The scenery around Emgrand City is very good, especially the back mountain is always lush, especially when it rains heavily, once the clouds and mists rise on the mountain, it is like a fairyland on earth.

But if you think about it from the perspective of a detective, it is completely different.The lush vegetation, to a certain extent, means that it is better to hide the darkness.

Zhang Xing is extremely good at such things as investigations. The three members of the task force, Su Yang controls the overall situation, and Jiang Rou is the forensic doctor.

And Zhang Xing, in fact, is a typical bold and careful, and his experience in search is full.

He didn't ask the police to go to the mountain to look for the reporter immediately, but he first looked for holes around the walls outside the community.

It didn't take long for him to find a hole, then took a photo and said: "It came out from such a place. Although there is an iron fence, the cat's body is soft and should be able to get in and out. There are cat prints, let's follow these cat footprints to check."

Several policemen bent down and walked along the cat's footprints on the ground, and went deep into the mountains and forests, and the footprints left by the cats became weaker and lighter.

This is not because the cat is about to reach the place, but because there are so many fallen leaves on the mountain, it is difficult for the cat to step on it and leave traces.

"Let's do some searching separately. Cats are prone to shedding hair. Now that there are no footprints, I just follow the hair." Zhang Xing changed his method.

The policemen immediately gave a thumbs up and said with a smile, "Master Zhang, one method after another."

"I'm not bragging, as long as you follow Su Shao, the sow can climb the tree!" Zhang team came.

The other policemen immediately burst into laughter, but Zhang Xing's brows suddenly wrinkled and said, "Wait, do you smell it?"

Those police officers all sniffed seriously, and the more they sniffed, the more they couldn't help nodding their heads: "It seems to be true, it smells very bad!"

"Then look for it along the stench."

Zhang Xing said and immediately stepped forward, the smell became more and more intense after a while.

It wasn't until a short while later that the policeman at the very edge suddenly shouted, "Team Zhang, this way!"

Everyone gathered around, and when they saw the pile of things on the ground, they instantly changed...

"This... this motherfucker is all internal organs?!"

Fortunately, these police officers were all experienced and had seen a lot of corpses.

If some young children just entered the police station, it is estimated that they would have vomited profusely by now.

Lines of red and black things were thrown on a pile of rotting leaves, the most obvious being the big fist-shaped thing, and a large lump of black lungs leaning against the side.

One after another, the white and fat maggots happily entered and exited on those internal organs, dancing gracefully. At this moment, people were sick, so disgusting!

Zhang Xing put on a mask and said, "First take a picture of this place and save it, and then notify the forensic doctor in the city to come over. Others should not move around for the time being, at least don't trample around until the forensic doctor arrives."

Although those internal organs are seriously rotten, for them, they can tell that these internal organs are human.

All the police officers could not move, Zhang Xing put on gloves and took pictures with his phone.

When he wanted to pinch and look at those internal organs to see if there was anything inside, he finally held back.

City Bureau, Su Yang's office quickly received a call from Zhang Xinglai.

When he heard that a bunch of people's internal organs were thrown into the back mountain of Emgrand City, he immediately got up and went to Jiang Rou: "Let's go, let's go home."

"Why are you going home? We haven't gotten off work on 0.1 yet!"

"There's a fire in the backyard, and it's a fart class!"

Su Yang murmured, and then asked Jiang Rou to quickly bring the toolbox and drive to the back mountain of Emgrand City.

Arriving at the destination, Jiang Rou's eyes brightened a little when she looked at the pile of cheerful maggots' internal organs.

Subconsciously, he took out a piece of chewing gum from his pocket and opened the toolbox while chewing.

"It's really a fire in the backyard. This internal organ has been abandoned here for many days. Look, it's all tanned!"

Jiang Rou said, and picked up the piece of lung with her hand.

Seeing this, Su Yang made up her mind that she would never let this girl cook for a long time to come!

That lung is really fucking black!

Chapter 184 After the calm, the waves are mostly choppy!

Jiang Rou put all the pieces of internal organs into a transparent bag, and each time she picked up a piece, she would introduce some of them.

"These things haven't been thrown for a long time. For example, this lung seems to have rotted. But considering the current weather, the time this lung has been thrown here should only be the last two days. And look at the lungs. , it should have been frozen for a long time."

"And this stomach, it's all frozen. And there's food in it, all frozen."

"There is nothing at the scene except the organ, but from the surface of the organ, there was a certain degree of biting, which should be caused by the cat."

After Jiang Rou finished speaking, those organs were also packed up, Zhang Xing couldn't help but said dryly when he saw the maggots crawling in the transparent bag, "Miss Rou, don't you clean up those maggots first? ?"

"Since Team Zhang has seen it, why don't you do me a favor? You have the heart to see me as a girl doing such a thing?" Jiang Rou asked back.

Zhang Xing felt that he was talking too much, so he smiled embarrassingly and stopped talking.

After waiting for the pile of organs to be cleaned up, Jiang Rou made an opinion, saying: "Team leader, there should be more than 15 corpse dumps in this area. Judging from the organs, there are signs of bites. Not much, which means that the cat doesn’t like this kind of food very much. What it likes more should be human flesh.”

Su Yang nodded and said, "There is indeed such a possibility. Team Zhang, you can lead someone to continue the in-depth search."

Zhang Xing said goodbye and led people to look for it along the traces. After Jiang Rou sealed everything in the box, she frowned, "There must be some people or even many people who have been secretly killed, or some people have stole corpses in Chuncheng City. . Judging from the appearance of those organs, and the fact that the group leader you said earlier about the cat hurting people's formation time, it seems to me that a long time must have passed. "

"But in Chuncheng, we didn't hear about it. If it wasn't for you and Director Liao being suspicious of the cat, I even doubt that this matter would have been hidden for no reason. At that time, no one will It may be associated with the cat incident!"

Su Yang pondered and said, "We didn't hear about it, it doesn't mean it didn't happen. But what is certain is that no one thought that the corpse appeared in the back mountain of Emgrand City, and we are even more unable to verify that the corpse is in addition to Apart from these internal organs, does the flesh still exist?"

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