Chapter 159

Tang Yao’s expression remained unchanged, but his heart was cursing secretly.


This is the feeling again!

Didn’t run away!

Daddy has been targeted!

When Tang Yao walked out of the first small town, he felt this sense of crisis.

At that time, Tang Yao was outside the city.

Regarding this sense of crisis, Tang Yao was not sure whether it was being watched or brought to him by the zombies and upgraded beasts in the wilderness.

Since then, this sense of crisis has appeared from time to time.

Today, Tang Yao deliberately walked out of a building close to the edge of the city, just to verify it.

If ordinary people live in a town full of zombies and upgraded beasts, crisis is everywhere, and they will definitely not care about this faint sense of crisis.

But who is Tang Yao?

In the area occupied by the zombies, Tang Yao would not feel any sense of crisis at all, unless the corpse king appeared.

Therefore, as soon as this sense of crisis appeared, it attracted great attention from Tang Yao.

At the same time, Tang Yao was also sure that he was being watched.

Fortunately, Tang Yao has always been very cautious.

Every time he turned into a corpse or used the charm ability to practice, he hid in a building in the city.

Before walking out of the building in the form of a corpse king, Tang Yao would carefully observe it with the aid of primary pupil technique.

Make sure there is no problem before going out.

Even if he attacked the two human Practitioner teams in the small woods, Tang Yao chose to be in densely wooded areas.

People who couldn’t be found by the elementary pupil technique, even if they were monitoring Tang Yao, would inevitably be far away.

With such a long distance and the shelter of trees, even in God of War, it is impossible to see exactly what Tang Yao is doing.

Tang Yao, who was at ease in his heart, seemed to have not noticed anything, his expression relaxed, and he took out the motorcycle with a smile on his face.

Afterwards, Tang Yao walked in the direction of Karen base.

Soon, the sense of crisis disappeared.

Tang Yao kept on guard while driving his motorcycle forward.

Every time the sense of crisis is fleeting, this guy is really cautious enough in secret.

The guy staring at me must be a human being.

Otherwise, if it is the corpse king and the beast king, the town is their best chance to start.

Humans don’t dare to enter towns easily. There are too many zombies and upgraded beasts. Even if they hide their breath, they are likely to be discovered when they act.

Once the zombies and upgraded beasts find him, there will be movement, and it will definitely alert me.

This person should be a Practitioner under God of War. Intermediate or advanced fighters may be more likely.

If it is God of War, there is no need to have so much consideration, maybe I just shot it right after I arrived in the wilderness.

A sense of crisis is bound to be the enemy.


Isn’t it a member of the Saint League?


The people of the Saint League teamed up with the Corpse King not long ago and made a big vote against the peak of the old group of God of War.

Now it’s shot again, and it’s still targeting the top geniuses of the three martial arts, so courageous enough.

However, as long as there is no God of War shot, I am not afraid.

It is estimated that the guy in the dark should also take action.

If I don’t shoot anymore, I will return to Karen base.

Moreover, when it is about to return to the human world, the Practitioner’s vigilance should be relatively low, which is a good time to start.

Come on!

I can’t wait!

Tang Yao rode a motorcycle to walk and stop, getting off from time to time to clean up the zombies and upgraded beasts wandering on the road, without showing any abnormality.

Two hours later, Tang Yao had already walked back about half the distance, but nothing unusual happened.

Tang Yao is a little bit suspicious, isn’t I wrong in perception?

Tang Yao shook his head.

Right or wrong, it’s always right to be careful.

Tang Yao rode the motorcycle forward again for half an hour. Suddenly, Tang Yao heard a faint engine roar from behind through the ability of listening and demonstrating position.

Tang Yao’s eyes condensed, and he didn’t show anything, but he was secretly wary in his heart.

Gradually, the sound of the engine became louder and louder.

Through the rearview mirror, Tang Yao could already see the shape of the vehicle behind him in a blur.

It is a black off-road vehicle.

The speed of the off-road vehicle is not too fast, it is just a little bit faster than Tang Yao’s, and there is nothing unusual.

With the passage of time, the off-road vehicle is getting closer and closer to Tang Yao.

Soon, Tang Yao felt that someone took a look at himself, but there was no sense of crisis.

Tang Yao was on high alert, his ears moved slightly, and he took advantage of the vigilance of the elementary level listening to defend his position to prevent sneak attacks.

With the help of primary pupil technique, Tang Yao constantly observed the off-road vehicle behind him through the rearview mirror of the motorcycle.

There was only one person on the off-road vehicle, with black skin, a sturdy figure, and wearing sunglasses.

This person looked as usual, and there was no unusual behavior.

But Tang Yao still did not relax his vigilance.

After 10 minutes, the off-road vehicle finally caught up with Tang Yao.

To Tang Yao’s surprise, this black off-road vehicle whizzed past, neither speeding up nor slowing down, and the people in the car did not attack him, but simply surpassed him.

Afterwards, the off-road vehicle gradually disappeared from Tang Yao’s sight, leaving only the sky full of smoke and dust.

Tang Yao raised his brows, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.


It seems that I was too nervous.

It is normal to encounter Practitioners, especially black Practitioners, outside the densely populated Karen base.

When I met a lone person in the wilderness, the black Practitioner glanced at me curiously. It was normal.

Shaking his head, Tang Yao moved on.

After another half an hour, Tang Yao only had one hour’s drive from the Karen base.

At this time, Tang Yao heard the roar of the engine coming from behind him again.

Tang Yao once again increased his vigilance.

Once you have already been targeted, you can’t be too careful.

This time, an off-road vehicle came from behind.

However, it is gray.

This gray off-road vehicle was faster than the previous black off-road vehicle, but it was not much faster, and it did not accelerate or decelerate because it found Tang Yao.

Everything seems normal, as if there is nothing worthy of special attention.

Gradually, the gray off-road vehicle behind was getting closer and closer to Tang Yao.

Tang Yao didn’t look back, and drove his motorcycle forward on his own.

Through the rearview mirror of the motorcycle, Tang Yao found that there was also a person on the gray off-road vehicle behind.

He is also a black man, tall and majestic, and also wears a pair of sunglasses.

As the gray off-road vehicle behind got closer and closer, Tang Yao’s guard was constantly Ascension, and he was even ready to fight at any time.

Because, from beginning to end, Tang Yao didn’t feel any eyes watching him from behind.

This is not normal!

It must be abnormal to encounter a lone person in the wilderness without paying attention at all.

Moreover, Tang Yao discovered that the right door of the gray off-road vehicle was gone.

Looking at the remaining paw prints on the car, it should have been attacked by the upgraded beast.

It seems to be no problem, but once the people in the car want to do something to Tang Yao, it will be much more convenient without the barrier of the car door.

Tang Yao’s complexion was as usual, but in those eyes, there were flashes of cold light.

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