Chapter 162

Tang Yao, who was fleeing, was pale with his teeth clenched, enduring waves of severe pain from all over his body.

Originally, Tang Yao thought that he could hold on for a minute with a 10-fold increase.

But soon, Tang Yao discovered that he was thinking too well.

The body’s load exceeded the limit, and the cells in Tang Yao’s body instinctively burned energy wildly.

With the continuous decline of cell strength, even with the blessing of the healing power that doubles the recovery speed, the speed of the cracks in Tang Yao’s body is constantly increasing.

Tang Yao was secretly anxious.

If this goes on, absolutely not!

In an open place, the corpse king can fly, even if he keeps changing directions, it doesn’t make sense.

More time must be delayed!

After thinking about it, Tang Yaomeng changed direction and rushed towards a tall and lush dense forest more than 100 meters away.

At this time, the distance between the dead king and Tang Yao was already less than 1,000 meters.

The speed of the corpse king is about 15 times that of Tang Yao.

Tang Yao didn’t know how long it would take Wan Polu to catch up with the King Corpse behind him, but Tang Yao knew that if this continued, King Corpse would catch up with him before he ran into the dense forest.

Gritting his teeth, Tang Yao took out a bottle of life essence from the Interspatial Ring and drank a third.

After the entrance, a sweet and fragrant feeling lingered on the tip of Tang Yao’s tongue.

After the life essence entered Tang Yao’s body, it instantly turned into a huge energy that filled every part of Tang Yao’s body.

The cells that have burned a lot of energy are in a hungry state.

The huge energy that suddenly appeared, immediately caused a strong reaction of the cells, and began to absorb it frantically.

At the same time, Tang Yao started to run Primary Astrology, and the cells absorbed energy faster.

Tang Yao’s astrology level is intermediate, and he doesn’t have to sit down in the Lotus Position to operate the elementary astrology.

In Tang Yao’s body, the cells were frantically absorbing energy to supplement their own consumption, while frantically burning energy to support the huge load brought to the body by the 10-fold increase.

The rate of absorption was much faster than burning, and Tang Yao’s state was quickly recovering.

At the same time, the huge vitality contained in the essence of life was also repairing Tang Yao’s injuries.

The cracks on Tang Yao’s body began to diminish rapidly.

The life essence of a demon king’s whole body can be as low as Ascension God of War, which is 1,000 points of physique as Ascension.

And one-third of a bottle of life essence can Ascension 30 points of physique.

The energy that entered the body for a while was too strong, even if the cells of the whole body were absorbing frantically, Tang Yao still felt like he was about to burst.

Moreover, the energy in the life essence can be used for healing and consumption, but it must not be used for Ascension strength.

Otherwise, it will affect Tang Yao’s energy infusion when he breaks through to the warlord.

Taking a deep breath, Tang Yao instantly increased the secret technique from 10 times Ascension to 20 times the limit of primary secret technique.

Tang Yao’s speed was twice as fast.

At the same time, the rate at which Tang Yao’s cells burn energy increased sharply again, basically the same as the rate at which energy was absorbed.

Upon seeing this, Tang Yao secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

From the rear, he was sure to take down Tang Yao’s Corpse King before Wan Polu could catch him. Seeing Tang Yao’s speed suddenly doubled, his heart sank.

There was a look of despair in the gray eyes of the corpse king.

But the corpse king did not give up, it still has a glimmer of hope.

It is betting that Tang Yao will not last long.

As long as Tang Yao’s speed slows down, he will still have a glimmer of life.

The corpse king’s heart was crossed, and the energy in the body began to burn in an instant.

However, this corpse king has just been promoted, but there is no Heavenly and Mortal Treasures like life essence that can quickly replenish energy, so he dare not burn too hard.

In addition, the corpse king had already increased the Ascension to the limit.

Therefore, although the speed of the corpse king is a little bit faster, it is not much.

Hearing the more violent breaking through the air behind him, Tang Yao’s heart was chilled.


This corpse king is actually speeding up!

Although the acceleration is not much, it is still nearly 10 times faster than mine.

Judging by the speed at which it approaches, I am afraid that before I enter the dense forest, I will be overtaken by it at the edge of the dense forest.

There is no way, let it be your fate!

I hope that Lao Wan will be more powerful!

Otherwise, this time I’m so fucking cold!

The rear of the corpse king turned into a flame of fire chasing Wan Po prisoner, but his eyes lit up.

Wan Polu didn’t hesitate. At the moment when the corpse king accelerated, he also began to burn energy.

Wan Polu’s speed is faster!

While chasing, Wan Polu cursed in his heart.

Tang Yao, the bastard kid!

Originally, when the corpse king appeared, as long as he immediately escaped for his life, daddy was sure to stop the corpse king before the corpse king could catch him.

However, this kid was so stupid that he didn’t run away immediately.

The idiot didn’t start running until I warned, wasting two seconds in vain.

Just two seconds, terrible!

Fortunately, this kid still has a hole card.

A 9-star soldier can run so fast, this kid is hiding very deep!

Although the corpse king also accelerated, it did not accelerate as much as Tang Yao.

From this point of view, Tang Yao could still hold on for an extra second.

About 1 second!

Just 1 second!

What a hell!

Soon, Tang Yao approached the dense forest for more than 50 meters.

At this time, the corpse king chasing behind was less than 500 meters away from Tang Yao.

Moreover, the energy provided by the life essence in Tang Yao’s body was absorbed by the cells a lot, and the energy concentration was also reduced a lot.

Tang Yao discovered that the rate at which cells absorb energy has gradually been unable to keep up with the rate at which cells burn energy.

Tang Yao didn’t hesitate, after taking out the life essence, he drank a third bottle again.

The energy in the body once again exploded, and the speed at which the cells absorb and burn energy reached a balance again.

What made Tang Yao a little pleased was that Tang Yao could not only hear the sound of the corpse king approaching behind him, but also the louder sound of Wan Po Li.

After advancing about 50 meters again, Tang Yao had reached the edge of the dense forest.

At this moment, the corpse king, who was less than 5 meters away from Tang Yao, suddenly launched an attack.

The corpse king concentrated all his power on his right fist and bombarded Tang Yao away.

The body of the corpse king, driven by the right fist carrying immense power and speed, the speed increased again.

The distance is too short, even if Tang Yao enters the dense forest, I am afraid that before he can dodge, he will be concentrated by the fist of the king of the dead.

A fierce light flashed in Tang Yao’s eyes, and his heart moved fiercely.

Talented ability: Charm!

In an instant, Tang Yao’s Mental Energy consumed 60%.

Adding in the 30% Mental Energy consumed on black men before and the 5% Mental Energy consumed just after activating the healing power, Tang Yao’s remaining Mental Energy is only 5%.

Tang Yao’s face turned pale in an instant, his brain roared, stinging, and his whole person was in a state of fainting.

Tang Yao bit his lip fiercely, the sharp pain and the smell of blood refreshed Tang Yao’s spirit.

Coupled with the fact that the energy and vitality in the body were constantly repairing his injuries, Tang Yao didn’t faint.

Tang Yao slammed his feet on the ground, and the whole person shot into the dense forest like a cannonball.

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