Guan Hongfeng also nodded: "The group leader thinks more delicately, but we are deliberately going to the next conclusion at this moment, that is, the murderer must have a purpose by means of killing. Moreover, his purpose may have nothing to do with the three Deng Qiu mentioned earlier. , the goal of his murder is indeterminate. The reason for the common ground is that he is dragging the police's time, and he wants to create a bigger sensation. When the sensation is all over, then his purpose will be revealed to the world!"

"What the group leader does is how to find him before he finishes creating a sensation, and then kill him directly! This kind of lunatic or a bastard who eats human blood and steamed buns has no qualifications to live in the world!"

The people in the group are filled with righteous indignation at this moment, because the reasoning of the case to the current level has become more and more indignant.

What a good girl, what a good old man.Just because of such an accident, and then die, such a death is not worth it.

Su Yang let out a heavy sigh: "The Guan team proposed to investigate, at least we can't let go of any suspicious points. Another point to investigate is how the murderer knew through the tunnel that it was Uncle Chen and him in the middle of the night. His granddaughter found out that he murdered him? Could it be that he still has a clairvoyant ear? Obviously not, if there were, Old Man Chen and his granddaughter would have died that night."

After speaking, Su Yang paused for a while, then looked around the room and said, "Maybe the devil is around!"

Chapter 144 Scalp!

It was after eleven o'clock at night when the rock burst in the tunnel occurred.

At that time, Su Yang believed that it was a great coincidence that Uncle Chen brought his granddaughter to the tunnel entrance.

He didn't think that there were other people at that time. That person went to tell the murderer that Uncle Chen and grandson discovered his murder!

If that was the case, he could have told the killer at the time.

Or if the murderer knew, he would definitely attack immediately, because there was a ready-made disaster at the scene, and he didn't need to let the grandfather and grandson who witnessed it escape alive!

But now another problem has arisen. Because of his family background, Uncle Chen is relatively familiar with the cadres in the town.

Since he and his granddaughter saw the killing, why didn't they call the police?He should be worth calling the police for this kind of thing!

The people in the group have also extended this question, but Su Yang didn't look at it. He saw so many people surrounding the old lady, and he had an idea in his heart.

"Why didn't Mr. Chen go to the police? There are only two reasons for not calling the police. First, he is afraid, and he is afraid of what people will do to him after calling the police. Second, he may be hesitating! Hesitating whether to call the murderer? Speak out, but obviously from the current results, the old man did not report it. That is to say, that person is the one who made him unwilling to report."

"Uncle Chen has only one wife and a granddaughter left. He has no relatives. The so-called poverty is in the downtown area and no one asks, and the rich has distant relatives in the mountains. Uncle Chen should not be because of family affection. If it is not because of family affection, then will it be possible? Is it someone who has kindness to him? That person's kindness to Uncle Chen's family made him bury this secret in his heart?"

Su Yang's mind has been analyzing, and his eyes are always on those people in the room.

But this doesn't mean that Su Yang is suspicious of the people in the room, he is thinking that there are many people who can have kindness with Uncle Chen's family.Those ordinary people who helped them, as well as some very friendly cadres in the town, and even the doctors in the hospital, may be benefactors to Uncle Chen!

The group members also noticed Su Yang's expression at this time, and Qin Feng was the first to ask: "Group leader, did you think of something?"

When Su Yang heard the words, he told the group what he had analyzed, and Qin Feng and others fell silent.

Not long after that, Fang Mu suggested: "This should be able to find a list, those who have donated to Uncle Chen's family, or who often visit their family. If the group owner's guess is correct, then this person It's hidden in it. It's a pity that the image drawn by the little girl is too blurry, and there is no close-up of the face, otherwise it would be better to lock the range!"

"From this unfinished painting, only the figure of a man can be distinguished." Su Yang picked up the picture again.

"Not only this, you have found that the little girl used black color when painting the murderer's arm!" Qin Feng replied.

Su Yang picked up the painting again to take a look, not to mention that the painting on his arm was indeed black.

"Is this telling us that the murderer's skin is very dark?" Guan Hongfeng asked.

"No, if she has dark skin, she will definitely be colored like this on her face. And the coloring is distinct, and it is getting lighter and lighter from the wrist to the shoulder. And you have noticed that in the murderer's The little girl by her ear also wore some black, but it was very light."

Su Yang stared at the picture carefully, and finally said: "Wait, do you think there is another possibility. That is, Old Uncle Chen may think that the deceased is damned, so he didn't go to the police?"

"This seems to be the past. Old Uncle Chen must have some people he hates. If you combine the second possibility, the possibility of him not calling the police is very high!"

"Then we have to find out the deceased Sun Ming in the second accident. What did he do on weekdays!"

Su Yang was ready to leave, but just as he was about to step out the door, he looked back at the wall of awards in the room, and said silently in his heart, "Little girl, thank you for this picture for my brother. Painting, I will help you find the murderer, and I will frame your paintings to make them more dazzling!"

Su Yang took the painting and left, and then drove to the Forensic Identification Center of Linshan Municipal Bureau.

"How is the body test?" Su Yang asked as soon as he arrived.

Jiang Rou reported the report to Su Yang: "There is no sediment absorption in the chest cavity and throat, and there is not even muddy water in the chest cavity. Basically, it is certain that it was washed to the landslide site after death, so you are the team leader. The conclusion is absolutely correct!"

Su Yang handed the painting to Jiang Rou, then pointed to the little girl's corpse and said, "She drew it. I'll find a better mortuary to do her makeup later..."

When Jiang Rou looked at the painting, she was already shocked. Her first reaction was: "Why didn't their grandfather and grandson call the police! If they called the police, then they would not have suffered such a murder!"

"This question is a big problem in front of us. By the way, have the three drowning deceased in the first accident ever undergone autopsy?" Su Yang asked.

Jiang Rou nodded and pulled out a piece of white cloth: "It was just made, but a lot of water residue was found in his chest cavity. It was also mentioned in the previous autopsy report, but there is one thing that is very strange. ."

"What's so strange? Didn't the autopsy report also say that there was water residue in his chest?"

"Yes, but after I shaved him a bald head, it's different. There are a lot of red spots on his scalp!"

Su Yang immediately pulled away the shroud covered by the fish farmer Zhu Hong, squatted down and stared at the bald head, and soon discovered that the pores that should have been hair had dark red spots.

"Is this caused by being violently dragged?"

"That's right, the damage to the scalp and pores caused by the external force. But other than him, the other two did not, and I also found a different place 0.0. That is, the water in Zhu Hong's chest should be slightly clean. A little bit, and the muddy water in the chests of the other two deceased is very consistent with the water quality that appeared after the dam burst."

"Of course the point I made is a bit of a forcible refutation of the previous autopsy report, because the water in the chest was not too different."

After Jiang Rou said with a wry smile, Qin Ming in the group said, "This girl is amazing. As a forensic doctor, especially not the first forensic doctor to receive an autopsy, you must have the spirit of daring to overthrow everything. What came out further verifies our previous speculation!"

"When Zhu Hong died, it should not be in the same place as the other two deceased! After the dyke burst, the body would be washed away, and it was also not in the same place when it was found. But according to her conclusion, it can be concluded that Zhu Hong also has Probably died before the disaster!"

Chapter 145 Even if the king is the king, just catch it!

Su Yang patted Jiang Rou's shoulder heavily, and his face was full of smiles.

In the three accidents, all previous conclusions were overturned at this time.

Zhu Hong, a fish farmer in the first accident, had a different muddy water left in his chest than the other two.

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