Chapter 186 The Frozen Ability, Get it!

September 5, evening.

Tang Yao walked out of the cultivation room with a happy smile on his face.

After these days of cultivation, Tang Yao’s physical strength finally reached 186 points, more than half of his own physical strength.

In the future, Tang Yao will be able to take care of himself in Life.

After dinner, Tang Yao lifted his bond with the housekeeping robot.

Later, Tang Yao sent a message to Hou Hui.

This robot was rented by Hou Hui, and he had to pay it back.

Soon, Hou Hui arrived.

After chatting with Tang Yao for a while, Hou Hui left with the housekeeping robot.

After a brief cleaning, Tang Yao left Building No. 33 and went straight to the door of Building No. 34.



After knocking twice on the door, Tang Yao waited quietly.

Soon, the door was opened, and Yi Qingxuan’s graceful figure appeared.

Yi Qingxuan was wearing a set of practice clothes, and she seemed to be in cultivation just now.

Yi Qingxuan looked at Tang Yao and asked suspiciously: “Something?”

Tang Yao smiled and said, “I will return to Ningcheng Base in a while. Do you need me to help you bring it to your family?”

Upon hearing this, Yi Qingxuan frowned.

The current delivery system is so perfect, do I need you to help me bring things?

Tang Yao has nothing to say, what on earth does he want to do?

Yi Qingxuan shook her head and said, “Thank you, no need.”

Tang Yao nodded and said embarrassingly: “I will leave for a period of time, and my house will be idle for a period of time. I am not at ease if it is handed over to others. Could you please help me take care of it. If you have time, the most So I can clean up for me.”

After speaking, a bunch of keys appeared in Tang Yao’s hand and handed them to Yi Qingxuan.

Looking at the key and Tang Yao in front of her, Yi Qingxuan’s brows deepened.

Is my relationship with you so good?

Besides, the residences here are all public property of the training camp and do not need to be looked after at all.

For cleaning, when you come back, just spend 1 point of merit to rent a housekeeping robot.

Fast and clean!

This excuse is terrible!

What does Tang Yao want to do?

Looking at Yi Qingxuan’s expression, Tang Yao knew what she was thinking.

However, Tang Yao didn’t care.

I know this excuse sucks, so what?

Master, I don’t want to soak you, you can think about it as you like.

My goal is achieved!

Yi Qingxuan looked at Tang Yao puzzled, and finally reached out to pick up the key in Tang Yao’s hand.

Although Yi Qingxuan didn’t know Tang Yao’s purpose, she didn’t want to offend Tang Yao at this time because of this trivial matter.

After all, Tang Yao still had two bottles of the life essence of the Red Maple Demon King that she urgently needed.

Tang Yao’s eyes lit up, and while Yi Qingxuan was receiving the key, he pretended to touch her finger inadvertently.

Talent ability: Frozen, copyable, replaceable, not fusion!

Tang Yao chose to copy without hesitation.

Withdrawing her hand, Yi Qingxuan’s eyes were a little sullen.

Even if Tang Yao pretended to be inadvertent, Yi Qingxuan’s instinct told her that Tang Yao was deliberate.

Tang Yao turned a blind eye to this, waved his hand, and said, “Thank you!”

After speaking, Tang Yao turned and left.

Looking at Tang Yao’s back, Yi Qingxuan’s eyes became even more puzzled.

Just to touch my finger?

Tang Yao shouldn’t be so boring, right?

He said thank you, was it thanking me for helping him look after the house, or something else?


After walking a little farther, Tang Yao stood on the road, closing his eyes to perceive the newly acquired frozen ability.

Five seconds later, Tang Yao opened his eyes, his eyes full of ecstasy.

Originally, I only knew that Yi Qingxuan’s ability was Frozen.

But I didn’t expect it to be so powerful!

This ice-sealing ability does not use ice to form a large ice block outside the opponent’s body and seal the opponent.

It is to freeze all the liquid in the opponent’s body!

Through the body surface, directly acting on the opponent’s body, it is difficult to defend.

The strength of the Practitioner is mainly in physical strength.

Blood is spread all over the body, once it is frozen, it will inevitably make the opponent’s strength greatly reduced.

Same as Realm’s Practitioner, as long as it is not the Awakener, no one is her opponent at all.

Even if the Realm is higher, the strength will be affected.

Of course, if the strength exceeds too much, the effect will be greatly reduced.

After all, the higher the Practitioner’s strength, the more vigorous the power of qi and blood.

Even so, it is very powerful.

Yi Qingxuan, this little lady, luck is also too good!

Awakened such a powerful talent ability!

No wonder the Yi family invested so much in her!

Good thing!

Now it’s cheaper for me!


It’s just a pity that this frozen ability can’t be fused with my other two abilities.

Otherwise, I still have one more ability category.

Hope, the next one can be integrated!

Tang Yao smiled, with some expectations in his eyes, and walked forward.

The direction he is heading is exactly the accommodation area for the students from the capital base.

More than ten minutes later, Tang Yao walked to the small building No. 1 in the student accommodation area of ​​the Beijing Base.

This is where Chu Jian lives.



Tang Yao walked to the door and knocked twice on the door.

After waiting for a while, the door of the room was opened by Chu Jian with wet hair.

It seemed that Chu Jian was taking a bath just now.

Chu Jian looked at Tang Yao with some confusion. He didn’t have much contact with Tang Yao, and he didn’t know why Tang Yao came to him so late.

But Tang Yao is the only person in the training camp who can match his talent.

For Tang Yao, Chu Jian was still somewhat interested.

Chu Jian asked, “Junior Brother Tang, what’s the matter?”

Tang Yao smiled and said, “I have something to ask Brother Chu.”

Chu Jian said, “Come in.”

After speaking, Chu Jian gave up the passage at the door.

Tang Yao raised his foot and walked in.

Sitting on the sofa in the reception area, Chu Jian said, “If you have anything to do with Junior Brother Tang, you might as well speak up.”

Tang Yao nodded, and said directly: “I wonder if Brother Chu is not interested in taking over the Juntian Martial Arts Hall in the capital base?”

Hearing this, Chu Jian was startled.

Can you and I decide this matter?

Chu Jian smiled and asked, “Junior Brother Tang, why do you ask like that?”

Tang Yao thought for a while, and said, “Some time ago, the Director General Wan of the Beijing Base had contacted me, hoping that I could be his successor. Brother Chu is from the Beijing Base, so it must be the same for Director Wan. Some understanding.”

“What he most hopes now is that someone can replace him. In this way, he can free up time to cultivation and break through to God of War as soon as possible. But my foundation is in Ningcheng base, where there are my family and friends. , I don’t want to leave yet.”

“So, I thought of Senior Brother Chu. Senior Brother Chu is also stronger than me, and he will be promoted to God of War earlier, and he can share the worries for Director General Wan more quickly. Moreover, Senior Brother Chu was born in the capital base, and He is a super genius of Juntian Wushu Hall. On the whole, Brother Chu is more suitable than me.”

Hearing this, Chu Jian looked at Tang Yao appreciatively.

The successor to the chief curator of Juntian Wuguan in the Beijing base, but it means huge authority.

Tang Yao wanted to give it to me!

Moreover, he can actually be so valued by Director Wan!

This one is extraordinary!

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