"And what?"

Recalling the few questions that Officer Su asked when he went to his house today, Lin Tianqi sighed silently, and he has to say it now.

From the face of the police officer Su today, Lin Tianqi realized that something was wrong, and the performance of the female police officer was even more obvious.

"The police may have known that the scalpel was stolen when it was in my hand." Lin Tianqi said with a heavy sigh, "So now we have to talk about it, and we have to talk about it if we don't."

"That can't be said, Dad, you have retired now, do you care about your face at such an old age? I'm fine, at most I don't have some honorary principals, but I'm definitely still in the hospital. Long, I can't let you get old and be wronged."

Lin Yaozong still did not agree with his father's remarks about the scandal that year.

Lin Tianqi stared blankly at his son, he really didn't think about the honor, but now that he has come, how can he leave so easily?

At this time, Su Yang and Hu Qiaoying walked in slowly from the outside, looking at the Lin family, one old and one young... one old and one middle-aged standing at the door, they couldn't help being a little surprised.

Su Yang and the two should have arrived at the police station long ago, but they were taken to a small street by Hu Qiaoying to eat some delicious food. Su Yang did not refuse at all. Being able to eat some delicious food from this world is worthy of this seven-day trip. .

"¨ˇ Are you two here?" Su Yang stepped forward and asked curiously.

The theft of the scalpel was definitely not that simple back then. If Lin Tianqi insisted not to say anything, Su Yang would not be able to persecute others. After all, he was really old, and maybe he really forgot what happened that year.

But now the two of them followed after their front feet left, so it's hard to guess why they came.

Lin Yaozong's face was a little embarrassed. It would be good to leave early, and he would not meet Su Yang and the two, but he still said, "It's alright, let's walk with my dad, we'll leave now."

Su Yang ignored Lin Yaozong, this guy was obviously trying to perfunctory him, didn't you see that Lin Tianqi looked at him and stopped talking?

Lin Tianqi is now difficult to ride a tiger, and he has also strengthened his inner thoughts.

"Officer Su, I want to tell you a bit of a dusty past."

After Lin Tianqi was relieved, he also had a faint (Mano's) smile on his face. When he said this, it seemed that some kind of shackles in his heart were instantly released.

"Dust-covered past?" Su Yang looked stunned, then laughed, and said, "The two of you please?"

In the reception room of the serious crime team, Lin Tianqi held the cup in his hand, but he didn't even drink a sip of water in it.

Yao Xuechen also came. Given the weight of the Lin family, he needed to come out to receive him in person. Unless it was a case involving a case, then everyone would be treated normally.

After Lin Tianqi told what happened back then, Yao Xuechen also looked at Su Yang in amazement. Unexpectedly, what Su Yang said earlier was not entirely based on speculation, and the matter was exactly the same as what Su Yang said.

The scalpel in Li Tongguang's hand is really not the ancestral scalpel of the Lin family.

I don't know what kind of expression Li Tongguang will have when he finds out about this. His evil interest in killing people is entirely because of the extraordinary significance of this scalpel. I didn't expect that what he got was a fake scalpel. .

Text Chapter 1122 New Member: Psychic Detective!

After the Lin family's father and son left, Yao Xuechen sighed and said, "I can't imagine that the glorious Lin family on the surface actually has such a scandal behind the scenes. If this is revealed, I'm afraid it will really become a scandal in the medical industry."

Hu Qiaoying looked at Yao Xuechen with a gossip face and asked, "Inspector Yao, do you want to tell me about this?"

Judging from the previous conversation, Su Yang felt that Yao Xuechen didn't have that gossip.

Yao Xuechen shook his head and said, "Since it has nothing to do with the case, I won't say anything if I can, and we should do less things that hurt others and ourselves. We are not a paparazzi."

After speaking, Yao Xuechen and Su Yang said something and left the reception room. There are still some tedious things in the case that he needs to do.

Hu Qiaoying watched Yao Xuechen leave the door, and added: "Then Inspector Yao, do you mean that you can do things that harm others and benefit yourself?"

Yao Xuechen, who walked to the door, stumbled and almost fell. He glanced back at Hu Qiaoying and left.

Su Yang looked at Hu Qiaoying in surprise, the brain circuit really did not understand.

Yao Xuechen knew Hu Qiaoying very well, so he chose not to answer this question because she might have other questions after answering it.

For example, when discussing how to turn something that is harmful to others and benefit oneself, the details are to threaten the Lin family.

Su Yang also shook his head and left the reception room.

Watching Yao Xuechen and Su Yang leave one after another, Hu Qiaoying scratched her head and wondered, "Is this question wrong? But as a police officer, you can't do unconscionable things."

After talking to herself, Hu Qiaoying thought she was right and gave herself a nod of appreciation.

Back in the office, Su Yang had nowhere to go for a while. The case of the old man's disappearance was unclear for the time being, and even Yao Xuechen had not figured it out. Su Yang naturally wouldn't blindly investigate the case.

When he was bored, Su Yang thought that he hadn't gone to see the group after the case was solved.

The experience bar of the previous group has almost reached the critical point, and if the case is solved this time, it may be possible to join new people.

His consciousness sank into the group system, and when he saw that the previously gray upgrade button had turned green, Su Yang was overjoyed, and the group could be upgraded.

Without thinking, Su Yang directly clicked the upgrade button (bffb).

"The master is sure that the group is about to be upgraded. After this upgrade, it will be the ninth-level group." System Xiaobing's voice sounded in his mind.

After Su Yang replied affirmatively, the group level flashed, from level eight to level nine.

After the group is upgraded, it is accompanied by the selection ability and the invitation of new people.

Looking at the members who applied to join the group, Su Yang had some headaches. Many foreign detectives who applied for the first time never agreed. For some reason, Su Yang wanted to let some detectives with special criminal investigation abilities in China join first.

Looking at several well-known detectives, Su Yang only silently said in his heart that he would let them join the group next time he had a chance, and finally his eyes stayed on the name of a psychic detective.

"Yu Zilang, the psychic detective, got a psychic response after being struck by lightning once..." Su Yang looked at the introduction of the psychic detective and couldn't help but wonder.

This is not the first time this kind of puzzlement. The criminal investigation skill of telepathy is mysterious and mysterious, and it seems to be related to superstition.

It can be said that telepathy and criminal investigation are two completely different things. One is superstition and the other is science. The collision of superstition and science should have produced intense sparks.

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