Chapter 258 The Straightforward Mu Xiaowan

In the venue, everyone felt a little sorrowful.

The left forward lost too fast!

Obviously, these people underestimated Tang Yao.

The most shocking were Zhang Yinian and Cao Hongsheng.

How firm the left forward is, the two understand most in their hearts.

As a member of Long Wei, Zuo Feng has been fighting for years.

Fight with zombies, fight with upgraded beasts, and fight with the members of the Saint League who are found!

The repeated fights on the edge of life and death made the left forward extremely firm.

But even so, Zuo Feng was hit by Tang Yao’s move in an instant.

It can be seen how powerful Tang Yao’s talents are.

Not only them, but Jiang Changhai and Ying Miaomiao did not expect that Tang Yao would win so cleanly.

Jiang Mingzhe, Han Xu, and Mu Xiaowan looked solemn, and they were not sure whether they could withstand Tang Yao’s ability attack.

Although they are all awakened, their talents have no special effect on defense against Mental Energy attacks.

No matter how strong the power, the speed, and the weird Movement Technique, it is impossible for the Mental Energy attack to work fast.

With Tang Yao’s heart moving, they might become targets for Tang Yao’s wanton attack like a left forward.

Among the strange talent abilities, the mental energy abilities are the strangest and the most difficult to prevent.

In the face of Tang Yao, what they can do is to mobilize the defense of Mental Energy through talent abilities, and the effect is better than that of non-awakened ones.

But that’s it!

As for whether it can be blocked, they have no idea.

At this time, Zuo Feng’s expression calmly retreated.

As if this failure did not bring him any blow.

Jiang Mingzhe and Han Xu walked to the middle of the venue and stood opposite each other.

The second battle begins!


In the cabin, Tang Yao Lotus Position sits on the ground.

Tang Yao first sensed the energy consumed, then took out the two reserved bottles of Grade 6 genetic medicine and drank it.

After that, Tang Yao began to use the astrology technique to absorb the energy in the genetic medicine.

Since Tang Yao was only replenishing the energy consumed, it only took 20 minutes for Tang Yao to absorb all the energy contained in the two bottles of Grade 6 genetic medicine, completely making up for the body’s deficit.

After that, Tang Yao ran the God Forging Technique and began to restore the mental energy he had consumed.


The battle between Jiang Mingzhe and Han Xu is much more attractive than Tang Yao and Zuo Feng.

The basic physical strength of the two is almost the same as the multiplier of the secret technique. After a simple trial, they began to use their talent abilities one after another.

Jiang Mingzhe’s talent ability is teleportation. The figure often disappears abruptly in one place and appears in another abruptly, which is very strange.

Han Xu’s natural ability is light, which is extremely fast and can interfere with the opponent’s line of sight.

The battle between the two is often when Jiang Mingzhe disappears suddenly, then appears on the other side of Han Xu and launches an attack.

Han Xu quickly dodged, attacking while disturbing Jiang Mingzhe’s sight with light.

Then Jiang Mingzhe disappeared again, and the cycle went back and forth.

Although the battle between the two was like a trick, Jiang Mingzhe disappeared and reappeared, and Han Xu burst out a dazzling light from time to time, but the onlookers understood the thrills in their hearts.

No matter who the two are, as long as one is not careful, they will be hit by the other side.

Among them, there are also various calculations of the two.

With the understanding of the opponent’s fighting style, the two attack methods and angles have become more and more tricky.

Suddenly, the two were inextricably beaten.

It wasn’t until 10 minutes later that a light appeared in Han Xu’s hand. While disturbing Jiang Mingzhe’s vision, he leaped back and withdrew from the fight.

Han Xu smiled bitterly and said, “I give up!”

Han Xu was also helpless, but he couldn’t do without admitting defeat.

He not only used abilities to disturb Jiang Mingzhe’s sight, but also used abilities to accelerate himself. The consumption of mental energy was greater than that of Jiang Mingzhe.

Through these 10 minutes of fighting, Han Xu understood that with Jiang Mingzhe’s caution, it was basically impossible for him to win the opponent in a short time.

If Jiang Mingzhe can’t be beaten, Han Xu’s Mental Energy will definitely be exhausted first if he keeps fighting.

At that time, Han Xu will undoubtedly lose.

Although Han Xu still has his hole cards to use, this is only the first round. If he uses his hole cards now, the cost will be huge.

Even if it survived the second round, the finals were nothing.

Moreover, Han Xu himself has a hole card, and he thinks Jiang Mingzhe will have none.

Losing both ends is not the end he wants.

It’s better to admit defeat now and save some Mental Energy.

Han Xu doesn’t know how to exercise magic, his soul strength is not as strong as Tang Yao, and Mental Energy recovers much more slowly.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Mingzhe let out a sigh of relief, with a slight smile on his face.

The constant use of teleporting ability consumes a lot of Jiang Mingzhe’s Mental Energy.

If Han Xu doesn’t admit defeat, Jiang Mingzhe will use his own hole card.

Now, Han Xu admits defeat, and he is happy to relax.

Immediately, Jiang Mingzhe also walked to the hut on the side, hurrying to recover.

In the field, everyone was chatting and waiting.

Zuo Feng and Han Xu’s physical strength and Mental Energy are also consumed to varying degrees, but both have been eliminated and they are not in a hurry to recover.

An hour later, Tang Yao and Jiang Mingzhe were called out.

At this time, the energy consumed by Tang Yao has been replenished, and Mental Energy has recovered 40%, reaching 80%.

After an hour of recovery, Jiang Mingzhe also returned to his peak state.

After the second draw, the candidates for the second round were selected.

Tang Yao vs. Mu Xiaowan!

Jiang Mingzhe bye!

For this result, Tang Yao is still very satisfied.

It is the best to be able to play against Jiang Mingzhe in the final and defeat him head-on.

After the results came out, Tang Yao and Mu Xiaowan walked to the center of the venue.

The others retreated to the surrounding area again.

Looking at Tang Yao who was standing opposite, Mu Xiaowan looked solemn.

After thinking about it, Mu Xiaowan said: “Tang Yao, might as well tell you that my talent ability is a heavy blow. My attack power should be the strongest among us, but the defense against Mental Energy’s attack is not increased. become.”

“Let’s just go ahead, and you can directly use the talent ability on me once! If I can resist, then we will continue to fight. If I can’t hold it, there is no need to continue.”

Hearing this, Tang Yao smiled.

This Mu Xiaowan is really straightforward.

Even the own talent ability was directly said.

Tang Yao nodded and said, “Okay, then I will start.”

Mu Xiaowan nodded solemnly, raised his vigilance to the highest level, and began to mobilize Mental Energy’s defense.

At this time, Tang Yao’s heart moved, and he launched the soul control ability at Mu Xiaowan.

In an instant, Tang Yao’s Mental Energy consumed 30%.

The Mental Energy used by Tang Yao did not increase its power as it did when dealing with the left forward.

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