Chapter 154 It’s Not Like, That’s Me!

Tang Yao put a large piece of high-level commander-level beef into his mouth, and while chewing, his eyes were full of smiles.

Lao Wan is a fire-like ability, and Samuel is a petrification ability. I don’t know what kind of ability the other three are?

If you have the chance, be sure to check it out.

After swallowing the beef in his mouth, Tang Yao took a sip from the wine glass.

Putting down the wine glass, Tang Yao glanced at the five people sitting next to him.

I have explored Yuan Zhan before, and like Petrov, he is not an awakened one.

What about the remaining Chu Jian, Irina, and Plum?

Especially Chu Jian, who can beat Alcott and Bancliffe, who are both 6-star warlords, with the level of 5-star warriors, ranks first in the battle power rankings, and there must be a Transcendent.

Chu Jian is an awakened person, great!

Thinking of this, Tang Yao’s eyes lit up.

Check it out!

After thinking about it, Tang Yao stood up.

Facing Chu Jian, Tang Yao said with a smile: “Brother Chu, since I entered the training camp, I have heard of your great name. It is my honor to be able to represent our training camp with Brother Chu this time.”

Raising the wine glass, Tang Yao continued: “Come on, Brother Chu, my brother toasts you a cup. With the strength of the brother, in this competition, he will surely sweep the opponent. In the future, I would like to ask Senior Brother Chu to give more advice.”

Through today’s brief contact, Tang Yao found out.

Chu Jian is arrogant, but not arrogant. He is a person worthy of friendship.

Seeing Tang Yao’s politeness, Chu Jian also stood up.

A smile appeared on Chu Jian’s stern face, and said, “Junior Brother Tang’s talent is not inferior to me. In time, he will definitely catch up with me. It is my honour to be recognized by Junior Brother Tang. Come and do it!”

With that, Chu Jian also raised his wine glass and touched it with Tang Yao.

When clinking the glasses, Tang Yao pretended to touch Chu Jian’s hand inadvertently.

Successful tactics can be copied!

Perfect Movement Technique, can be copied!

Talent ability: Thunder Sword, can not be copied, can be replaced!

Perceiving Chu Jian’s talents, Tang Yao’s heart moved.

Just looking at the name of the Thunder Sword ability, it must be a talent ability with explosive attack power.

Moreover, both Chu Jian’s tactics and Movement Technique have reached the Consummation level, and it is likely that they have already begun to come into contact with the secret technique.

Chu Jian’s talent is so terrifying!

After drunk the wine in the glass, Chu Jian sat down.

Tang Yao also drank all the wine in his glass, but he did not sit down.

After pouring a glass of wine again, Tang turned his head and looked at Irina.

After a compliment, Tang Yao had a drink with Irina and Plum, and took the opportunity to feel the skills of the two.

Neither of these two are awakened, their tactics and Movement Technique are both great achievements, and they are not yet complete.

However, Tang Yao couldn’t perceive the specific multiplier.

Normally, Irina’s multiplier must be higher than Plum’s.

Tang Yao didn’t leave Petrov down either, he was polite and had a drink with him.

When Yuan Zhan arrived, before Tang Yao could speak, Yuan Zhan poured himself a large glass of wine.

Tang Yao was speechless for a while.

Dage, let me fight with you?

Helpless, Tang Yao had to pour himself a large glass.

Tang Yao and Yuan Zhan didn’t say much. After looking at each other with a smile, they touched their cups and drank them all.


July 10.

At ten o’clock in the morning, Tang Yaocai slowly opened his eyes.

Last night, Yuan Zhan had forgotten to push Jiu Jin out of his body when he drank, and he kept pulling Tang Yao and saying something.

Finally, it was late at night, and seeing Yuan Zhan still wanting to continue nonsense, Tang Yao gave him a palm directly.

After throwing the unconscious Yuan Zhan on the bed, Tang Yao returned to his own room to rest.

After getting up to wash, Tang Yao came to the cafeteria.

Breakfast is gone, I want to eat it, I can only wait for lunch.

Reluctantly, Tang Yao had to take out some food from the Interspatial Ring and place a pad first.

After simply eating some food, Tang Yao found a large supermarket and bought a lot of life products and food and drink.

Anyway, Tang Yao’s current Interspatial Ring is big enough, so it’s wise to prepare more, maybe it will be available anytime.

When Tang Yao returned to the cafeteria, it was already past 11 o’clock.

In the canteen, all five contestants from Yuan Zhan were eating.

The competition is about to start at 12 noon. Participants must eat early to replenish their physical strength.

Tang Yao was not polite, took the bowls and chopsticks and joined them.

Yuan Zhan swallowed the food in his mouth and looked at Tang Yao and said embarrassedly: “Junior Brother Tang, I’m sorry! I dragged you to chat so late last night. I don’t know when you left. From now on, I can’t drink so much. I still have some headaches now. Especially the back of the head, it’s like being hit by someone else.”

Tang Yao smiled, his eyes evasive.


It’s not like it, it’s me!

Tang Yao nodded, and said solemnly: “Indeed, it’s a thirsty thing! Brother, we must take warning in the future.”

Yuan Zhan nodded in agreement.

After eating, Tang Yao called up the map near Karen base on the tactical watch.

After studying for a while, Tang Yao decided to wait for the start of the match before going to the wilderness area south of Karen Base in the first stage.

The towns there are denser and more dangerous, and fewer people go there.

Once Tang Yao started a battle between zombies and upgraded beasts, he would not hurt too many innocents.

Moreover, the density of towns means that Tang Yao’s harvest will be even greater.

Of course, the premise is not to meet the corpse king.

Tang Yao doesn’t know much about the zombie world. Once he meets the corpse king and chats, it is easy to wear help.

After a short rest, the 6 contestants from the Juntian Martial Arts Training Camp genius training camp walked in their respective directions.

Petrov was the last one to set off. He deliberately avoided the direction chosen by Tang Yao and Yuan Zhan.

When the two men killed the five Zaluyev, they didn’t show any mercy.

Although Tang Yao expressed his stance in front of Liang Shaohui, Petrov still had some drumming in his heart, and it was safer to hide.

On the way, Tang Yao bought a motorcycle and a few barrels of oil and put them in the Interspatial Ring.

After arriving at the south gate of Karen base, Tang Yao waited for a while.

At 12 o’clock, Tang Yao stepped out of the Karen base.

After passing the military blockade, Tang Yao entered the wilderness.

Except for the field training in mainland Australia a few days ago, this is the second time that Tang Yao has walked into the wilderness.

There is a river near the Karen base, and there are also many trees and flowers, and the scenery is not bad.

It was the temperature that the thief pulled high, which made Tang Yao a little uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the Practitioner has a strong physique, and the general high temperature will not affect the combat effectiveness.

Taking out the motorcycle from the Interspatial Ring, Tang Yao rode it on and rushed south, leaving only a piece of dust.

Tang Yao’s vehicle driving skills are advanced, and riding a motorcycle is no problem at all.

The motorcycle under him was driving at the fastest speed, and Tang Yao didn’t control it with any pressure.

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