No matter how stupid Fan Yi was, he understood what was going on at this time. His father lied to him, and even his father hadn't died.But where did his father go if he hadn't died?Who is he who worships his father's birthday every year on the anniversary of his death every year at Qingming Festival!

With many thoughts coming together, Fan Yi completely fell to the ground. He really couldn't accept the facts in front of him.

I don't know when tears welled up in his eyes, and he asked in a hoarse voice, "Officer Su, did you tell me that the corpse in this coffin is my father?"

Su Yang shook his head and said, "According to the current situation, it shouldn't be... but the exact result has not been released, so I can't make a conclusion."

Fan Yi clenched his fists and said solemnly: "What the hell is going on? I don't understand at all. Even if he kills people, where can he go? And why did he kill people? Is he really? Going to rob a tomb? Because the loot is unevenly distributed, so why do you kill people? If you kill people, why do you want to get your own home? He is doing this for himself, and our family can’t lift their heads?!”

Su Yang can't answer this. As a detective, he has seen too many selfish people.These people are not necessarily murderers, but if the murderers he catches are more or less selfish.

Why can't Fan Heng leave?Why can't the family be blamed?

He has killed people, and killed eighteen people, oh no... nineteen people!

If so many people sentenced him, the death penalty cannot be escaped!

There is nothing a man cannot do in order to survive, not to mention that he must have obtained a lot of good things from the ancient tomb.Those things can be used as a huge sum of money in his life, even if he was in his forties at that time.But as long as the heart is not old, there are many people in their [-]s who are still struggling.

Now Fan Heng may have married and had children on 5.2, and he may even become a famous business owner.Or even he may be an official, or a well-known person.

Su Yang had seen a case before, in which a crazy thug who wiped out his family more than ten years ago turned into a well-known writer in China.

Therefore, Su Yang believes that Fan Heng can create this series of plans, so as long as he has enough money, he will definitely be able to do great things!

Just as Su Yang was thinking, his phone rang again.The person who called this time was Jiang Rou.

"Team leader, a major discovery! Who did the autopsy at the beginning? The deceased Cheng Ling was pregnant, but there was no mention of it in the autopsy back then!"

Chapter 574: Sin Plus One Class!

When Su Yang heard Jiang Rou's words, the whole person was stunned.

The number of dead in this case is the highest ever that Su Yang has ever encountered. Earlier, it was Guo Qin's Zodiac case, a series of revenge cases created by Ning Hui and Xue Bing.

But this case, if you count the one in Xin Xiaoliang's belly, there are [-] people!

Twenty people!

Su Yang was not calm enough in his heart. He took a deep breath and said, "Are you sure?"

"Of course it can be confirmed, and Xin Xiaoliang has been pregnant for a long time, at least three months! And it took just over a month from her disappearance to the discovery of her body. In other words, this child belongs to her fiancé. It's nothing good. Strange, just what the hell did the forensic doctor do back then? Even if the forensic identification technology was not as mature as it is today, it is impossible to tell whether the deceased is pregnant or not!"

Jiang Rou's tone was inconceivable and full of anger.

This kind of anger is for those 18 people who defy justice and despise law and morality. Su Yang could hear it, so he said to Jiang Rou, "Can the exact death time of the deceased be calculated?"

"No, Teacher Chen and I have been busy with this matter, but we failed in the end. But the team leader, Xin Xiaoliang's situation should not be underestimated. I have not performed an autopsy on her uterus before, and I have lost the surface. The original signs. But before that, it must be seen. Su Shao, we have to find out a bunch of old guys this time. If there is no interest cooperation and no one deliberately hides it, this case will never become an unsolved case! "

The more Jiang Rou said, the more angry Su Yang said: "Okay, you can come back early tomorrow. Since the time of death cannot be determined, it means that the autopsy method is too old for this kind of corpse. After all, there are too many unknowns.”

"Okay, I'll go back early tomorrow. By the way, team leader, do you have a confirmed criminal suspect there?"

This case has been in Su Yang's hands for a while, and four or five days have passed.In the past four or five days, Su Yang never knew anything and took over the case in a state of complete confusion.By now, he could almost identify the suspect.

This suspect is none other than Fan Heng!

It's just that Su Yang didn't tell Jiang Rou on the phone, but asked her to come back and talk about it.

Hanging up the phone, Su Yang put down the phone.

Fan Yi still looked lost, Zhang walked over and asked, "Team leader, do you have any latest news?"

"There is news from Jiang Rou that Xin Xiaoliang is pregnant."

"It's impossible, a dead person can still get pregnant." Zhang Xing said subconsciously.

Su Yang glanced angrily, and Zhang Xing also reacted and said, "This guy is finished, damn... So that's [-] lives. It's just why there's no such thing in the previous case file. Records? Why?"

Su Yang has no way to answer this question now, he can only look at Lao Gu and ask: "Lao Gu, you are the only person in the bureau who has participated in the case of the past. You told me that the forensic doctor of that year was Who?"

"It was Director Tang Posong Tang who was in charge of the autopsy."

"Where's Director Tang now? Is he still there?"

"I don't know, he resigned after being a forensic doctor for a few years. It is said that his son made a fortune in a big business, and he immigrated to the United States. It seems that he has never returned to the country, and there is no news for so many years."

Su Yang wanted to go mad on the spot, but he held back. He got into the car and left the incident to Zhang Xing to deal with, and then drove to the city bureau.

As a half-cop, Su Yang actually understands that sometimes it's not the big officials that are bad, but the small officials below.

Even the smaller the cadre, the more terrifying.

Those little cadres are bold, and they are even more unscrupulous because no one will stare at him.

Those small cadres are just like those village party secretaries, how much does Su Yang have a black heart?

Forensic doctors are technical cadres, and their rank is not high.And their work is also very simple, just to simply face the dead.They cannot affect anyone.But if they did evil, it would be the greatest blasphemy against justice and truth of the law!

Su Yang caught a forensic doctor who was a complete lunatic!

Today's Tang Posong has immigrated abroad, but even if he is at the ends of the earth, Su Yang has to drag him back to set an example!

This is not just a simple mistake can be said in the past, this is pure collusion!

Driving back to the city bureau immediately, when Su Yang saw Zhang De, he said directly, "Bureau Zhang, I need all the information of Tang Posong, the director of the forensic identification center. Once in the position, immediately contact the police station of the other country and establish a relationship to let them help to repatriate Tang Posong!"

Zhang De couldn't turn around in his mind, and asked, "Tang Posong? Director of the Forensic Identification Center thirty years ago?"

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