Chapter 172 Crazy Vikvari

Tang Yao killed Zalusok, but Vikvari didn’t care.

However, Tang Yao killed Zalusok in the first match, and Vikvari felt that Tang Yao was provoking the majesty of God of War.

As the number one soldier-level student in the God of War martial arts training camp, Vikvari absolutely can’t stand this happening.

After the referee announced the start, Vikvari did not attack immediately.

Vikvari showed a cruel smile and said coldly to Tang Yao: “Tang Yao, you will pay for your arrogance and rudeness.”

Tang Yao smiled gently, and spit out two words in his mouth.


Hearing this, Vikvari was startled at first, then furious.

Without saying more, Vikvari stomped on the ground with both feet and rushed towards Tang Yao with great speed.

The same is true for Tang Yao.

When the two were two meters apart, Vikvari raised his right hand and slammed Tang Yao away with a full punch.

The moment Vicvari punched, Tang Yao predicted the direction he would attack.

But Tang Yao didn’t respond immediately, he was waiting, waiting for Vikvari’s attack to take shape.

At that time, Vikvari couldn’t hold his full blow and couldn’t change his move in time.

Halfway through Vikvari’s fist, Tang Yao’s figure flashed and appeared on Vikvari’s left side.

Immediately, Tang Yao kicked out and went straight to Vikvari’s waist.

Vikvari was shocked, and his feet instantly increased in strength, and a struggling forward thrust that could have escaped Tang Yao’s kick.

Vikvari took a few steps forward before stopping.

Just about to turn around, Vikvari heard a bad wind coming from the right back of his head.

Vikvari immediately squatted down, and at the same time, with his feet hard, he leaped to the left.

Behind Vikvari, Tang Yao smiled coldly.

Tang Yao’s attack on Vikvari’s head was a fake move. In order to disturb Vikvari’s heart, Tang Yao deliberately opened his five fingers to bring more wind.

What Tang Yao wanted was that Vikvari wanted to avoid him on the left.

The real attack was on Tang Yao’s left foot.


At the moment Vikvari jumped up, Tang Yao accurately kicked Vikvari’s butt.


The leaping Vikvari was kicked by Tang Yao, and Vikvari, who was caught off guard, fell directly into a dog.

Tang Yao used a lot of strength, and after Vicvari fell to the ground, he slid forward for a certain distance before stopping.

Tang Yao didn’t take the opportunity to continue attacking, but stood still and looked at Vikvari like a dog with a smile.


If you are lucky, it is not convenient to kill you now.

If I kill you again, I killed two of the three top geniuses of the God of War martial arts hall. I guess the people at the God of War martial arts hall can explode.

If I can’t kill you, then I will humiliate you.

Dare to bark teeth with daddy!


After Vikvari stopped, he immediately stood up and turned and glared at Tang Yao.

At this time, Vikvari had all his clothes, arms and face scratched, and blood dripped dripping.

Vikvari was extremely embarrassed, his face flushed, and his eyes fiercely staring at Tang Yao.

Vikvari suffered such a big humiliation for the first time in his life.

The expressions of the people watching from the outside of the field are very exciting.

The people in Juntian Martial Arts Hall and Guangming Martial Arts Hall wanted to laugh, but felt the extremely depressing atmosphere in God of War Martial Art Hall, and they all resisted and did not laugh.

The faces of the people in the God of War martial arts hall were ugly, and several God of War-class powerhouses looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

Originally, Zalusok died in Tang Yao’s hands, and they wanted to trouble the Juntian Martial Arts Hall.

Look now, don’t look for it anymore.

Vikvari is the strongest soldier-level student in the God of War martial arts genius training camp, and Zalusok is not his opponent at all.

But now, as soon as they met, Vikvari was beaten like this bear by Tang Yao.

It is conceivable that the gap between Zalusok and Tang Yao is even greater.

Tang Yao and Zalusok fought for ten minutes before they played the killer.

To say how much Tang Yao is too much, I can’t talk about it.

After all, within ten minutes of the battle, Zalusok made a fatal move to put Tang Yao to death.

If you really went to trouble with Juntian Martial Arts Hall, it would be self-inflicted.

At this time, Vikvari shouted angrily: “Tang Yao, you are looking for death!”

After all, Vikvari stared!

In an instant, Tang Yao felt the fluctuation of Mental Energy on Vikvari’s body.

Tang Yao was taken aback.

This guy is the awakener!

I didn’t have skin contact with Vikvari in the battle just now, and I really didn’t feel it.

As Tang Yao felt the fluctuation of Mental Energy, Vikvari’s body began to swell rapidly.

Soon, Vikvari’s changes stopped and he became a giant over two meters tall.

Vikvari’s breath is much stronger, almost twice as strong.

Seeing Vikvari’s manic gaze, Tang Yao shook his head.

Similar to violent abilities, the effect is almost double the physique, which is very powerful.

But the shortcomings are also obvious, the whole person will fall into a manic state, and the mind will be affected.

Unlike old ginger’s power enhancement ability, although it only strengthens the power alone, the mind will not be affected.

For Tang Yao, Vikvari is now easier to deal with.

Everyone was shocked when they saw that Vikvari had activated his talent ability.

Especially the people in Juntian Martial Arts Hall secretly worried about Tang Yao.

Of course, in addition to Wan Polu.

Wan Polu shook his head and let out a light sigh.

Looking for death!

Tang Yao’s talent ability can make opponents fall into a sluggish state.

In a desperate situation, even the corpse king can influence.

If Vikvari was in a normal state, he could still struggle a bit.

Now, Vikvari, who has activated his talent ability, not only consumes Mental Energy, but also falls into a violent state. He is not Tang Yao’s opponent at all.


Vikvari let out an irritable roar, and then rushed towards Tang Yao with great speed.

All-round strength Ascension doubled, if he fights hard, Tang Yao is really no opponent.

Tang Yao smiled coldly and immediately ran towards the edge of the battlefield.

When Tang Yao ran to the edge of the battlefield, Vikvari from behind had already caught up.

At the same time, Vicvari’s huge fist bombarded Tang Yao.

Tang Yao’s complexion was calm, and his heart moved.

Talented ability: Charm!

To be safe, Tang Yao directly consumed 20% of Mental Energy.

In an instant, Vikvari’s gaze changed from violent to hollow.

Consciousness fell into a sluggishness, but Vikvari’s attacks did not stop.

Under the effect of inertia, Vikvari’s fist still attacked Tang Yao, but his speed and strength were reduced a lot.

Tang Yao dodged towards Vikvari’s left side and avoided the attack.


Tang Yao raised his right leg and kicked Vikvari’s waist.


Vikvari was kicked by Tang Yao and fell face down again onto the ground outside the battle platform.

This time, as Vikvari was in a violent state, his defensive power Ascension was doubled, but he was not injured.

The pain caused Vikvari out of the control of the charm ability, and his eyes were no longer empty.

Seeing that he had already been beaten by Tang Yao, and that he was still in a position that made him extremely ashamed, Vikvari, who was already in a violent state, went crazy in an instant.

Vikvari stood up, immediately turned around, and rushed towards Tang Yao on the stage with blood red eyes.

Looking at the already crazy Vikvari, Tang Yao’s eyes flashed with coldness.

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