Chapter 195: Chu Fei Seeking Death

Tang Yao turned around and walked towards Han Shuyao and Yuan Xi.

As he walked, Tang Yao secretly counted in his heart.

There is not one simple guy from a big family.

Although Chu Jian is very direct in speaking and doing things, he is also very sophisticated.

When Chu Jian said that, I was really embarrassed to trouble the Chu family.

If you want to solve the problem, you can only go to the Yuan family.

Once the Yuan family retires under my persecution, they will certainly offend the Chu family.

To calm the anger of the Chu family, the Yuan family may be bleeding heavily.

In the end, the Chu family could get a lot of compensation from the Yuan family without moving a single soldier.

The credibility has not been lost, the benefits have been obtained, and the Face can pass.

It can be said that in the end, the Chu family is the biggest winner.

Chu Jian was not as simple as it seemed on the surface, nor was he a fuel-efficient lamp.

However, in this way, things are difficult to handle.

The Yuan family will certainly not agree to resign easily.

Once the marriage is retired, the Yuan family will not only lose the Chu family, a powerful ally, even if compensation is given, it will be regarded as offending the Chu family.

All the linings in Face are lost, and a lot of resources have to be lost.

The Yuan family would never do this for Yuan Xi.

Since Chu Jian couldn’t follow this path, he could only think of another way.

Seeing Tang Yao coming back, Han Shuyao and Yuan Xi both showed expectant expressions.

After sitting down, Tang Yao said to Yuan Xi: “I contacted Chu Jian from the Chu family, but Chu Jian did not work. However, it was not without gain. As long as the Yuan family proposed to divorce, Chu Jian promised that the Chu family would agree. Moreover, they would not trouble you and your brother in the future.”

Yuan Xi’s eyes lit up first, and then he smiled bitterly.

The Yuan family would never agree to resign.

Tang Yao continued, “Don’t worry, I will take care of this. After dinner, I will send you back to the Capital War Palace, and I will find someone to solve the matter. However, Yuan Xi, this matter is over, I hope you Can go to Ningcheng base with me.”

“Now, apart from your aunt, there is no love between you and the Yuan family. Moreover, this incident may eventually cause the Yuan family to lose a lot. The Yuan family will inevitably be extremely dissatisfied with you. You continue to stay. It’s not safe at the base in Beijing.”

“The Ningcheng base is much safer. Whether it is the Chu family or the Yuan family, it is beyond the reach. After your brother is promoted to God of War, he will also go to the Ningcheng base. Moreover, I can help you transfer to Ningcheng. City Research Institute.”

“I met a level 6 pharmacist over there. Now, that person may already be a level 7 pharmacist. I can introduce you. Under her guidance, your pharmacist level Ascension will be faster. .”

Upon hearing this, Yuan Xi’s eyes lit up.

If the problem of the marriage is resolved, for Yuan Xi, going to the Ningcheng base is indeed a good choice.

It is much better than staying at the base in Beijing.

Thinking of this, Yuan Xi nodded and said, “Tang Dage, I listen to you.”

After speaking, Yuan Xi looked at Han Shuyao with some dismay.

Han Shuyao smiled and said, “Go, Ningcheng Base is more suitable for you. If you miss me, let’s communicate. If I have time, I will fly over to find you.”


Yuan Xi smiled and nodded and said.

Tang Yao smiled and said: “Sister Shu Yao, if you also want to go to the Ningcheng base for development, I can arrange for you.”

Han Shuyao shook her head and said, “I don’t have this idea yet. After all, my parents are in the capital base, and I don’t want to be too far away from them.”

Tang Yao nodded.

At this time, the waiter walked over with the dining car and started serving dishes.

When the dishes were over, the three of them began to eat.

Yuan Xi was relieved a lot and restored her leaping nature.

For a lunch, led by Yuan Xi, the three laughed from time to time and ate very happily.

Just when they were almost finished eating, the three of Tang Yao suddenly discovered that a large group of people had hulking in from the door of the restaurant.

This group of people are mainly young people, and they are very particular about their clothes. Obviously, they are all the powerful children who were born in Bufan.

In the crowd, there were also a few older Practitioners who should be their bodyguards.

After entering the restaurant, the group of people walked hurriedly towards Tang Yao’s trio.

The guests who ate in the restaurant looked over.

Some bold, stay and continue to eat.

The timid, hurried to check out, quickly left the restaurant.

Tang Yao looked up and found that the one headed by this group of people was a young man of about 20 years old with an incomparable appearance.

The man’s body and appearance are very similar to Chu Jian, but his temperament and looks are much different.

Tang Yao frowned secretly.

This guy should be Chu Fei, Chu Jian’s Little Brother, right?


In my current state, it is really inconvenient to do it.

Moreover, Chu Jian had said that before, and I couldn’t do anything to his dear Little Brother.

I hope he doesn’t want to die!

Can find this, these guys have dog noses, pretty good.

At this time, Tang Yao listened to Yuan Xi whispering: “Tang Dage, the young man headed is Chu Fei from the Chu family.”

Tang Yao nodded, sat there and said nothing, just tapped his finger on the tactical watch a few times.

Both Han Shuyao and Yuan Xi stood up, standing on both sides of Tang Yao, looking at the group of people walking by with vigilant faces.

Chu Fei walked up to Tang Yao’s trio and sat on the chair opposite Tang Yao, putting his feet on the dining table.

Upon seeing this, Tang Yao frowned.

At this moment, Chu Fei glanced at Yuan Xi with bad eyes.

Afterwards, Chu Fei stared at Tang Yao fiercely, and said disdainfully: “Who are you? Do you dare to get daddy women? You don’t want to live anymore, do you know who I am?”

Tang Yao said calmly: “Take your feet off!”

Chu Fei smiled coldly and said: “Daddy won’t take it down, what can you do to me? You want me to take my foot off, okay! Come here, lick Daddy’s shoes, and I will take it down. As long as Daddy is in a good mood, he can let you go.”

Tang Yao smiled casually, looked at Chu Fei and asked, “Do you want me to lick your shoes?”

Chu Fei said impatiently: “Let you lick daddy’s shoes to give you a face. Boy, cherish the opportunity! Today, if you can’t satisfy daddy, I will let you survive and die.”

Tang Yao nodded and tapped a few times on the tactical watch.

Afterwards, Tang Yao stood up and stretched his waist.

Tang Yao looked at Chu Fei with a sudden movement in his heart.

Talented ability: Charm!

This time, Tang Yao’s charm ability only covered two people.

One is Chu Fei, and the other is the bodyguard who has been following Chu Fei.

In an instant, the expressions of both of them fell into a sluggish state.

Tang Yao moved, and appeared beside Chu Fei’s feet on the dining table.

Immediately, a cold light flashed in Tang Yao’s hand, and a dagger appeared.

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