Chapter 254: Jiang Zhenlu? Jiang Mingzhe!

At 7:30 am on the 10th, Tang Yao came to Jiang Changhai’s office.

In the office, besides Jiang Changhai, there is also a well-proportioned young man with a handsome face.

There was a gentle smile on the young man’s face, a bit of a turbid scent from the world’s best son.

The moment he saw Tang Yao, a trace of hostility flashed in the youth’s eyes, but he was immediately restrained.

But how keen Tang Yao’s perception was, he clearly captured this scene.

Tang Yao frowned secretly.

Who is this guy?

Actually, there is still some hostility towards me.

At this moment, Jiang Changhai laughed, pointed at the young man, and said to Tang Yao: “Boy, let me introduce you. This is Jiang Zhenlu who has just returned from the God of War training camp, the pinnacle warrior. He is here to fight the corpse. The one who came back from the battle of King Beast King is one of your competitors.”

Tang Yao looked at the young man suspiciously.

No wonder this guy is a little hostile to me!

However, why does the name Jiang Zhenlu sound weird?

Jiang Changhai suppresses Wanpo captive?

Didn’t Mr. Jiang give him this name?

What is the relationship between this guy and old ginger?

Jiang Changhai continued: “Hey, don’t doubt, my seed. By the way, this kid also wants to take over me and become the general curator of the Juntian Martial Arts Hall in Ningcheng Base. You have to be careful in the future. This kid has the same ghosts and eyes as you. Many, it must be very interesting for you to fight.”

Hearing this, Tang Yao immediately widened his eyes, looked at the fierce-looking old ginger, and then at the handsome-looking young man.

Is this guy Jiang’s son?

Damn it!

real or fake?

It’s not like it at all!

Isn’t it a wrong hug?

After listening to Jiang Changhai’s words, the young man rolled his eyes helplessly.

Seeing Tang Yao’s expression, the young man knew what Tang Yao was thinking.

However, young people have experienced more of this kind of thing, and they don’t care.

The young man smiled and said, “I am indeed Lao Jiang’s son, but my name is not Jiang Zhenlu, my name is Jiang Mingzhe.”

Hearing this, Jiang Changhai curled his lips and said nothing.

Tang Yao smiled meaningfully.

He really is the son of old ginger.

How big is Lao Jiang’s resentment towards Lao Wan?

That’s why I gave my son such a name,

However, this guy also wants to take Jiang’s class, which is a bit of a hassle.

His real hostility towards me also stems from this, right?

My son!

Old ginger can’t pull sideways, right?

If I beat this guy, will Jiang be anxious with me?

Tang Yao smiled and said, “Hello Brother Jiang, this is Tang Yao.”

Jiang Mingzhe comes from the God of War training camp, and Tang Yao is a student of the genius training camp.

Jiang Mingzhe smiled, with a thought, a long box appeared in his hand.

Jiang Mingzhe handed the long box to Tang Yao and said, “Junior Brother Tang, this is your customized weapon. When I come back this time, the martial arts hall will let me bring it back.”

Tang Yaoyixi, after taking it, put the long box into his own Interspatial Ring.

Immediately, Tang Yao said, “Thank you Brother Jiang, the situation is tense now. If it weren’t for the help of Senior Brother, I don’t know when I will receive it.”

“Junior Brother Tang is polite, it’s easy.”

“This time, is the only brother returning from the God of War training camp?”

“Yes, there are not many students from the Ningcheng base in the God of War training camp. I temporarily ranked first, so I was allowed to come back. The others are seizing the time to cultivate.”

At this time, Jiang Changhai said: “Not only our martial arts gymnasium, the God of War training camps in the other two martial arts gymnasiums, but also the first-ranked students from the major bases to return to their base. There is also a special training camp in the capital base. ,is also like this.”

“That is to say, only 5 people participated in the War Practitioner trial this time. Each of the three major martial arts God of War training camps, the Beijing base special training camp, and Tang Yao. Apart from you, everyone else You are the pinnacle warrior. Be careful yourself.”

Tang Yao nodded and said, “I will pay attention.”

“Okay, let’s get acquainted with it first. The trials start at 8 o’clock in the City Hall. It’s not far away. You can get there in ten minutes. Let’s start at 7:30.”

After speaking, Jiang Changhai walked to the back of the desk, sat down, and started to deal with official duties.

Looking at Jiang Mingzhe, Tang Yao smiled and said straightforwardly: “Brother Jiang, since we all want to take over the head of the curator, I have a suggestion.”

Hearing this, Jiang Mingzhe came in interest and smiled: “Junior Brother Tang, please speak.”

“The current situation is so tense, it’s boring to fight back and forth, it’s better to have a result as soon as possible. Instead, we will use the results of today’s trials to determine the outcome. If anyone can win the final victory, the other side will just withdraw. Compete.”

“Junior Brother Tang is really confident! To win the final victory, the opponent you need to face is not only me. Moreover, the 4 contestants besides you, including me, are all peak warriors. Are you sure? Can you win the final victory?”

Tang Yao smiled confidently and said: “Very sure! Not only will I defeat you, but I will also kill the corpse king or beast king who will fight me tomorrow. Next year, I will officially become the general curator of the Juntian Martial Arts Hall in Ningcheng Base.”

“Then I will wait and see! However, the strong combat effectiveness and high talent does not mean that it can lead the Juntian Martial Arts Hall of Ningcheng Base to become stronger.”

“Senior Brother Jiang is right, but since the Director General Jiang has chosen me, it means that I am qualified in other aspects. If Senior Brother Jiang feels that my proposal is not appropriate, there is nothing wrong with it, then come bit by bit. Today, let me convince my seniors in terms of combat effectiveness.”

“This proposal is very good, how could I disagree? It’s a deal!”

After speaking, Jiang Mingzhe stretched out his right hand, full of fighting spirit.

Jiang Mingzhe is the top genius himself, and as Jiang Changhai’s son, he does not lack resources.

Facing Tang Yao’s declaration of war, how could he regress?

Moreover, although Jiang Mingzhe has intentions, he has never revealed to outsiders that he wants to take over as the general director.

Now, Tang Yao has publicized the matter that he is Jiang Changhai’s successor.

Jiang Mingzhe has a special status. He has always had a headache. How should he intervene in the competition for the director general?

Tang Yao’s proposal just gave him a chance.

As long as he can win against Tang Yao, Jiang Mingzhe can naturally become Jiang Changhai’s successor.

Moreover, he can take advantage of the trend to defeat his biggest competitor.

Seeing Jiang Mingzhe stretched out his right hand, Tang Yao was overjoyed.

Tang Yao also stretched out his right hand and shook Jiang Mingzhe’s hand.

In an instant, Tang Yao perceives the skills Jiang Mingzhe possesses.

Level 6 medicinal material identification skills can be copied!

Level 6 genetic medicine configuration skills can be copied!

Consummation level physical skills can be copied!

Primary Secret Art, can be copied!

Talent ability: teleport, non-copyable, replaceable, non-fusion!

Jiang Mingzhe has a lot of skills, but in Tang Yao’s view, these are the most valuable.

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