Zhang Xing and Jiang Rou came over and asked, Su Yang pointed to the blackboard, and Zhang Xing and the two walked towards the blackboard.

It's just that Zhang Xing and Jiang Rou both frowned and looked puzzled when looking at the pictures of the scene and some autopsy reports.

"These are files transferred from the Haigang Municipal Public Security Bureau about Tian Xuebing's killing of dozens of police officers in the past ten years. I extracted some from them. You two should take a look first and then think about whether there is any place to dig for clues."

Su Yang said and sat on the sofa, Jiang Rou Zhang walked over, one looked at the autopsy report, and the other looked at the survey photos of the scene.

The two watched for a long time, especially when Jiang Rou was looking at the autopsy results, it was even more detailed.

The two watched for a long time, and finally Zhang Xing said: "From the photos of the scene, the protagonist is a perfect criminal from beginning to end."

Su Yang nodded and said: "Yes, he is very proficient in the handling of traces. To be honest, the murderers we have encountered now have a very strong sense of anti-investigation. A powerful murderer, he can't Stupid enough to leave their own traces. So for our task force, the possibility of finding clues from the traces is very small. But in fact, in the first and second cases, the murderer has left traces of."

After Su Yang finished speaking, Zhang Xing said, "Indeed, in the second case, the murderer's footprints were left more than ten meters away from the scene of the murder. In the first case, although the murderer was Nothing was left, but he made clear traces of cleanup. Including bloodstains, doors and windows."

"That's right, that is to say, in the second case, the murderer has already begun to pay attention to the traces. In the third and subsequent cases, the murderer has not even cleaned up the blood, because he did not touch it at all. Those blood stains. In other words, his body has never entered the range of blood stains. Even if blood water splashes on his body, he still does not leave anything on the scene. And the reason why he has a clear change is that he can change from a certain I noticed it in one place. Team Zhang, take a good look at it, can you figure out this problem."

Su Yang must have figured out the problem, but he also wanted to know if Zhang Xing could feel it as soon as possible.

Zhang Xing knew that Su Yang meant a test, so he looked at it again seriously at this moment.

It's just that when Jiang Rou has digested all the autopsy reports, Zhang Xing is still frowning and thinking.

Until then, Jiang Rou suddenly said, "There are so many cases, it took me several hours to read them."

Zhang Xing's eyes suddenly froze, and the word time in his mind seemed to be infinitely magnified.

The first case occurred in 1994, while his second case occurred in 1997.

In the following years, police officers were killed by Tian Xuebing every year, but the time span of the first and second cases was vacant for two years.

What happened to Tian Xuebing in 95 and 96?

Looking at Zhang Xing's expression, Su Yang already knew that he had reacted, and asked with a smile, "Team Zhang, what do you think Tian Xuebing encountered in the two years of 95 and 96?"

Zhang Xing turned his head sharply and exclaimed: "The two years may be the most important point. What did he do in the past two years? What happened to him in the past two years? The first case happened in 94. , Twenty-four years have passed since now. If it happened today, then Tian Xuebing might have been arrested immediately when the first case happened."

"But because the technology in that era was not advanced enough, Tian Xuebing escaped. But two years later, when he committed the crime again, he seemed to have transformed. From a fairly perfect crime to a completely perfect crime , although this is only a difference of two words, but the difference is a thousand miles away!"

After Zhang Xing finished speaking, Su Yang nodded heavily: "Yes, these two years are very important. In these two years, the self-transformation of a king of crime has been perfect. But how did he transform? During the investigation, no one responded to the time issue here. And this time issue really doesn't seem to be of much importance, because there was a period of immersion in the subsequent cases. For example, after 03 , he has not shot again for a year."

"But if you look at the means of committing the crime, then 95 and 96 were a huge problem. So once Tian Xuebing's police murder case is filed again, the first direction to be investigated is what Tian Xuebing did in the past two years. . Of course, the most important issue is that we must correct a wrong thinking from now on."

Zhang Xing and Jiang Rou both frowned and said, "That is, in our hearts, we must keep in mind that Tian Xuebing is not one person, but two people, and the other person's name is Tian Wen, which is different from the ancient one. One of the Four Gentlemen of the Warring States Period, Lord Mengchang has the same name!"

Jiang Rou suddenly realized, and said, "Yes, we do have to distinguish between one person and two people. It's just a pity, if those corpses still exist, then we may be able to carry out some autopsy identification. After all, that The methods of autopsy in the past are far inferior to those of today!"

"This is the superior congenital condition of the murderer. All the bodies of the year have been buried, and even some people have been cremated due to regional reasons and have no use for autopsy. Let's be ready at any time, there is a feeling telling me, next we will If there is another major murder case, it is estimated that it has something to do with Tian Xuebing!"

Chapter 322 Eliminate the target!

Jiang Rou and Zhang Xing had been reminded by Su Yang for a long time, so these days they always remembered Tian Xuebing's name in their hearts.

It's just that after finding out the crucial two years, Su Yang said that Tian Xuebing is likely to commit a crime in the near future.

At this time, Su Yang subconsciously glanced outside the door.

Jiang Rou felt something and asked, "Do you need to lock the door?"

"It's not locked, but I just want to talk to you two alone about the next thing."

Jiang Rou and Zhang Xing immediately became serious, and after sitting down, Su Yang said again: "I went to see Chang Wei before, you know, in my discussion with Chang Wei, he said that Tian Xuebing's purpose may be to Because of him, maybe because of me."

"It's understandable because of Chang Wei? After all, Chang Wei is his only disciple, but if it's because of Chang Wei, then what he's going to do now is not to kill people, but to find a way to help Chang Wei escape from prison, right?" Jiang Rou put forward her own ideas.

Su Yang nodded and said: "Yes, if it's just because of Chang Wei, then it must be a means of escape. But Tian Xuebing didn't do that. Instead, he participated in the extinction plan of Li Kuohai and Wang Zhenxiao. So after the discussion with Chang Wei, we both felt that Tian Xuebing’s purpose might be purely aimed at me at 920. That’s why Chang Wei told me so much, if he was rushing towards Chang Wei Go, according to Chang Wei's character, it is impossible for him to reveal any news to me."

"So if you want to give a more accurate probability, then his target is most likely aimed at me. I caught Chang Wei, maybe he himself thought that the news that he was still alive would be exposed because of this. Therefore, knowing a child is better than a father, and knowing an apprentice is better than a teacher. Tian Xuebing must understand what happened to Chang Wei. After he knew that he would be exposed, he began to take action. Because neither he nor Chang Wei has the temperament to sit still, so this That led to Tian Xuebing committing the crime again."

"According to this speculation directed at me, then let's do an exclusion method to see who Tian Xuebing is most likely to kill, and who is the least likely to kill. First rule out the latter possibility, he is the most likely to kill. Who can't be killed?"

Su Yang asked, Jiang Rou and Zhang Xing couldn't help but look at each other when she heard the words, and then Zhang Xing replied, "If you are involved with us, then the most unlikely to kill is the policeman who has nothing to do with us and is not very outstanding."

"So, in this way, we can eliminate most of the people in the city bureau first." Su Yang followed.

"After eliminating the majority of the people, we can conduct a new screening. Those who are not very close to us can exclude two-thirds of the candidates." Jiang Rou said.

Su Yang nodded: "There are only one-third of the remaining half of the people. This third of people includes the three of us, as well as Bureau Liao and the police officers who are very close to us."

"In fact, some exclusions can be made among these people. There is always a good or bad relationship. If it is really around you, Su Shao, then the person who may be killed in the end will be me, Jiang Rou, There are not many people in Bureau Liao." Zhang Xing said with a smile.

Su Yang looked at Zhang Xing and said with a smile, "Yes, the four of us are most likely to be killed. However, there is one person we cannot ignore!"


"Yang Lin!" After Su Yang finished speaking, Zhang Xing's and Jiang Rou's eyes widened immediately, and their minds moved quickly at that moment.

"That's right, Yang Lin can't be ignored either, and even Yang Lin is more likely to be killed. Although he is not so outstanding, he is one of the core figures in the Seven Arhats Incident. If you want to target Su Shao If so, there are two ways to deal with it.”

"One: If Yang Lin dies again, then there is no accident. When the Seven Arhats Incident is famous all over the country, as soon as Yang Lin dies, you will immediately fall into the center of the storm. There are still fish that slip through the net under your leadership of the investigation. If Tian Xuebing kills Yang Lin, it will not only put Su Shaoyu in an extremely bad situation, but even if he discloses his identity as a police-killing madman, it will be a complete mess. The slap swept the face of the entire police!"

Su Yang smiled and nodded: "That's right, Tian Xuebing, the murderous policeman, committed crimes in many places and spanned several big cities. If he announced his identity, it would really make many people lose face. I It is no exception. However, I would like to hear the second method you think of, Team Zhang."

"The second method is to go straight to the point. He only listed one target, and this target is you, Young Master Su. The name of the young detective is now famous in China, even if people in the domestic police circle have never seen you, Young Master Su. , and heard your name. So killing you will be the easiest and best thing for him to do, and the best way for him to get multiple effects!"

Hearing Zhang Xing's words, Jiang Rou's face suddenly darkened.She also knew very well that Zhang Xing's analysis was correct. Killing Su Yang was actually more effective than killing Yang Lin.

It can not only let everyone know that Tian Xuebing has appeared again, but also solve a major obstacle in front of him.This is almost the best plan that kills many birds with one stone, and as soon as this plan is proposed, Jiang Rou thinks that if she were Tian Xuebing, she would definitely do the same.

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