They can meet other detectives, but they never want to meet Su Yang.

Because they met Su Yang, their ending will be only a dead end!

Chapter 26 The head is gone!

Zhao Tiande invited Su Yang into the conference room, and only after entering did he realize that there were quite a few people coming to the city bureau today.

Moreover, among the people in the conference room, Zhang Xing's rank was the lowest, because all the people who came were the directors and deputy directors of the various sub-bureaus.

Zhang Xing was embarrassed all of a sudden, but Su Yang didn't think there was anything. Anyway, even Zhao Tiande had met, so the directors of other branches were naturally not afraid.

Zhao Tiande arranged Su Yang's position, just below his left.

After being seated, Zhao Tiande said, "Everyone, you must know about the skinning case a few days ago, right? The whole case was in the city bureau just now, and you should have heard who solved the case. The purpose of everyone's calling is to let everyone get to know our criminal investigation consultant of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau."

Of course everyone here knows about the skinning case. Although the media has control over this case, not many people know about it.But among the people who don't know, people from the police can't be excluded.

Everyone knew that it was the newly hired criminal investigation consultant who solved the case, but they knew that among such young people as Su Yang, other than the Nanjiang Branch, people from other branches did not know.

Those people looked at Su Yang and then looked at Zhao Tiande. They didn't know whether it was difficult to respond, or they were afraid that if they asked, they would offend people, so they all kept silent.

Zhao Tiande glanced at everyone, didn't say much, just nodded silently to the city police officer beside him.

The policeman walked over to the player and opened a video. The big screen in the conference room immediately showed Su Yang standing in court and defending his innocence.

When the video was played a little bit, the bureau chiefs who were smoking in the conference room became silent, and even the cigarettes in their hands were almost burning to the butt of the cigarette and they did not react.

Their eyes were all fixed on Su Yang's defense in court.

Until then, someone suddenly let out a cry, glanced at his finger and quickly snuffed out the cigarette butt, and then someone exclaimed:

"It turns out that Consultant Su is actually the defender of the perfect defense that caused a sensation in the United States!"

"The iron evidence is like a mountain, but you can still find the perfect reason to defend yourself from the clues. The mind is amazing, amazing!"

"More than the mind? The most admirable thing about Consultant Su is that he is only a teenager, but he is not afraid of standing on the court of the highest court in the United States!"

The corner of Zhao Tiande's mouth finally showed a smile, his palm pointed in the direction of Su Yang, and said very solemnly: "Everyone, let me introduce again. The talented young man, the criminal detective Su Yang was officially hired by our bureau as the city bureau's criminal investigation consultant. Any sub-bureau is under the control of the city bureau, and he can report to me directly when he encounters a matter of choice. In other words, in the future, he has the right to intervene in the cases of the major sub-bureaus, understand?"

The directors of the various divisions took a sharp breath, and they all understood why there was such a meeting today!

Zhao Tiande regarded Su Yang as the training core of the Municipal Bureau, otherwise he would not be able to tell Su Yang's case-solving deeds first, then broadcast Su Yang's perfect defense, and then re-introduce Su Yang to clarify his authority.

The so-called knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger is nothing more than that. Zhao Tiande wants to let people know that he is a genius from the beginning, and he must be well maintained!

Su Yang himself was surprised by Zhao Tiande's move, but after thinking about it, it was in his favor, so Su Yang also took note of it.

A group of sub-directors began to laugh and ease the awkward atmosphere before, but after a while, Zhao Tiande said: "Everyone, a case will be sent to all of you later, take a good look at it."

The faces of all the sub-directors were a little surprised, but the sub-director of the Zhonggu District did not speak.

The police waiting on the side handed out all the prepared materials to everyone, and Su Yang also had a copy.

It's just that when he saw the file, he couldn't help frowning.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Xing couldn't help but said solemnly, "Old Wu is dead! Damn it, who the hell did this!"

"This is impossible, what kind of person is Mr. Wu? He has been doing good things all his life, how could he end up like this!" Another person said with a face full of shock and heartache.

"Old Wu is ninety years old, and he has not had many years. What is the murderer going to do, is he going to do something outrageous?!"

The atmosphere in the entire conference room became extremely cold at that moment, Zhao Tiande exhaled a long breath, as if he was spitting out the anger in his heart.

He's the city bureau chief, and he has to keep his cool.

The police began to play the PPT material on the big screen, saying: "The case happened a week ago, and the crime scene was in the nursing home where Mr. Wu lived. It is under the jurisdiction of the Zhonggu Branch. This is a picture of the crime scene."

A picture of a hunched old man lying on a folding table immediately appeared on the big screen, and the old man was holding some banknotes in his hands.

Among these banknotes, there are one hundred, fifty-twenty, and even fifty-cent gross notes.

The money was folded many times at first glance, wrinkled, and all smeared in the blood on the table.

However, the head of the old man in the photo was gone!

...for collection! ...for flowers! ...for a reward! ……Ask for an evaluation ticket! ! ! ...

Chapter 27 Murder in the Secret Room!

...for collections...for flowers...for evaluation tickets...for rewards...for monthly tickets...

On the Internet many years ago, there was a person who touched the whole country.

Even today, his name is mentioned on some of the larger social-related websites.

Wu Zhongyi!

His name is very common, and his life is actually very common. What I have to say is that he has participated in the army and fought in wars.

He never married. It is said that after his beloved girl got married in the years when he joined the army, he did not marry and have children.

But Wu Zhongyi's life was extraordinary. He was one of the top ten moving figures of the year many years ago.

The pensions he received after he was discharged from the army, as well as his wages for his work, were all donated to help those students who were especially poor.

For decades, Wu Zhongyi has never had a four-digit balance in his bank account after each donation.

He even sold his only house when he was too old to take care of himself.Only a certain pension is left, and the rest is donated to poor college students.

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