Chapter 177

On the night of July 30th, Tang Yao spent 9 days to finally change his physical strength from 96 to 99, reaching the critical point of breakthrough.

The closer to the critical point of breakthrough, the harder it is to achieve strength and it will take more time.

Tang Yao was not in a hurry to make a breakthrough, because he had to polish it carefully.

Tang Yao himself still has some unsatisfactory points, and he must break through after he has polished himself to completion.

In this way, although it can’t Ascension combat effectiveness, it can persist for a longer time at breakthrough.

The longer you persist, the more powerful Ascension.

Moreover, before every breakthrough, we will polish ourselves to perfection, which is also consolidating the foundation, and the road in the future will be smoother.

Tang Yao polished for 10 days before breaking through the army.

This time, Tang Yao estimated that it would take about a month.

The next morning, after Tang Yao had breakfast, he came to the door of Building 34.



After knocking on the door twice, Tang Yao waited quietly.

Soon, the door was opened, revealing Yi Qingxuan’s figure.

Seeing that it was Tang Yao, Yi Qingxuan looked at him with some doubts.

Tang Yao said straightforwardly: “No need to wait any longer, you can discuss with your family as soon as possible. As long as the conditions I put forward can be met, the 5 bottles of Red Maple Demon King’s life essence are yours. If someone asks, you Just say that you bought it from Wan Polu, the general curator of Juntian Wushu in the capital base.”

When Tang Yao handed over the life essence of the Red Maple Demon King to Wanpolu, Wanpolu agreed to cover Tang Yao.

With Wan Polu’s help, Tang Yao didn’t need to cover up.

Simply, Tang Yao advanced his deal with Yi Qingxuan.

The most important thing is to get the benefits as soon as possible, and to arm yourself as soon as possible.

Upon hearing this, Yi Qingxuan’s eyes lit up.

Although Tang Yao had promised to sell five bottles of the Red Maple Demon King’s life essence to her, as long as the things were not available, there might be variables, and Yi Qingxuan’s heart would inevitably be uneasy.

Now, Tang Yao let go, and Yi Qingxuan’s heart was relieved a lot.

But when she thought of the conditions Tang Yao put forward, Yi Qingxuan secretly felt bitter in her heart.

The family level is not easy!

After the notification, Tang Yao smiled at Yi Qingxuan, then turned and left.

Looking at Tang Yao’s back, Yi Qingxuan raised her brows.

It is not easy for Tang Yao to tell Wan Polu to cover him!

A few days ago, in the three major martial arts competitions, Tang Yao easily won the first place in the combat class.

This matter has been spread in the training camp.

Tang Yao has already begun to rise.

Moreover, the speed of rise is still very fast.


Back in Building No. 33, Tang Yao entered the cultivation room on the ground floor and began to polish himself.

At noon, after eating lunch, Tang Yao opened a multi-person communication, and at the same time dialed the communication between Tang Yuanshan and Bai Qiuyun.

Although Tang Yao often communicated with his home, he was in a hurry every time.

Tang Yao was busy with cultivation, Tang Yuanshan was busy with the maintenance of the crystal armor factory, and Bai Qiuyun was also busy with the class.

Taking advantage of the lunch break, the family can just chat.

Moreover, Jiang Changhai had returned to the Ningcheng base for more than ten days, and he had also brought back the essence of life.

Tang Yao also wanted to ask Tang Yuanshan and Bai Qiuyun how the physical fitness improved.

Soon, the communications between Tang Yuanshan and Bai Qiuyun were connected.

Seeing Tang Yuanshan and Bai Qiuyun appearing on the light curtain, Tang Yao smiled warmly.

Tang Yuanshan smiled and said, “Yeah! Why did busy people think of contacting me?”

Tang Yao smiled and said, “I just wanted to chat with my mother, and by the way, I called you up.”

Before Tang Yuanshan could fight back, Bai Qiuyun said distressedly: “Xiao Yao, you are thin. You are out alone, so you must take care of yourself!”

Tang Yao nodded and smiled: “Mom, don’t worry, I took good care of myself. By the way, Mom, I see you are a lot younger! My mother is really getting more and more beautiful!”

Bai Qiuyun smiled happily: “Yeah! Someone sent me and your dad 4 bottles of life essence a few days ago, saying that you entrusted them to bring us. After using them, my physique and your dad are both good. It has been greatly improved.”

Tang Yao asked, “Mom, you don’t use life essence cultivation, right?”

Bai Qiuyun said: “No, don’t worry, the person who sent the goods has explained to us. My father and I have two bottles of life essence, both of which are used to improve physical fitness. Ascension is talented. Now, we still have life essence in our bodies. The energy and vitality of the people are retained. The improvement is not over yet. When it is over, the effect will be better.”

Hearing this, Tang Yao nodded.

Old ginger is still very reliable.

Bai Qiuyun continued: “Also, your dad and I have used the Pure Body Pill, Huang Yuanguo, Xuanyuanguo and other things you sent, and the effect is very good. I have now been promoted to a 5-star warrior, you Dad has also stabilized at a 2-star warlord.”

Tang Yao smiled and said: “Mom, when you and Old Tang are improved by the essence of life, coupled with the effect of the body purification pill, your talent is the second-class genius level, and the cultivation speed will be faster.”

“Old Tang, I’ll send you 3 earthen fruits in a while, and use them as soon as I receive them. After digestion and absorption, you will be a 5-star warrior. Hurry up, and if you have the opportunity, you can take the position of the director of the crystal armor repair factory. Take it down.”

Tang Yuanshan laughed and scolded, “You don’t need to direct you blindly about daddy’s affairs, daddy knows it in his heart.”

Taking a look at Tang Yuanshan, Tang Yao continued: “It is estimated that in a month, I will go back. Before I leave, I have already reached the level of Consummation in your Physical Ascension. During this period of time, your all-out Ascension Cultivation Base will be enough. Okay. Don’t cultivation for tactics and Movement Technique. When I go back, I’ll help you Ascension.”

Hearing this, Tang Yuanshan and Bai Qiuyun both smiled and nodded.

Tang Yao will go back in another month, and they are naturally happy.

But in the hearts of the two, it is inevitable that there is a sense of loss.

Not only can they not help Tang Yao, but they also need Tang Yao to provide them with resources to help them Ascension strength.

A sense of powerlessness emerged in their hearts.

At this time, Bai Qiuyun said: “Xiao Yao, your cultivation also needs a lot of resources, so don’t always buy so many good things for me and your dad. During this time, we have checked the things you sent back one after another. At once, the combined value is nearly tens of billions. You are now in the rapid Ascension period of strength, and you use good things on your own body.”

Hearing this, Tang Yuanshan also nodded.

Tang Yao smiled and said, “Mom, don’t worry! I picked up a good thing some time ago, and it happened to be needed by someone, and sold a lot of money, which is enough for my cultivation. The things I send you, you can rest assured and bold. Use it. I’ll send it to you again.”

Tang Yuanshan sighed and said with a smile: “Autumn Yun, this kid is developed, and it should be filial to us. Let’s use it with ease. We are strong, and this kid can rest assured.”

Bai Qiuyun nodded, showing a relieved smile.

After talking for more than half an hour, the three of them hung up the communication.

Afterwards, Tang Yao walked out of Building No. 33 and headed straight for the Tian Pavilion.

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