After Fang Tianmiao finished speaking, everyone else fell silent.However, Qin Feng thought very openly and said, "Isn't this better? Do you still remember an unintentional remark made by the group leader?"


"He said maybe one day he'll be able to show up in front of us and we'll all be able to get together. I wonder if our group is capable of that? At first I just laughed it off, but now Watching the group leader become more and more powerful, I suddenly feel that the days we meet are getting faster and faster."

"If one day we can meet, will the few of us get together, will it be super perverted?" Fang Mu's eyes also heated up.

Guan Hongfeng and Yao Xuechen burst into laughter for a while: "It is estimated that the criminals in our world have nowhere to hide, and we have to find them one by one and kill them!"

"No, no, you guys, Qin Feng and I have spoken about this matter separately, and when Fang Mu said the king's return just now, my heart suddenly became numb. You said that if the group leader came to us, He must be able to return to his own world, right? If so, what kind of existence will he be in our world? Nothing can restrain him. There is an intuition that tells me that for criminal investigation Domain, the group owner will definitely be king in the world of us people!"

Kiko's conjecture made all the group members gasp!

Chapter 329 The Best Body Interpretation!

Su Yang didn't pay attention to the conversation in the group, and it was not a text message, so he would not have reservations.

He is just sitting on the sofa watching the surveillance video backed up on the computer. Yao Xuechen's words may be unintentional, but it is a major reminder in Su Yang's heart.

In encountering anything, especially when facing an opponent like Tian Xuebing, you must never exploit your weaknesses and avoid your strengths.

After Su Yang knew that his natural growth was very fast, he would always subconsciously use his abilities to analyze cases that he was not good at. This was a wrong behavior at all.

What he is best at now is criminal investigation experience, force, hacking technology, and Yao Xuechen's mind-reading power!

As long as these abilities are used properly, the effect that can be produced is huge!

Su Yang was playing the video on the player, but he used the slow-play function for the first time. He wanted to see every movement of Tian Xuebing.

Because every action, which means every body language, can convey a completely different meaning!

Tian Xuebing, who was under surveillance, came in and sat beside the bed.

He had a period of immersion before sitting down and acting. At this time, Tian Xuebing didn't speak, but why was he silent?

His eyes avoided monitoring, what was he thinking at that time?

"Hands are just hanging loosely, not on the chin, nor on the knees. This sitting position seems to be so interesting now." Su Yang muttered in his heart.

In normal sitting, even if the arms are drooping, it is impossible to be completely loose and drooping like Tian Xuebing.Most people either put their hands on their legs, and in a proud situation, the hands may be a direct violation.

Instead of being so tired and lacking strength now!

Does Tian Xuebing have no strength?Impossible, if he didn't have the strength, the murder behind him would not be so neat.

Su Yang is making a hypothetical interpretation: "When he was facing Fu Jian, his mood must have been greatly affected, so he appeared to be so exhausted. I understand, he saw Fu Jian's It should be when he thought of his brother who was shot. Well, after watching silently for a while, his fists were clenched."

"He didn't speak, but when he was silent, he should have been talking about what happened back then!"

My mind interprets Tian Xuebing's meaning with every change in his body, until Tian Xuebing's body suddenly trembled slightly.

That trembling was a phenomenon that his body couldn't help producing under emotional agitation. His emotions were very excited at this moment, and he immediately stood up and released the sharp-nosed pit viper, that is, the five-step snake!

He kills immediately after getting emotional, he cares about his brother's death!

Su Yang's eyes brightened, and he instantly had a countermeasure in his mind.

"Tian Xuebing must be controlling himself not to imagine his brother being shot, but when he saw Fu Jian, all his control and forbearance fell apart. After his emotions were affected, he immediately killed. This is Isn't it fair to say that the executions of the year cannot be brought up. If he was brought up, he would not be able to stop killing him immediately? Even if that person was on the list of people he wanted to kill, he would not be able to wait for a second. ?"

"If this is the case, then I can completely let the media continue to hype the news of the killing of police madmen. In that case, I can protect the people who may have been killed, and then I can turn passive into active!"

"Yes, although there are different possibilities for such a method. Maybe the person I chose is the right one, and Tian Xuebing has since exposed himself. Maybe he killed another person, but he can't stand it anymore. People When you are angry, you will make a lot of flaws. I, do you want to provoke him!"

Su Yang's mind was full of thoughts, but he hadn't read all the monitoring.

Tian Xuebing's murder continued in the surveillance, and as time went on, a sneer appeared on the corner of Su Yang's mouth: "It turns out that you are not so rational, and your shortcomings are not that you have no shortcomings. The reason why Chang Wei has That kind of delusion is because he doesn't know that he has two identical masters... Tian Xuebing, your disadvantage is that your heart is not that strong enough, and you will need a period of time to calm down when you are excited before you can let yourself go. Finish this murder."

"So, I'm thinking that you must have revealed your flaws, but I haven't found it yet!"

For Tian Xuebing, Su Yang's heart has become more and more confident.

He replayed the surveillance again, and started observing from the moment Tian Xuebing came in!

When he saw Tian Xuebing open the door and his head looked directly at the position of the bed, Su Yang's eyes froze again:

"Wait, as soon as I came in, I looked directly at the bed? If I went in at that time, the position I could see under normal circumstances was clearly the table in the ward, but he looked directly at it! This means that he Does he often appear in nursing homes? Even he is often by Fu Jian's side?"

This is another extremely subtle body movement. After Su Yang re-read it again, he has a bigger feeling in his heart.

Because once he often appears by Fu Jian's side, or he has stepped on the spot before committing the crime, it will be much easier for Su Yang to find him!

At this moment, Su Yang was already excited, picked up his mobile phone and called Zhang Xing:

"Team Zhang, contact the Ministry of Communications at Gate 4.9 and ask them to obtain surveillance on several roads near the sanatorium. The surveillance time is three days before Fu Jian was killed! Also, come to my office right away, let's go again. nursing home!"

Zhang Xing was a little stunned and asked, "Young Master Su, did you think of something?"

"Tian Xuebing killed Fu Jian because he stepped on it. I want to see where he observed Fu Jian. If possible, I want to find the exact location where he stepped on. Once the location is found, Tian Xuebing is now densely populated There will be no chance of hiding under surveillance!"

Zhang Xing's face changed greatly after hearing this, and he quickly hung up the phone and went to Su Yang's office.

Before he arrived, Su Yang met with him, and the two walked out of the city bureau at the same time to the sanatorium again!

Chapter 330 Su Shao, why are you here? !

Mind reading lies in observation, and then through what is observed, based on rich criminal investigation experience, to judge the criminal's inner activities.

This is the real power of mind reading.

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