Chapter 207 Daddy and you are not over

Tang Yao hesitated for a moment, and finally his eyes condensed, as if he was going to fight.

With a light cough, Tang Yao said in a low voice: “Raw rice for mature rice.”

Hearing this, Bai Qiuyun’s eyes lit up and she looked at Ji Qiangwei expectantly.

While Bai Qiuyun’s eyes were not on own, Tang Yao smiled triumphantly and looked at Ji Qiangwei provocatively.

Ji Qiangwei’s face flushed, and then she gave Tang Yao a vicious look.

Ji Qiangwei hurriedly said: “No!”

Tang Yao pretended to sigh, and said in an unwilling tone: “Qianwei, this is our business. I am under the pressure of your family, and you have to pay some too! As long as we have children, your family will definitely consider it accordingly. Yes. Only in this way can we be together.”

At this time, Bai Qiuyun also said: “Qiangwei, if you are worried that Tang Yao will treat you badly in the future, you can rest assured. If he dares to let you down, neither I nor his dad will let him go.”

“As long as you become my daughter-in-law, I will treat you like a biological daughter. Our wife has been in contact for a while, can’t you still trust me?”

Tang Yao smiled in his heart.

Mom, this assist is okay!

Demo, I will let you act!

Damn it!

Ji Qiangwei hurriedly said: “Aunt Bai, I absolutely believe in you. But…”

Ji Qiangwei said halfway, and paused.

Ji Qiangwei wants to say, I can’t believe in Tang Yao.

But now, Ji Qiangwei and Tang Yao are acting as loving little lovers who are opposed by the family.

That said, it’s revealing.

After thinking about it, Ji Qiangwei’s heart moved.

Shaking her head and sighing, Ji Qiangwei looked at Bai Qiuyun sincerely and said, “Aunt Bai, my family has strict rules. As the daughter of the head of the family, the family’s requirements for me are even more stringent. If I am unmarried and get pregnant first, the family Must be furious.”

“At that time, if I fight to death, the lives of my child and I may be saved. But Tang Yao, he has put my family to shame, and the family will never let him go.”

“Today, if I agree, it will push Tang Yao into the abyss of Death. You said, how can I agree?”

Hearing this, Bai Qiuyun paled and shook her head helplessly.

Tang Yao raised his brows and immediately took a step forward, holding Ji Qiangwei’s catkin in both hands.

Tang Yaoqing said sincerely: “Qiangwei, as long as I can be with you, even if there is only a glimmer of hope, even if it is possible to take my life, I will not hesitate.”

While talking, Tang Yao copied Ji Qiangwei’s Level 7 medicinal material identification skills by the way.

Tang Yao was secretly proud.

Inside and out, I have taken advantage of this little lady.

This is called taking advantage!

It’s good now, my medicinal material identification skills and genetic medicine configuration skills are both level 7.

It is nothing at all to configure Level 7 genetic medicine.

Ji Qiangwei lowered her head and gritted her teeth secretly.

This bastard!

Now you don’t say it will threaten your parents’ safety!

Ji Qiangwei shook her head and said firmly: “Absolutely not! If something happens to you, how will I live? And Uncle Aunt, what do you let them do? If the family angers them, I will feel even more uneasy.”

After speaking, Ji Qiangwei used her force and broke free of Tang Yao’s hands.

Afterwards, Ji Qiangwei bowed apologetically to Bai Qiuyun, turned around and ran towards the door.

Originally, Ji Qiangwei wanted to stay here, disgusting and disgusting Tang Yao.

Now, Ji Qiangwei just wanted to leave quickly.

She can’t play it anymore!

If you don’t leave, you don’t know what moths will come out of Tang Yao.

Upon seeing this, Tang Yao looked dissatisfied and shouted: “Qianwei, don’t go!”

With that said, Tang Yao was going to chase Ji Qiangwei.

At this time, Bai Qiuyun stretched out her hand to stop Tang Yao, and shook her head at Tang Yao.

No matter how good Ji Qiangwei is, no matter how deep the relationship between Tang Yao and Ji Qiangwei is, Bai Qiuyun will not allow Tang Yao to jump into the fire pit.

Taking advantage of this effort, Ji Qiangwei opened the door and left as if running away.

Tang Yao secretly smiled in his heart.

mock up!

Dare to play with daddy, you won’t be scared to death!

If you still stay here and don’t leave, I will let you know what a burst acting is.

Daddy is not only the actor, but also writes scripts, so I ask if you are afraid?

Feeling proud, Tang Yao didn’t show it on his face.

Seeing what Bai Qiuyun wanted to say, Tang Yao sighed and said first: “Mom, you don’t need to comfort me. Actually, I was prepared in my heart. I expected this result before I came back. Now, I just want to be quiet. .”

After speaking, Tang Yao smiled bitterly and walked towards the door in Bai Qiuyun’s concerned eyes.

After going out, Tang Yao secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Just came back, it was an acting battle, so annoying!

Tired than a battle!

Moreover, if this is to lie to Old Tang, I will not feel any pressure at all.

Lie to my mother, it’s a bit unbearable!

Although the matter is over, my mother is still sad for a while.

Ji Qiangwei, little lady, you wait for me.

Daddy is not over with you!

Walking into 1601, Tang Yao shook his head, no longer thinking about these things.

Tang Yao thought, and a leather belt appeared in his hand.

The black ball of unknown material inlaid on the belt head is just the shrunken battle clothes.

Tang Yao took a deep breath, took out a knife, and swiped the index finger of own’s left hand.

A drop of blood spilled.

At the same time, the wound on Tang Yao’s finger began to heal.

Tang Yao wiped blood on the black ball.

In an instant, the blood was absorbed by the black ball.

This is the first step of refining the battle suit.

After absorbing the blood, the black ball had the vitality of Tang Yao.

It is much simpler to use the same Mental Energy for refining.

After that, Tang Yao had a thought and began to mobilize Mental Energy.

Tang Yao’s Mental Energy blended into the black sphere, and began to infiltrate, cover and refine.

The black sphere doesn’t seem big, but if it stretches out, it will cover the entire room.

Moreover, the material of the black sphere is special, and Tang Yao’s refining is extremely slow.

An hour later, Tang Yao consumed 50% of Mental Energy.

The black sphere was only 20% refined.

Tang Yao stopped refining, secretly calculating in his heart.

From this point of view, it would take at least 4 hours to refine it.

In addition to the time to restore mental energy, even with the forging magic, it would take more than ten hours to stay awake.

It is really difficult to refine this battle suit!

It is indeed a high-end gadget from the ruins!

Immediately, Tang Yao took the Lotus Position and began to run the primary forging magic technique to restore Mental Energy.

After two and a half hours, Tang Yao stopped cultivation.

At this time, Tang Yao’s Mental Energy had completely recovered.

Half an hour ago, Tang Yao heard the sound of the door opening.

Tang Yao knew that Tang Yuanshan had returned, but Tang Yao did not rush over.

Tang Yao wants to set aside some time for Bai Qiuyun and Tang Yuanshan to communicate.

Tang Yuanshan knew about Ji Qiangwei, so Tang Yao didn’t need to say more.

Seeing that the time is almost up, Mental Energy has also recovered, Tang Yao got up and came to the opposite door.

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