Chapter 183

After Hou Hui left, Tang Yao had lunch with the assistance of the robot.

Tang Yao was very uncomfortable being fed, but there was no good way.

Afterwards, Tang Yao walked into the cultivation room and began to adapt to Ascension’s strength with body-building fist over and over again.


At noon on the 28th, after Tang Yao had lunch, he secretly thought about it during his break.

After getting used to it for a day, I control the physical strength of Ascension by 10 points.

This speed is not bad!

Counting today, I will be able to fully control the strength of Ascension in 24 days.

Not bad, less than a month, totally acceptable.

It seems that my return to the Ningcheng base will be delayed for a while.

However, it will not be long.

My current physical strength is 356 points, and I have already controlled 109 points.

As long as my control reaches half, there will be no impact on my daily life.

Of course, fighting is not okay, nor is it okay to equip genetic medicine.

In another week, it’s almost there.

According to what Liang Shaohui said, the speed of my control of Ascension should be 5 times faster than usual.

In other words, after I was promoted to the general, I can control about 2 points of physique a day.

It’s about the same as my previous estimate.

Levels 4 to 6 genetic medicines are all available in a bottle that can Ascension 10 points of constitution, I should be able to control it in five days.

In other words, it will take me 50 days to get a level of Ascension, which is a bit slow.

It seems that genetic medicine alone is not enough.

Earth Element Fruit can only be used three times, and it can only make me Ascension three levels.

If you want to reach the 9-star warlord as soon as possible, you have to rely on the essence of life.

But the essence of life is really rare!

After thinking for a while, Tang Yao sent a message to Tang Yuanshan and Bai Qiuyun each, informing them of the approximate time when they would return to the Ningcheng base.

Subsequently, Tang Yao continued to adapt to Ascension’s strength through body-building boxing.


On the 30th, in the morning.



Tang Yao just heard a knock on the door after eating breakfast with the assistance of the robot.

Walking slowly to the door, Tang Yao opened the door.

At the door, standing a beautiful figure, it was Yi Qingxuan.

Tang Yao’s eyes lit up and smiled.

It’s been a whole month, and finally I have a conclusion.

Invited Yi Qingxuan in, and the two sat down on the sofa in the reception area.

Tang Yao smiled and said, “Miss Iraqi University, your speed is a bit slow! Why? There are results?”

Yi Qingxuan nodded and said, “Tang Yao, the family is not in my line. It should be spent some time. Now, the family has agreed to the conditions you put forward.”

“Then congratulations to Yi Da Miss! Didn’t you talk to Yi’s family about me?”

“No, according to what you said earlier, what I said to the family is that the life essence of the Red Maple Demon King was bought from Director Wan.”

Tang Yao nodded in satisfaction and asked, “When will we sign the agreement? When can we trade?”

“The agreement can be signed now, and the transaction has to wait a while. I have already bought the suit, and I also bought the small war shuttle. Now the laser cannon is installed in the factory according to your needs. It is mainly the essence of life, and there is no market. , It will take a while.”

After that, Yi Qingxuan took out two contracts from the Interspatial Ring and handed them to Tang Yao.

Tang Yao took it and looked at it carefully, then nodded in satisfaction.

The contract is very simple, that is, it lists Tang Yao’s conditions.

Yi Qingxuan only added one, that is, Tang Yao can’t reveal anything about her, including her talents and current hidden dangers.

The bottom left corner of the contract was signed with Yi Qingxuan’s name and the seal of the owner of the Yi family.

Tang Yao didn’t talk nonsense, took out the pen, and signed his name in the lower right corner of the contract.

Tang Yao put away one contract and gave the other to Yi Qingxuan.

Later, Tang Yao asked: “How long will it take to install the laser cannon on the Battle Shuttle?”

Yi Qingxuan replied: “You asked to install 10 laser cannons. It’s too much and it’s a bit troublesome. The factory told me that it would take at least 3 days.”

After thinking about it, Tang Yao said, “I will leave the training camp in a few days, and I will use the war shuttle. So, before the 5th, you will give me the suit and the war shuttle, and I will give you 3 bottles of red maple. The life essence of the Demon King. When you get the remaining 4 bottles of ordinary life essence, I will exchange the other two bottles of the life essence of the Red Maple Demon King with you.”

Yi Qingxuan nodded and said: “Okay!”

After that, Yi Qingxuan got up, turned and left.

Tang Yao shook his head and smiled.

This little lady, really didn’t say a word.


September 3.

Yi Qingxuan came to Building 33 again with a look of expectation.

After seeing Tang Yao, Yi Qingxuan took a black belt and a document bag from the Interspatial Ring and gave it to Tang Yao.

Yi Qingxuan said: “In the file bag are the related procedures of the Battle Shuttle, you should keep it. For the customized Battle Shuttle, I use a bearer card to pay. You don’t have to worry about what will be found. Parked in the public parking area in front of the martial arts headquarters.”

“There are a lot of war shuttles that come and go every day, no one cares if there is an extra war shuttle. You can enter the relevant procedures in the file bag into the tactical watch, and you can bind it with the war shuttle remotely.”

Hearing this, Tang Yao opened the file bag and took out the various procedures inside.

Tang Yao scanned these procedures one by one with a tactical watch and entered them.

Subsequently, Tang Yao followed the prompts and quickly completed the binding between the tactical watch and the war shuttle.

Tang Yao clicked a few times on the tactical watch, and a red dot appeared on the screen of the tactical watch.

The place where the red dot is located is the public parking area in front of the martial arts headquarters.

At this moment, Yi Qingxuan looked at the black belt in Tang Yao’s hand with a touch of strange color in her eyes.

Immediately, Yi Qingxuan said: “The black ball inlaid on the head of the belt is the battle suit. As long as you refine the battle suit, you can control it at will. If you don’t like to put it here Location, it can also be embedded in other locations.”

Tang Yao picked up the belt and looked at it. As expected, a black ball was inlaid on the head of the belt.

Tang Yao touched it, soft and comfortable.

Moreover, it is full of resilience.

The distance was getting closer, and Tang Yao smelled a faint fragrance on the belt.

The closer you are to the head of the belt, the stronger the fragrance of this fragrance.

Tang Yao’s heart jumped.

Yi Qingxuan personally mounted this battle suit, right?

Tang Yao smiled and glanced at Yi Qingxuan, raised the belt in his hand, and said, “I like this belt very much. Thank you!”

Upon hearing this, Yi Qingxuan’s eyes flickered, and said nothing.

Tang Yao put the belt into the Interspatial Ring, took out 3 bottles of the life essence of the Red Maple Demon King, and gave them to Yi Qingxuan.

Looking at the Red Maple Demon King’s life essence in her hand, Yi Qingxuan sighed lightly, her expression lightened a lot.

The corners of Yi Qingxuan’s mouth rose slightly, her face was not so cold, and her whole person looked more energetic and more attractive.

For a while, Tang Yao looked a little dazed, and his eyes opened wider.

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