Chapter 188 Tang Yao’s First Fighting Shuttle

As he walked, Tang Yao calculated in his heart.

As I previously estimated, the fusion between talented abilities and talented abilities requires 30% of Mental Energy.

In addition to the Mental Energy consumed by copying the Frozen Ability before, the Mental Energy consumed by me has reached a critical point.

It seems that we will leave later.

Otherwise, if there is any trouble on the road, the talent can not be used, and it will be in trouble.

When he reached the gate, Tang Yao sent a message to Hao Jing and walked out of the training camp.

Now, Tang Yao has been promoted to the ranks and can freely enter and exit the training camp.

However, every time I leave the training camp, I have to say hello to Hao Jing.

Soon, Tang Yao came to the global headquarters of Juntian Martial Arts Hall.

Looking at the brightly lit office area in front of him, Tang Yao secretly sighed.

Here is the headquarters of the world’s No. 1 martial arts gym, and the office of the world’s No. 1 powerhouse Yingjun.

I don’t know when I will have a place here.

It won’t be long!

Ying Miao Miao!

Will it be here now?

Shaking his head, Tang Yao turned and walked towards the public parking area in front of the headquarters.

Under the guidance of the tactical watch, Tang Yao quickly walked to the southeast corner of the parking area.

A new streamlined small war shuttle appeared in front of Tang Yao.

This war shuttle is entirely black, and at night, if you don’t pay attention, it’s easy to ignore its existence.

The war shuttle is 8 meters long, 5 meters wide, and 3 meters high.

There are 10 laser cannons with adjustable attack angles on the eight positions and up and down of the shuttle.

The huge muzzle and black hole opened its mouth like a beast that had chosen people to eat.

Tang Yao nodded in satisfaction, then clicked on the tactical watch.

In an instant, Zhan Shuo’s hatch opened, and Tang Yao walked in.

Inside the battle shuttle, there are two single beds at the end for people to rest.

There are also two foldable medical cabins under the bed, which can be treated in time if injured.

In the middle position, on the aisle, is a rectangular rounded-corner liftable table.

On both sides of the aisle, there are a couch and two single sofas.

A little further forward, facing the cabin door, is a wooden wine cabinet with various fine wines and wine glasses.

Foremost is the cockpit of the war shuttle.

Tang Yao glanced around and nodded in satisfaction.

Later, Tang Yao walked into the cockpit and sat in the driving seat.

In front of the driving position, there is a 180-degree circular glass that allows the driver to clearly see the situation ahead.

Compared with the general small war shuttle, the cockpit of this war shuttle is much simpler and more spacious.

Tang Yao raised his hand and pressed his palm to the glass.

A red light appeared at the position where Tang Yao was pressing.

Soon, a mechanical voice sounded.

“Fingerprint matching is successful, immediately start scanning.”

When the sound fell, two small holes appeared in the upper middle of the glass, and two red lights shot out from inside.

Red light continuously scanned Tang Yao’s body, focusing on Tang Yao’s face and eyes.

After a few seconds, the red light disappeared.

The sound of machinery sounded again.

“After scanning, it meets the characteristics of the war shuttle owner. Please show me the proof of this war shuttle.”

Hearing this, Tang Yao raised his wrist and tapped a few times on the tactical watch.

Immediately, a light curtain projected from the tactical watch and onto the glass.

After 3 seconds.

The mechanical sound sounded for the third time.

“Verification is complete! War Shuttle owns Tang Yao, and you have the ownership and maximum control rights of this War Shuttle.”

Tang Yao smiled and asked, “Jingnao, do you have a name?”

“No, I only have a code name.”

“Then you will be called Xiaohei from now on!”

“Yes Master.”

“Xiao Hei, close the hatch and introduce me to this war shuttle.”

As soon as Tang Yao’s voice fell, he saw Zhan Shuo’s hatch slowly closing.

At the same time, Xiaohei said: “Master, this war shuttle is currently the top small war shuttle. It is equipped with 10 laser cannons, 5 super-power energy-concentrating devices and two super-power generators. The top speed is 5000 per hour. Kilometers, without using the laser cannon, can always fly at maximum speed. Moreover, it will not consume stored energy.”

“If a laser cannon is used, the three cannons will empty the stored energy. Even if the energy is replenished at the fastest speed, it takes one minute to replenish the energy required for one cannon. In addition to the energy gathered by the energy gathering device, the owner You can also throw corpse crystals or beast crystals as a source of energy.”

“In addition, there are some other functions, such as automatic driving, semi-automatic driving, changing the external color, changing the internal energy concentration and pressure… and so on. The owner can read the instruction manual, or ask Xiaohei .”

Thinking of the thousands-page manual, Tang Yao shook his head.

When you need it, just ask Xiaohei directly.

After thinking about it, Tang Yao said, “Xiao Hei, I want to fill the corpse crystal and the beast crystal.”

As soon as Tang Yao’s voice fell, a hole appeared in the ground on his right side.

With a wave of his hand, Tang Yao threw all the corpse crystals and beast crystals below level 4 in the Interspatial Ring into the hole.

Later, Tang Yao asked: “Xiao Hei, these corpse crystals and beast crystals can fire a few laser cannons.”

Xiaohei replied: “Two shots.”

Tang Yao shook his head helplessly.

Hundreds of corpse crystals and beast crystals!

Actually can only fire two laser cannons!

This war shuttle is really a gold swallowing beast!

Fortunately, 5 laser cannons can now be fired at one time, which is much safer.

After Tang Yao got acquainted with the cockpit situation, he walked out of the cockpit.

Tang Yao lay on the long sofa and started to rest with his eyes closed.

Tang Yao’s Mental Energy has not been restored, and he is not in a hurry to return to the Ningcheng base.

In the early morning, Tang Yao’s Mental Energy recovered to 90%.

Tang Yao got up and entered the cockpit.

Sitting in the driver’s seat, Tang Yao raised his hand, took out a huge spectacle hanging there from above, and put it on his head.

Tang Yao said: “Xiao Hei, start the war shuttle.”

In an instant, the glass in front of Tang Yao lit up, and various data appeared on it.

The images from all directions around the battle shuttle were immediately transmitted to Tang Yao’s eyes in real time.

At the same time, a metal ball protruded from the front left of Tang Yao.

Tang Yao placed his left hand on the metal ball. According to the size of Tang Yao’s palm, the metal ball changed its size to facilitate Tang Yao’s control.

As long as he holds the ball with his hand, Tang Yao can control the shuttle to change direction.

In the front right of Tang Yao, a gear lever and an operator with ten small balls appeared.

The gear lever controls the lift and speed.

The ten small balls on the manipulator correspond to the ten laser cannons loaded on the shuttle.

Rotate the corresponding small ball to adjust the angle of the corresponding laser cannon.

Press the ball down to excite the laser cannon.

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