Chapter 51

Walking into the first floor of the mall, Tang Yao found that the space was very large, more than a thousand square meters.

The huge walls all around are made up of display screens, and pictures of different categories are displayed there.

Below each picture, there is a detailed introduction and price.

Tang Yao started looking at the first floor and walked to the ninth floor.

Tang Yaoyan spent all his eyes on the dazzling array of goods in the mall.

For transportation alone, there are vintage cars of various shapes, maglev cars, war shuttles and fully intelligent flying saucers.

Combat uniforms and weapons, all kinds, from level 1 to level 9.

The various items needed by the Practitioner are available in the mall.

Some of these products are not discounted.

For example, genetic medicine.

The price of medicinal materials, the remuneration of the pharmacist, and the shipping cost are basically the same as the market price.

If it was discounted again, Jun Tian Wuguan couldn’t afford it with the huge consumption of genetic medicine.

After turning around, Tang Yao stayed in a corner on the 9th floor, staring at a picture in front of him.

The picture is a bright white pill.

Looking down, Tang Yao looked at the introduction of the pill.

The body cleansing pill can purify the cells in the body after use, increase cell activity, enhance talents, and speed up the speed of basic cultivation.

100 million pieces, can be purchased by those who have reached the 10-star point level or obtained the martial arts super contract, and each person is limited to one.

Tang Yao felt that the Ascension talent of Purifying Body Pill was definitely worth more than 100 million.

Judging from the set purchase restrictions, the Purifying Body Pill is to reward those who have done a great deal of credit, and the second is for the talents of Ascension geniuses, so that geniuses can grow faster.

After thinking about it, Tang Yao shouted: “Jun Tian!”

“I am here!”

Jun Tian’s mechanical voice appeared in Tang Yao’s ears.

Tang Yao asked: “I want a loan, help me check my limit, let’s talk about interest.”

“Tang Yao, 3 Star Warriors, Juntian Wuguan Special Class Contractor, the loan amount is 50 million Tianlan coins, and the monthly interest is 5% of the loan amount.”

Hearing that, Tang Yao cursed secretly, it was really his uncle’s blackness.

Borrow 100 million to pay back 60 million more a year, grab money!

Fortunately, the first time I bought something, it was 50% off. I still have more than 27 million yuan, so let’s take a loan of 30 million yuan. I will have to buy some thermal weapons and bullets later.

Fortunately, I am a pharmacist, and I can earn back one month’s interest in one day.

Thinking of this, Tang Yao said, “Jun Tian, ​​help me with a loan of 30 million yuan. After the account is received, I want to buy a pure body pill.”

After 10 seconds, Jun Tian’s voice came.

“The application has been completed, and the net body pill will be delivered within 24 hours. It is detected that you have a villa in Juntian Community, Jinxiu District, Ningcheng Base. Do you change the original address from Mingyue Community to Juntian Community?”

“No, just deliver it to the original address.”

Tang Yao shook his head and said.

This body purification pill was prepared by Tang Yao for Tang Yuanshan, so it was naturally sent to Mingyue Community.

Tang Yao’s talents are already very good now, even if he uses the Body Purifying Pill, the effect will not be too great, but Tang Yuanshan uses it, and the effect will be very good.

Tang Yao then chose two thermal weapons, a Skyfire M362 machine gun and a hunting wind 5 series sniper rifle, as well as plenty of bullets.

Even with a 25% discount, Tang Yao spent more than 5 million on firearms and bullets.

Tang Yao’s balance became 2 million, plus 30 million in debt.

There are also many good things in the mall, such as water that can restore life to the broken limbs, portable medical cabins, crystal armor… etc.

However, the current Tang Yao can’t afford it.


In the next three days, apart from cultivation, Tang Yao spent all his time on configuring genetic medicine.

On May 22, Tang Yao received the Body Purifying Pill and Thermal Weapons mailed to him by Juntian Martial Arts Hall.

Tang Yao gave Tang Yuanshan the body purification pill and level 4 weapons and combat uniforms. Tang Yuanshan took the body purification pill. Tang Yuanshan had a lot of talent ascension, and his basic cultivation speed was also much faster, not inferior to ordinary geniuses.

After discussing with Tang Yuanshan Bai Qiuyun, Tang Yao moved to the villa in Juntian community.

Tang Yuanshan and Bai Qiuyun didn’t move there, just one reason, waiting for Tang Yu.

If it weren’t for the better facilities in the villa, and it was closer to Juntian Wuguan for cultivation, Tang Yao didn’t want to move.

In the evening, Zhu Junyi made it clear to his dad and came to Tang Yao with 10 grade 4 medicinal materials. After Tang Yao prepared it, he gave Zhu Junyi 10 bottles of grade 4 genetic medicine the next day.

Of course, in the name of his indispensable Master.

On May 23, Tang Yao received a message from Deng Pan and agreed to leave the city on the 25th.

On May 24, Tang Yao configured all the original medicinal materials on hand and the medicinal materials that he bought later into genetic medicine.

Tang Yao gave Tang Yuanshan 2 bottles of Grade 3 genetic medicine, and mailed 5 bottles of Grade 3 genetic medicine to Lu Zhengbiao in the name of “your student”, which was regarded as fulfilling the wish he had made a few days ago.

At this time, Tang Yao’s physique had reached 70 ascension, and he became a 7-star soldier, reaching the level of a senior soldier.

And the 7-star warrior was also the strongest strength of Tang Yao’s previous life.

In other words, if Tang Yao wants to control Ascension’s strength in the future, he can only rely on a little practice on his own. The experience of the previous life is no longer useful.

After leaving 10 bottles of level 3 genetic medicine, Tang Yao sold all the genetic medicine he had on hand to Ji’s Pharmaceutical.

Tang Yao’s wealth reached 26 million, and he was not far from paying off his loan.


May 25th.

According to the agreement, Tang Yao and the Yellow Springs team gathered at the east gate of the base closest to the Jinxiu District.

On the way here, Tang Yaocai bought a lot of supplies for use outside the city.

At 8 o’clock, except for Yellow Springs, all the rest of the team assembled.

With a wave of Deng Pan, several people left the Ningcheng base in a pickup truck.

On the way, Zhang Jun and Gao Yan were sitting in the back of the pickup truck with guns on guard.

Deng Pan drove, Tang Yao sat in the co-pilot, and the two brothers Peng Shan and Peng Hai sat in the back seat with their eyes closed.

Tang Yao looked at the wilderness outside the car window. This was the first time he had left the base in his life.

Closer to the base, there is a crop of food crops, and farther away, it is a desolate landscape.

The road is very quiet, except for occasional vehicles, there are no zombies or upgraded beasts.

At this time, Deng Pan said: “Tang Yao, we have to rush to the military camp 50 kilometers away from the base, and then enter the real wilderness from there. Now, you can’t see a zombie or an upgraded beast, because the military will The zombies and upgraded beasts are all blocked out.”

Tang Yao nodded, he knew this in his last life.

Deng Panzui kept driving, while instilling wilderness survival and fighting experience in Tang Yao.

Tang Yao listened with great gusto. In his previous life, he acted with the army. What Deng Pan said was very novel to him, and he lacked it.

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