Chapter 265 Miao Miao, be my lover!

Tang Yao immediately sat up straight, his expression solemn.

After that, Tang Yaobiao was determined, and immediately said: “Sister Miao Miao, don’t worry, I will fight wherever you say in the future. To you, I have no two minds.”

Upon hearing this, Ying Miaomiao flushed and took a sip.

Ying Miaomiao said shyly: “What nonsense? I asked you to tell, is this?”

Tang Yao smiled.

Xiaobing looked at Ying Miaomiao, then at Tang Yao, and sighed.

Miao Miao is so stupid!

I heard it all, but she didn’t understand it.

After thinking about it, Xiaobing mustered up his courage and said to Ying Miaomiao: “Miaomiao, Tang Yao is confessing to you! Don’t you like him too? You…”

Halfway through, Xiaobing was glared at by Ying Miaomiao, and didn’t dare to go on.

Xiaobing covered her own mouth pitifully.

Hearing this, Tang Yao’s eyes lit up and the corners of his mouth rose.

real or fake?

Am I so attractive?

Ying Miaomiao glanced at the smug Tang Yao, his face turned redder, and his eyes were a little flustered.

Ying Miaomiao angrily said to Xiaobing, “Who said I like him? Don’t talk nonsense!”

Xiaobing curled his lips and muttered in a low voice, “Obviously I like it, but I still don’t admit it. Miao Miao is not honest at all. My mother said that the reward policy Miao Miao gave to Tang Yao was too generous. Help. Mom also said that Miao Miao must have moved her heart.”

Xiao Bing’s muttering voice was small, but every word was clearly heard by Ying Miaomiao and Tang Yao.

Tang Yao moved in his heart and looked at Ying Miaomiao gratefully.

Tang Yao knew clearly that the reward policy Xiaobing said was his reward policy for helping Dange’s pharmacist Ascension level.

The reward policy was very generous, and Tang Yao had no opinion after seeing it.

Tang Yao always thought that the reward policy was made by Mei Luoxue and he deserved it.

Unexpectedly, Ying Miaomiao actually fought for him.

At this moment, Tang Yao looked at Ying Miaomiao’s gaze, and he became more affectionate and soft, without a hint of teasing.

Being exposed by Xiaobing in front of Tang Yao, and staring at Tang Yao with tender eyes, Ying Miaomiao immediately lowered her head in embarrassment.

Under the table, a pair of catkins kept rubbing the corners of their clothes, revealing the panic in Ying Miaomiao’s heart.

Ying Miaomiao’s heart is sweet, but more, still shy.

Ying Miaomiao’s beautiful eyes are drooping, her originally fair cheeks are infinitely shy, and her neck is covered with a faint pink.

Unusually delicate, unusually affectionate.

In his eyes, Tang Yao only felt that Ying Miaomiao at this time was extremely beautiful, and his heart was moved.

Tang Yao looked in a trance, blurted out a word.

“Miao Miao, you are so beautiful!”

On the side, Xiaobing kept swinging a small canopy up and down, expressing approval.

Hearing that, Ying Miaomiao’s heart is very sweet.

Miao Miao, not Miao Miao sister!

This was the first time Tang Yao called her that.

Tang Yaogang wanted to continue to say something, but he seemed to have suddenly remembered something, and there was a trace of hesitation and struggle in his eyes.

Can I give her happiness?

Although I am very confident that I can keep going until I surpass Yingjun and reach the peak of Tian Lan Xing.

But having confidence does not necessarily mean that you can do it?

Zombies, upgraded beasts and sea beasts, these are all I have to face.

As my hole cards are exposed more and more, the Holy League and the lurking Corpse King hidden in the human world will inevitably pay more and more attention to me.

And the black hand who has been hiding behind the scenes, the Heavenly Corpse Cult!

The old lady is in the hands of the Celestial Corpse Cult. One day, I will definitely confront the Celestial Corpse Cult, a behemoth from the stars.

The celestial corpse teaches from the starry sky, and I know too little about the starry sky.

I may win, but the more likely it is to be crushed to pieces by the Heavenly Corpse Cult.

Thoughts continuously appeared in Tang Yao’s mind, and Tang Yao fell into deep thought.

Tang Yao only said a word, and lost the following, making Ying Miaomiao feel a little puzzled.

After a while, seeing Tang Yao still not speaking, Ying Miaomiao plucked up his courage and raised his head.

At a glance, Ying Miaomiao noticed the hesitation and struggle in Tang Yao’s eyes.

Upon seeing this, Ying Miaomiao’s heart trembled, and a panic filled her heart.

In the panic, she couldn’t understand why Tang Yao hesitated, nor could she figure out why he was struggling.

But she was a little scared.

She was afraid that Tang Yao would retreat before it really started.

Feeling Ying Miaomiao’s gaze, Tang Yao looked over.

Seeing the uneasy expression on Ying Miaomiao’s face, Tang Yao felt a pain in his heart.

Suddenly, Tang Yao laughed mockingly.

I finally understood why Lao Tang dared not express his intentions to his mother.

It turns out that that feeling is like this.

I really want to!

But I dare not!

I am full of helplessness!

Thinking about it now, it was a bit ridiculous that I persuaded Old Tang so righteously.

However, although I didn’t understand what Old Tang felt at that time, the truth was always right.

Since Old Tang can figure it out, I’m not inferior to the vulgar man Old Tang!

Seeing Miaomiao’s expression, she knows that she also likes me, and we can be regarded as happy with each other!

That being the case, what is there to hesitate.

Being born in this damn troubled world, the last thing you should not leave is regret.

Even if I die one day, at least there will be some good memories in Miaomiao’s heart!

It’s not that it’s all sadness, pain, and regret.

What I should think about now is how can I bring more beauty to Miao Miao, instead of hesitating and struggling here.

Thinking of this, Tang Yao smiled relievedly.

At this time, Ying Miaomiao had calmed down, and she was able to guess what Tang Yao was thinking.

Seeing Tang Yao’s smile, Ying Miaomiao knew that Tang Yao had already made a decision.

But her heart was even more disturbed.

She was afraid that Tang Yao’s choice would disappoint herself.

Tang Yao took a deep breath, got up, and walked to Ying Miaomiao’s body.

Tang Yao bent over and stretched out his hand, holding Ying Miaomiao’s delicate and tender catkins still rubbing the corners of his clothes tightly in his hands.

Tang Yao looked at Ying Miaomiao with tenderness in his eyes, and solemnly said, “Miaomiao, be my lover!”

Upon hearing this, Ying Miaomiao’s eyes lit up, and her expression revealed joy.

Tang Yao did not disappoint her.

She likes this choice very much.

But immediately, the shy color spread all over Ying Miao Miao’s charming face again.

Ying Miao Miao nodded slightly, and said softly, “Sit back.”

With that said, Ying Miaomiao wanted to withdraw her hands back, but she didn’t succeed.

Tang Yao held Ying Miaomiao’s hands tightly in his hands, looked at Ying Miaomiao with scorching eyes, and said excitedly: “Miaomiao, you agreed?”

Ying Miaomiao nodded again, then gave Tang Yao a coquettish look.

Tang Yao smiled and gently put Ying Miaomiao’s hands back.

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