Chapter 164 This kid actually still has a hole card!

Wan Polu was really moved by the idea of ​​robbing people.

At the beginning, Jiang Changhai valued Tang Yao because Tang Yao hoped to succeed him in the future.

At that time, Jiang Changhai will be able to get out, concentrate on cultivation, and strive for an early breakthrough to God of War.

Wan Polu valued Tang Yao for the same reason as Jiang Changhai.

Moreover, compared to Jiang Changhai, it is even more difficult for Wan Polu to find someone to take over!

Because Wan Polu was based in Xia Guo’s capital base, and he had extremely high demands on the general curator.

If it is not only the pinnacle of God of War, but also the Awakened, the Mind City Mansion must also be taller, preferably Xia Guoren.

These requirements, except Cultivation Base Tang Yao is not enough, the others are consistent.

Wan Polu had been searching for many years, and finally found a suitable Back Pot Man, he naturally wouldn’t let it go easily.

Wan Polu held Tang Yao and flew towards Karen Base, thinking with joy.


Ok, deal!

If the old ginger doesn’t let go, I will go to the martial arts headquarters to make trouble.

Tang Yao, this kid, I’m going to make a decision!

There are too many things on the capital base.

Being the general curator of Juntian Martial Arts Hall over there is really too busy, I don’t have much time to cultivate.

As long as this kid is promoted to God of War, I will let him be my deputy.

Try the management first, with me in the back, it’s not a big problem.

In a few years, this kid will almost be able to break through to the advanced God of War.

With this kid’s talent, when he is promoted to the advanced God of War, his combat power will not be inferior to the peak God of War.

When the time comes, I will give him the position.

With the experience of the past few years, with this kid’s disposition, it should be no problem to manage the Juntian Martial Arts Hall in the capital base.

At that time, I can get away successfully, and I can hit the Realm above God of War with all my strength.


Meidi is very!

Tang Yao, who was in a coma, did not know that his fate had been properly arranged by the captive Wan Po.

The original one-hour drive, under the extremely fast flight of Manpo, returned to the Karen base in a few minutes.

Putting Tang Yao on a bed in a guest room, Wan Poluo checked Tang Yao.

Wan Polu didn’t put Tang Yao in the medical cabin, because no matter how good the medical cabin, the healing effect would not be as good as the life essence.

After the inspection, Wan Polu looked at Tang Yao on the bed and nodded with a smile.

Mental Energy was consumed too much, which was the main reason why Tang Yao fell into a coma.

Depending on the situation, there should be no damage to the foundation of the ability, and the problem is not big.

As long as Mental Energy recovers, this kid can wake up.

The physical damage is more serious, and it should have been caused by burning a lot of physical energy before.

There was also the final impact, without any avoidance, this kid directly hit the big tree.

Moreover, the speed of this kid at that time was very fast, which caused a great impact and caused great damage to the body.

Fortunately, this kid still has the energy and vitality of the essence of life remaining in his body. Recovery is not a big problem, it is just a matter of time.

Suddenly, Wan Polu raised his brow.

On the way back, Wan Polujing thought about good things and didn’t pay attention.

During this inspection, Wan Polu discovered Tang Yao’s abnormality.

This kid’s recovery speed is wrong!

Even with life essence to assist in healing, the speed of recovery should not be so fast!

Calculated by the strength of this kid’s body and the role of life essence, the normal recovery speed should be twice as slow!

This kid actually has a hole card!

Immediately, Wan Polu smiled.

The more hole cards, the better!

The more hole cards this kid has, the more surprised those who know it will be when he is revealed one by one.

At that time, I will have less resistance to this kid to take over.

Seeing that Tang Yao’s injury was developing in a good direction, Wan Polu was relieved.

Out of the room, Wan Polu came to a conference room.

There is only one person in the conference room, and it is Liang Shaohui.

Wan Polu sat down opposite Liang Shaohui and asked, “Lao Liang, how is it?”

Liang Shaohui said with a gloomy expression: “If one is dead, the others are fine.”

Wan Polu frowned and asked, “Is he killed by the Saint League or by the corpse king?”

Liang Shaohui shook his head and said, “No, I died in a town in the wilderness. I don’t know if he died in the hands of zombies or upgraded beasts. No suspicious characters were found in the accompanying person. Or the corpse king.”

Wan Polu was taken aback, he really didn’t expect this result.

Who is that?

So lucky!

The students who came to participate in the competition this time are all the best people of the same level in the training camp. It shouldn’t be the case.

Even if you can’t beat zombies and upgraded beasts, it’s okay to find dangerous running in advance.

Facing Wan Polu’s puzzled gaze, Liang Shaohui sighed and said, “Petrov.”

Wan Polu thought for a while and asked, “The one who has a little conflict with Tang Yao?”


Liang Shaohui nodded and said.

Wan Polu nodded without paying attention, and said, “Tell me about the specific situation of other people.”

Liang Shaohui said: “This time, it should be the joint action between the Holy League and the Zombie King in the wilderness. The Holy League is the first to send high-ranking generals to take action. If it doesn’t work, the Zombie King will take action. The most dangerous thing is Chu Jian. Chu. After the sword killed the senior soldiers of the Saint League, an intermediate corpse king appeared. Fortunately, Samuel was there and killed the intermediate corpse king, Chu Jian was fine.”

“Irina has withstood the Saint League’s senior generals, unable to attack for a long time, and a junior corpse king appeared, which was killed by a martial arts senior God of War accompanying him. Plum is not an opponent of the Saint League’s people at all. , Was rescued by a mid-level God of War accompanying him. Due to the premature exposure, no corpse king was found.”

“The most interesting thing is from Yuan Zhan’s side. As soon as the people from Shengmeng showed up, they wanted to get close to Yuan Zhan. As a result, I didn’t know if Yuan Zhan had noticed something, so this kid threw out a bunch of miniature nuclear bombs. .”

Speaking of this, Liang Shaohui couldn’t help but smiled, and continued: “The senior fighter did not react and was directly killed. Yuan Zhan was also affected, but the injuries were not serious. Then, a junior corpse appeared. Wang, I wanted to attack Yuan Zhan. However, it was killed by our people.”

After listening to this, Wan Polu couldn’t help but smile.

The little guy Yuan Zhan is quite interesting.

Micro nuclear bomb!

Who is okay with that stuff!

Moreover, several mini-nuclear bombs were tied together deliberately.

Liang Shaohui asked: “By the way, Lao Wan, how are you following Tang Yao?”

Wan Polu smiled, and said: “On the way back, a senior war fighter appeared first, but Tang Yao was killed by two. Later, a junior corpse king appeared, and I killed him.”

Hearing this, Liang Shaohui was surprised.

9 star warriors kill the senior warriors!

Lao Wan is not fooling me, is it?

Seeing Liang Shaohui’s disbelief, Wan Polu curled his lips and said, “I didn’t lie to you, the body of that senior war fighter is still in Tang Yao’s Interspatial Ring!”

Liang Shaohui opened his mouth wide in shock, his eyes rounded.

That’s the 9-star warrior who killed the high-ranking generals!

Let alone seeing this kind of thing, Liang Shaohui was the first time he even heard of it.

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