang Yao stretched out his right hand.

Upon seeing this, Liang Shaohui nodded in satisfaction.

Seeing Tang Yao’s sincere gaze, Petrov secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Now, the situation is not good for me.

It was precisely with Director Liang’s power that Tang Yao didn’t dare to attack me.

But I took note of the humiliation this time, and I will definitely not let this bastard off in the future.

A smile was squeezed out of Petrov’s gloomy face, and he nodded, then reached out and shook Tang Yao’s hand.

In an instant, Tang Yao perceives Petrov’s skills.

Petrov has no talents, and is not an awakened.

Among the combat skills, both the combat technique and the Movement Technique have achieved great success.

The increase may be more than 8 times, but as long as it is less than the 16 times increase of the Consummation level, the tactics and Movement Technique will only show the Dacheng level.

Furthermore, it is the primary attack power enhancement skills.

Tang Yao’s heart moved, and he duplicated Petrov’s tactics and Movement Technique twice.

The 4 replications consumed exactly 60% of Tang Yao’s Mental Energy and did not exceed the critical point.

As long as 6 hours, Tang Yao’s Mental Energy will be able to fully recover and will not delay tomorrow’s match.

After letting go, Tang Yao smiled more sincerely.

Both the tactics and the Movement Technique have been weakened by one third, Brother Peter, good luck to you!

You must not let me run into it, otherwise, I will definitely arrange a wave of commander-level zombies hunting and killing feast for you.

Tang Yao smiled at Petrov and nodded, then returned to his own seat.

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