Chapter 235 Confrontation

The members of the 92nd Group were all surprised.

Tang Yao must have done the tricks.

Being able to manipulate hundreds of blasting fire worms silently, obviously, Tang Yao is an awakened one!

At this time, the members of the 92nd Brigade looked at Tang Yao with awe.

Tang Yao didn’t care, he fought frantically.

While fighting, Tang Yao nodded secretly in his heart.

Use the ice-sealing effect in the Five Elements ability to generate chill in the blood of the violent fire worms and weaken their self-detonation power. It is really effective!

It’s okay if it doesn’t work, I have a battle suit, and the self-detonation of those blasting fire worms can’t hurt me.

Moreover, it only causes cold air in the blood of the violent fire worms, not directly frozen, and the mental energy consumed is much smaller.

If you use the soul control ability, I am afraid that the mental energy consumed will be much.

Sure enough, you still have to sharpen yourself through battle.

Cultivating in the base, I can’t think of this way of using the Five Elements ability.

Because of Tang Yao’s existence, the defense line of the 92nd Brigade was very stable.

Some were injured, but none died in battle.

Even if a player is injured, he will be replaced by a player from the rear immediately, go to bandage and heal the injury.

The remaining lines of defense on both sides are much more anxious in battle.

From time to time, there was the explosion of the crystal armor, and the decisive shouting of death.

There are even miniature nuclear bombs that will be thrown out from time to time, making a huge roar, completely emptying an area.

Tang Yao sighed secretly.

This is war!

People are injured all the time, and people are killed in battle all the time.

Holding this line of defense is already my limit.

More, there is nothing I can do.

Tang Yao focused on clearing the high-level upgraded beasts in front of the line of defense, then shouted: “Gong Yan, you will take my place. I will go to the back to recover and call me immediately if something happens.”

After hearing the order, Gong Yan quickly rushed to Tang Yao’s side and took his place.

Tang Yao turned around and walked back.

Although the battle didn’t last long, Tang Yao’s Mental Energy had already consumed nearly 50%. To be safe, he had to use God Forging Technique to quickly recover.

Regarding Tang Yao’s retreat, the players didn’t have any comments.

Others are all replacements, Tang Yao has always been in the front, and also used his talents to kill a large number of upgraded beasts.

It should be restored later.

Tang Yao got to the back of the battle line, found an unmanned military vehicle, and got in.

Sitting down in the Lotus Position, Tang Yao immediately ran the Intermediate Forging Magic Technique and began to restore Mental Energy.

After an hour and a half, Tang Yao’s Mental Energy was fully restored.

During the period, Tang Yao went out twice and killed several newly-appearing superior upgraded beast leaders.

After recovering, Tang Yao got up and joined the battle again.

In the nearly two-hour battle, both humans and zombie-upgraded beasts suffered heavy losses.

The battlefield is full of stumps and broken arms and fragments of crystal armor.

The ground near the front has also long been dyed dark red.

Behind the battle line, there are rows of medical cabins.

The severely injured Practitioner and soldiers will enter it for treatment.

After the injury stabilizes, he will immediately come out and join the battle.

On the front line, at this time the human side is standing on piles of corpses and fighting.

These corpses include zombies, upgraded beasts, and humans.

In order to prevent zombies and upgraded beasts from devouring corpses, corpse crystals and beast crystals, they can only do so.

During the battle, Tang Yao would look at the rear of zombies and upgraded beasts from time to time.

The dozens of black spots floating in the air are the decisive force in this battle.

After beheading a black tiger with a unicorn like a blade, Tang Yao habitually looked at the sky behind the zombies and upgraded beasts again.

I saw the black spots floating in the air, flying quickly towards the human side.

Seeing this, Tang Yao’s eyes condensed, and his heart was shocked.

The decisive battle, is it going to begin?

But it’s not right!

Dozens of corpse kings and beast kings shot at the same time, and the level of the war was upgraded to a full-scale war.

However, there were still a large number of zombies and upgraded beasts in the corpse nest and beast emptiness, and they were not dispatched.

Otherwise, under the joint efforts of the two parties, the corpse king and the beast king will definitely be more than that.

The lurking corpse king in the base was also not activated.

Obviously, the corpse emperor and the beast emperor have not reached an agreement yet, and they don’t want to launch a full-scale war now.

Then these corpse kings and beast kings came over, it should be another plot.

When the corpse king and the beast king acted, God of War on the human side discovered it.

The highest commander of the military in the southern defense line is Lieutenant General Ding Yongtai, deputy commander of the Ningcheng Military Region, and a 9-star God of War.

Ding Yongtai is tall and has firm eyes. He has been in the army for decades and has been a soldier to this position little by little.

After seeing the corpse king and the beast king in action, Ding Yongtai looked at Jiang Changhai beside him.

On the east side of the defense, only Jiang Changhai is the pinnacle of God of War, he is the strongest.

Moreover, most of the God of War on the south side of the defense line came from Juntian Wuguan.

Although Ding Yongtai is the commander-in-chief of the southern line of defense, he still needs to ask Jiang Changhai for advice.

Jiang Changhai nodded solemnly.

Ding Yongtai waved his hand and immediately flew forward.

Jiang Changhai moved his body and followed Ding Yongtai.

Upon seeing this, the remaining 45 God of War followed.

Among these 45 God of War, there are 10 regiment leaders from the southern defense line, plus 35 God of War from Juntianwuguan.

Adding Jiang Changhai and Ding Yongtai, the total number of human God of War on the south side of the defense line is 47.

The number of corpse kings and beast kings on the other side is 49.

This did not count the corpse king lurking in the base, and the corpse king and the beast king in the corpse nest and the beast emptiness.

If all were dispatched, the number of corpse kings and beast kings would be at least twice that of the human God of War.

The two men and horses approached quickly, and stopped one after another at a distance of about a kilometer, and confronted each other.

On the side of the zombies and the upgraded beasts, a golden-armored Cangxiong king with a height of 5 meters and a tall and thin corpse king stepped forward in the void.

On the human side, Ding Yongtai and Jiang Changhai also took a few steps forward.

The bear king exudes a powerful aura, and his eyes are full of warfare.

King Bear looked at Ding Yongtai and Jiang Changhai in disdain, and said in human language first: “Wait, dare to fight with me?”

Feeling the aura of the bear king, Ding Yongtai and Jiang Changhai frowned secretly.

Peak Beastmaster!

Jiang Changhai was full of fighting spirit, smiled coldly, and said: “I want to die, I will fulfill you!”

During this period of time, Jiang Changhai has reached the intermediate level of Ascension, and he has made a lot of progress. He is trying to find an opponent to try ascension.

There were four murderous in the bear king’s eyes, and he heard a jealous laugh as soon as he wanted to make a move.

It was the tall and thin corpse king beside the bear king who made the weird smile.

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