Indeed, apart from making guns and killing people, Guan Ze's father was a man, and he died in front of his son.

Maybe that man has some ability, but all he can do is to kill those drug dealers who sell drugs.

Xu Dong was very emotional: "This incident had a great impact on Guan Ze. In the end, he took the initiative to ask for compulsory detoxification at the drug rehabilitation center. He stayed for a full year and a half before going out. After getting acquainted with him, Guan Ze is still haunted by his father's death. Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine to take in life. The dead person is already dead, so Guan Ze began to formally devote himself to the anti-drug business. He could not enter the anti-drug business. Team, but he has his own specialty, his voice, so he became a broadcast host and used his career to promote the development of the anti-drug cause to a greater extent."

"In the past, Guan Ze was a bastard, just like the addicts we saw. But with Guan Ze's help, many people were indeed affected, so the contamination of drugs was eliminated, and some people were successfully quit. Drug addiction."

After Xu Dong finished speaking, Su Yang only asked one thing: "Does the housekeeper still have a future?"

"Yes, Guan Ze has two sons. Among them, the eldest son has already entered junior high school. When the accident happened, his son was not at home, but participated in summer vacation activities with his classmates."

Su Yang nodded: "We must protect Guan Ze's eldest son. What I saw yesterday gave me a little more understanding of Mingzhou. Guan Ze's merit is greater than his fault, and now he is also a victim. From this point of view, Guan Ze should be hated by many people. And it is very likely related to drug dealers, after all, he has blocked many people's financial paths."

"For those guys, cutting people's fortunes is tantamount to killing their parents. Guan Ze's death can be initially identified as the murder of drug dealers. But this is only a preliminary conjecture, there is no evidence to be sure at the moment, or there may be some evidence in it. Something we don't know."

As Su Yang said, Qiao Yan said, "Consultant Su, do you need to go to the crime scene?"

"Of course I'm going. Jiang Rou and Zhang Xing will come with me later. In addition, Ding team, you have to be responsible for finding the bodies of the three members of Guan Ze's family. It's a bit strange that their bodies were hidden, if it was a drug dealer who killed him. , what do they want the corpse for? The characteristics of drug dealers’ killings are basically a quick solution, but it cannot be completely denied that there are some criminals with special hobbies.”

They came to Su Yang for this case, and it has been a week since the case.There was no progress in Mingzhou City, and there was just such an opportunity to invite Su Yang. Now that the case has been raised, it is natural that Su Yang's task force will be in charge of the case.

Qiao Yan got up, clapped his hands and said, "All departments should officially start the second round of investigation on the 704 case. The deceased Guan Ze was Mingzhou's anti-drug ambassador for many years. This case is of great importance. If we can't find out The arrival of the murderer will have a very bad impact on the anti-drug business in Mingzhou. Consultant Su, please trouble your task force!"

Su Yang smiled and nodded without saying much. After Qiao Yan left, Su Yang said to Ding Peng and Xu Dong: "Team Ding, you can send the existing files to me later. Team Xu, I want to A table of the power distribution of drug dealers in Mingzhou."

After Xu Dong replied with a good word, Su Yang took Zhang Xing and Jiang Rou towards the crime scene.

On the way, Zhang Xing said, "Young Master Su, you must have something to say in this case, right?"

"It's you who know me, yes, there is one thing I didn't say about this case, that is why the blood is bleeding? The proportion of blood in the bathtub is a lot, so that's why the bright colors appear. Mingzhou's The police must have encountered many murderers with extremely cruel methods, and we are similar. None of the murderers we encountered just killed and left. When I saw the bathtub, I thought of the needle tube, and I was in I wonder if the murderer would have sucked out the blood of the three members of Guan Ze's family at that time."

Hearing Su Yang's words, Jiang Rou and Zhang Xing were all startled: "Team leader, how did you know for sure?"

"The word on the wall, but we can't be completely sure yet. We won't know until we go to the scene." Su Yang said.

Zhang Xing and Jiang Rou didn't ask any further questions and drove to the crime scene.

The door is already closed, and it is also sealed...

Zhang Xing took out the key and opened the door, the smell inside was very bad.But after going in, Su Yang didn't care so much, and continued: "You all look around the scene carefully, maybe we can find something that our colleagues in Mingzhou didn't find before."

The three were divided, Zhang Xing was doing surveys in the hall, Jiang Rou went to the bathroom, and Su Yang went to the bedroom alone.

In the bedroom where there is the dragon character, Su Yang opened the door of the bedroom, but no one moved in the room, and the traces were taken long ago.

It's been a week since the case, and this week's time has made the blood on the walls even more reddish-brown.

This should be the freshest blood sprayed on the wall, so that the blood can appear such a color.

Su Yang put on gloves and gently placed his fingers on the dragon character.He closed his eyes silently, his hands demonstrating the movements of the murderer when he sprayed words.

But after trying three or four times in a row, Su Yang shook his head and opened his eyes.

"The cursive script is about simple structure and continuous strokes. This dragon character is written in one go, but it is not written with a brush. If it is written with a brush, then the use of cursive script will show traces of divergent ink. It should be a needle tube, also Or just a jet-type device."

"But why did the murderer leave such a word? Even if he didn't take 4.9 Ze as a thing in his heart, there's no need to graffiti on the wall, right? He's not afraid of exposing himself?"

"Wait, this is Mingzhou, which is different from other places. Maybe criminals don't think so much at all. Ding Peng said that criminals in Mingzhou have a characteristic, that is, they have neurotic characteristics. He would have Wouldn't it be just because of high interest that you left such a word to show your skills?"

Su Yang thought about it and suddenly looked at the god statue in the room. To be honest, putting the god statue in the master bedroom is still a little wrong.

Shouldn't most people's worship to Bodhisattva be placed in the hall?

Why is the idol worshipped by the Guan Ze family in the room?

Thinking of this, Su Yang walked towards the shrine...

Chapter 360 The Younger Son's Corpse!

The altar is not very big, about the size of half a bedside table.

The Buddha Samantabhadra, one of the Four Great Bodhisattvas in Buddhism, is placed in the shrine. In Buddhism, the bodhisattva that fills the sky all protect people's safety.

Su Yang looked at the all-night incense stick in the incense burner. He didn't go to worship, but it wasn't that he didn't believe in this god and Buddha.

Belief, whether he believes or not, but now he is paying attention to a horizontal slot in the Buddhist altar.There should be things in the horizontal slot, because there is a rectangular and narrow mark in it.

What's on the side here?Why not?Did the killer take it?It's just something in the shrine, why is the murderer leaving?

Also, the layout of the room is really weird. The Buddhist altar is placed in the room, and the incense is still burning. Are you afraid of accidents?

Su Yang was standing on the altar thinking, when Zhang Xing had already come over and said, "Young Master Su, there is nothing to investigate in this room. Team Ding looked for it before, and the murderer should have been protected when he committed the crime. "

"Do you understand monitoring?"

"The surveillance is also in the bureau. If we want to check later, we can go back and check."

Su Yang nodded: "This community is a relatively prosperous place in terms of the green environment and the location. Although Guan Ze has suffered a lot, his economic situation is not bad. After all, he is a familiar host, so The surveillance of this place will go back later and we will check it carefully. Then there is this Buddhist shrine, come and see what should be placed in the horizontal slot here?"

Zhang Xing leaned over, glanced at it, and finally smiled bitterly: "I can't tell what was put there, but from the traces, something should have been taken away. There are incense burners, incense ash and Dust falls elsewhere, and it must be easier to accumulate dust in the horizontal groove, but this place is cleaner than other places. So there must be something, and this thing is probably the key to the case! "

"Yes, you have to think about what this thing is. Check Guan Ze or his wife's social software, such as Moments, Space or Weibo, to see if there are any photos of Buddhist shrines."


Zhang Xing replied, Jiang Rou also came over at this time and said, "The forensic identification center in the city must have a sample of blood in the bathtub. I checked it in the bathroom just now, and the city bureau is convenient for blood splash detection. The forensic doctors do it in great detail. They seem to be more capable and more careful than the forensic doctors in Spring City. I think that unless the corpse comes out, the role of my forensic doctor will be very small. "

Su Yang pondered for a while, and then said: "Team Zhang, record it, and I will list some important points."

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