On the fifth day, Cai Jun came to him in a hurry.

"Consultant Su, Director Liao wants to see you." Cai Jun said.

Su Yang got up: "Is Bureau Liao back? He's in the office now, I'll go find him."

"He's back, but he's not in the office. Consultant Su, come with me, and we'll know when the time comes." Cai Jun's face was very solemn.

Su Yang vaguely knew that something had happened, but without asking more, he got into Cai Jun's car and went all the way to Chuncheng People's Hospital.

When he saw Liao Tianming, he was very sluggish, but when he saw Su Yang, he seemed to be refreshed immediately.

"Consultant Su 1.6, you are here, please take a seat!" Liao Tianming looked very polite.

But Su Yang did not move immediately, but stared at Liao Tianming carefully.From the marks on his body, the look in his eyes, and the way others wanted to say but didn't dare, Su Yang narrowed his eyes and asked:

"Officer Liao, has someone humiliated you?"

Liao Tianming was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly: "It's not just humiliation, but contempt! Have you ever heard of my dignified first-office-level cadre who was detained for [-] hours, tortured mentally and psychologically?"

"In the twenty-four hours, there was no light, but it gave people countless hallucinations. Damn, if I hadn't been prepared, I would have been suffocated there!"

Su Yang frowned, and Liao Tianming could only helplessly reply: "I was buried alive!"

Chapter 135 Watch the sky at night, decide the disaster?

The dignified city bureau chief was buried alive while investigating a case!

Not to mention that other people sounded so unbelievable about such a thing, even Su Yang was full of surprise after hearing it.

"Officer Liao, are you sure you're not joking with me? You are the director, the one who controls the overall situation and strategizes. No matter what, no one will have a chance to approach you and bury you, right?"

Liao Tianming let all his subordinates leave the ward, and then said seriously: "Consultant Su, you have seen people who imitated the top ten tortures to kill people, and you have also seen people who imitated the best-selling novels to kill people. But you must have never heard of it. Yeguan Tianxiang arbitrarily decides disasters and uses such skills to kill people, right?"

Watching the sky at night and deciding on disasters? !

When he heard these eight words, Su Yang's eyes couldn't help condensing, and he asked: "Liao Bureau, explain in detail!"

"Linshan City is a very special place, located on the border between the two countries. But it is also a city with frequent geological disasters. It has been half a month ago, and 17 natural disasters occurred in Longxiang Town, Linshan City. Case Fadi is a fish-breeding reservoir, and the reservoir is not very big. However, the heavy rain for several days has caused the water level of the reservoir to continue to rise. The reservoir is also far away from the area where people live, and the reservoir is leased to others for breeding. fish."

"So basically every night there are people guarding the reservoir, watching the rain pouring down, the fish farmers can only go to heighten the dams. But the strange thing is that on weekdays the fish farmers are alone or ask laborers to help to heighten and reinforce them. Only that night the fish farmer actually called his family to the reservoir, and then the dam collapsed and all three adults in the family drowned!"

Su Yang heard the words and said, "This case is related to murder? The people who died were adults. Maybe the fish farmer just didn't want to spend any more money. How about asking his own family to help?"

"Yes, so this case was defined as a natural disaster at the time. But then there was another case, this time in Longxiang Town. It's just a rare geological disaster, rock burst! Rock burst! Formation, as the old saying goes, how high the mountain is and how high the water is. When there is a river near the mountain or the groundwater level is high, the groundwater bears the weight of the mountain and will generate high pressure, and then the water will find a way out. Cracks will follow the cracks, and if you go out, springs will be formed on the surface of the mountain."

"But if the exit is not found, a high-pressure air mass will form. Just like our tunnel excavation, it is easy to encounter rock burst disasters. But with the current means, rock bursts can still be well avoided. However, in the case we are talking about, the deceased was the foreman of the tunnel excavation at the time. He may have been in the tunnel to check the danger. The construction team at that time also said that they had dug near the high pressure air mass, but if they did not move It won't detonate, but apparently the deceased triggered a high-pressure air mass and directly caused a rock burst!"

"The energy released by the rock burst can reach the effect of an earthquake of magnitude 4.6 at the highest. If a person is in the center, the energy released by the rock burst would have to be shattered even in iron clothes!"

Su Yang didn't ask much, since there was the first one and the second one, it meant that there might be other discoveries later.

Because these two cases are not enough to define the extent of taking advantage of natural disasters to murder others, there must be something discovered later that made the dignified Chuncheng Bureau Chief Liao Tianming rush to investigate the truth personally!

"I think Consultant Su can also think of it. There must have been an accident, an accident that revealed the truth of this series of murders for us! That's right, this accident still came from that reservoir! The continuous heavy rain at that time made people feel I am worried that other reservoirs will burst. So please go to the provincial geologist to do a hazard assessment. If there is a real possibility of a hazard, then anyone near the reservoir must evacuate.”

"But after the geologist went to the dam, he checked it out and said with certainty that the amount of water condensed at that time could never cause the dam to burst. Even if the dam burst, it could not be at that location, but the weakest area of ​​the dam. But unfortunately, as long as the dam is opened, it will be destroyed in a mess, and geological experts can't determine whether it is man-made damage!"

Liao Tianming started to have lingering fears, and said: "The next is the third geological disaster. This disaster came from a landslide. It was me who was almost killed! But the murderer really wanted to kill, but it was me. The other man was buried alive when I drove his car through that mountain!"

Hearing this, Su Yang understood: "That is to say, when Director Liao went to Long Township to investigate, he had already found out the connection between the deceased in the two previous cases?"

"Yes, as the saying goes, poor mountains and bad waters make troublesome people. The fish farmer and the foreman were really not good birds when they were young. The two of them also had three people named Deng Qiu who were best friends, the most iron buddies. When I was young, I fought and fought and mixed society. Except for gambling and drugs, I was a typical idler. I had no money to spend if I was idle, and I had to find a way to make money. There is a famous transportation road in Longxiang Town. The road that many large goods must take. At that time, they thought of a way to make money and rob the transporter 223!"

"It was from the case of the robbery of the transporter that I found their common ground and discovered Deng Qiu. I didn't expect it, so I just tried it and drove Deng Qiu's car to Deng Qiu. When I was planning to go on the road, I encountered a landslide! The whole person, including the car, was buried in the mud and stone!"

Su Yang's face was full of disbelief, and he exclaimed, "It's a miracle to see Director Liao. You said before that you were buried for [-] hours!"

"It took the rescue team [-] hours to pull me out. You can imagine how serious the landslide was."

"No, I'm wondering how Bureau Liao did you survive?"

The corner of Liao Tianming's mouth curved, and said: "At that time, I couldn't predict what method the murderer would use to kill, so I prepared a lot of things in the car. Oxygen cylinders, food, water and even fireproof clothing were prepared. Of course, this is not the most important thing. Yes, the most important thing is that I drove the car to a relatively safe place when the danger came. Just buried and not hit by a boulder, otherwise I might have died no matter how well prepared. But even so , those twenty-four hours of darkness are also unforgettable to me!"

Chapter 136 Completely Uncontrollable Dangerous Molecules!

It was definitely a wrong decision for Liao Tianming to survive, and in Su Yang's view, Liao Tianming's behavior was not worth advocating.

As the director of the city bureau, and also serving in the provincial department, he is not only responsible for solving the case, there are too many affairs that need to be handled by him.

Although Liao Tianming is a workaholic, his own work has never been missed.

But in the revolver murder case five years ago, he survived because of careful planning.He may be lucky to have survived the current landslide.

But no one can guarantee that in the next encounter, he will survive the danger again and again.

A police chief with such rich experience and strong management and criminal investigation capabilities is not suitable for him to go to the front line at all, but standing behind and strategizing is the most correct choice.

However, it was not Su Yang's turn to talk about such things. In his mind, he was analyzing what Liao Tianming had said before.

Indeed, both Su Yang's own experience and Guan Hongfeng's rich criminal investigation experience were telling him.I have never encountered a case where the murderer was using geological disasters to kill!

Without Liao Tianming's personal experiments, it would be impossible to determine whether the death was caused by natural disasters or whether someone was deliberately murdering.

Liao Tianming is now lying on the hospital bed, explaining very well that someone really has the ability to cause disasters and kill people.

Such means, to be precise, for many criminal investigators, it is beyond their own capabilities.

But in Liao Tianming's verification, one thing came up.

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