Chapter 238: Hope to Win

Sighing, Ding Yongtai said: “Old Jiang, if you lose, our military will bear these bets together with you Juntian Martial Arts Hall.”

Jiang Changhai smiled and said, “Furthermore, and we may not necessarily lose. The strength of the corpse king or the beast king they sent is equivalent to our human 1-star God of War. The time for the breakthrough to the king level will certainly not be. Too long, the time to have a perfect mind will not be too long.”

“Based on our previous experience, the combat power of the corpse king and the beast king who played in the battle will not exceed 10 times. Even if the basic physical strength of the corpse king and the beast king is close to 2000 points, the increase will be less than 20,000 points.”

“Our top genius, the 9-star warlord’s combat power can be increased by 19 times. If the peak warriors near the breakthrough are allowed to play, with their basic physical strength close to 1000 points, plus a 19 times increase, it will be 19,000 points, the gap with the opponent is not too big.”

“In this way, it is not that there is no chance to take a fight. After all, the top geniuses are all capable of fighting for higher levels. Maybe we can still make a fortune.”

Ding Yongtai smiled bitterly, and said, “Ginger, you think things are too simple. Top geniuses can fight beyond the ranks, but they are all small levels. Fighting across a large level is easier said than done!”

“Even if possible, the top geniuses of the 9-star warlord level are so rare that we can’t find a suitable candidate right now! Geniuses of this level within the scope of Xia Country will either gather in the capital base for special training, or be trained by the three of you. Dawuguan was recruited into the God of War training camp.”

“If they don’t break through to God of War, they won’t come out at all. There is no suitable candidate on my side. Is there a suitable candidate on your side?”

After speaking, Ding Yongtai looked at Jiang Changhai expectantly.

Jiang Changhai shook his head and said, “No. However, there is one top genius who has recently been promoted to the 7-star warlord.”

“Recently promoted? That means that you have not entered your God of War training camp, and have not been granted secret skills. At most, the tactics and Movement Technique are complete, the strength and speed are increased by 16 times, and the defense is not increased. The gap is too big. If you let him go, you will die.”

“He has his own chance, I guess, his understanding of secret arts may be better than some intermediate God of War.”

Ding Yongtai was shocked, then shook his head and said, “That’s useless! Basic physique is too low!”

“He can burn energy!”

“Even if the burning energy can offset the strong load on the body in a short time, making him a multiple of the Ascension secret technique, but can withstand it for a while, how long can he last? If he can’t quickly replenish energy, I am afraid he can even half a minute. Can’t hold on.”

“He has the essence of life in his hands.”

Hearing this, Ding Yongtai’s eyes lit up.

Ding Yongtai looked overjoyed and hurriedly said, “What are you waiting for? Tell me to ask! See how much his basic physique and secret technique multiplier is. Maybe, I really have the hope of winning.”

Jiang Changhai nodded and fell downward.

Ding Yongtai waved his hand and brought all the human God of War to land together.

Upon seeing this, the tall and thin corpse king and bear king also brought the corpse king and beast king behind them, and slowly landed.

Falling on the ground, Jiang Changhai commanded loudly to the human side: “All the Practitioners of the senior general level, come here.”

Jiang Changhai didn’t call Tang Yao alone. In that case, it was too obvious.

Once the opposite corpse king and beast king knew Tang Yao’s information through the Holy League or the lurking corpse king in advance, and made targeted arrangements, it would be troublesome.

Ding Yongtai understood Jiang Changhai’s concerns, and after landing he gave a loud command: “All high-level warriors, come here.”

Hearing that, 300 people walked out of the human defense line and quickly approached Jiang Changhai and other God of War.

Among these people, less than 100 senior generals are at the level of military battalion commanders, and the rest are from Juntian Martial Arts Hall.

After fighting for two hours, some senior generals have fallen, otherwise there will be more people.

It seemed that the military was not as strong as Juntian Martial Arts Hall, but this was just one side of the battle line.

On each side of the other three sides of the Juntian base, a similar number of military powerhouses are distributed.

Generally speaking, the strongest force in Ningcheng Base is the military.

With the cooperation of both the military and the government, they firmly control the Ningcheng base.

Although the three major martial arts halls are strong, their forces are distributed in 28 bases around the world and independent bases where their respective headquarters are located.

The power alone in a base is really not as strong as the official power that controls the base.

Tang Yao was also approaching Jiang Changhai and the others. Next to him was Duan Peng, the battalion commander of the 6th Battalion of the 3rd Regiment.

Soon, nearly 300 senior fighters came to Jiang Changhai and others.

These people looked different, waiting for Jiang Changhai and Ding Yongtai’s arrangements.

Tang Yao felt a little expectant and even anxious in his heart.

As soon as that seven Ye Tian heart grass came out, Tang Yao was moved.

It is not that the heart is moved by the life essence of the seven Ye Tian heart, but the heart and the body of the seven Ye Tian heart.

Demon King!

Must have vitality extraction skills.

As long as he can touch the Seven Ye Tian Heart Grass, Tang Yao can upgrade his vitality extraction skills to intermediate level.

The primary vitality extraction skill is to extract the vitality of plants, what about the intermediate?

It may be to speed up the extraction, or it may be to increase the range of objects to be extracted.

If it is the latter, the objects that can be extracted by the intermediate life force extraction skills are likely to be all creatures.

In that way, the vitality extracts the value of this skill, it will be greatly Ascension.

In battle, using vitality extraction skills can not only weaken the enemy, but also replenish yourself.

In the face of one and the other, even in the face of an enemy stronger than himself, Tang Yao has the confidence to grind the opponent to death.

At this time, the Seven Ye Tian Heart Grass was held in the hand by the Bear King, and no longer struggled, and appeared very weak.

Tang Yao was afraid that the Seven Ye Tian Heart Grass would suddenly hang up.

Demon King!

It’s too little!

Missing this, Tang Yao didn’t know when he would meet the next one.

At this moment, Jiang Changhai and Ding Yongtai looked at each other and said in a low voice: “We just had a conversation with that tall and thin corpse king, and you must have heard it too. You have all gone through a step-by-step fight to get to where you are today. .”

“I won’t talk about hypocritical words. Now, if you are sure to fight the opponent, you can stand up. If you are not sure, don’t force it.”

Hearing that, nearly 300 senior fighters were silent and did not say a word.

Some senior fighters who originally held the idea that they can’t lose their momentum even if they die, didn’t say anything.

Originally, they died in battle, but they were not afraid.

But now, the bet of 40 billion is held there.

They are not afraid of death, but the price of losing is too great.

There was only one person, looking at Jiang Changhai with shining eyes.

Feeling that scorching gaze, Jiang Changhai turned his head and took a look.

It is Tang Yao.

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