Before he came, Su Yang was thinking about the person standing behind Manzi and Ah Si at the moment.

"Group owner, this time will deal an unprecedented blow to them, and it should be much easier to handle later." Guan Hongfeng said with a smile.

"That's right, someone with the mentality of a murderer either has the ability to strategize now from countless failures. Or, he hasn't met a real opponent yet!" Fang Mu also affirmed.

Just finished speaking, Fang Mu sneered and said: "But he doesn't look like a person who has suffered countless failures, because the psychological image he showed me is extremely reckless and arrogant. This kind of person is usually The one who fails very little!"

"So that means, should he choose emergency treatment now? What will Chu Jiangnan do? I really want to see Chu Jiangnan's expression at this moment! Even if his biggest opponent, Jin Zhengwu, is dead, the market share will be reduced. Tilting towards the Truman Group. However, now it has become a hot potato, and no one will dare to pick up the part of the market vacated by the Golden Lion. However, there is also something in this matter. It's so mysterious, why hasn't there been a little bit of news about Jin Zhengwu's disappearance?"

Su Yang thought about it, but soon realized it, and said, "I understand, the backbone of the Golden Lion Group is Jin Zhengwu. In other words, almost all the core content of the Golden Lion Group is in the hands of Jin Zhengwu alone. Including the drug maker, system craftsmanship, and the control of most of the funds and personnel, he is much hegemonic than Chu Jiangnan. If Jin Zhengwu disappears and is kidnapped, then his son must be taken up as soon as possible."

"After his son goes up, what he has to do is definitely not to spread the news of Jin Zhengwu's disappearance, but to stabilize the military's heart! It should be like this, and it is impossible for Chu Jiangnan to take the initiative to talk about Jin Zhengwu's affairs, which led to this incident. Things are airtight!"

Su Yang thought about it, and Liao Tianming had already rushed over at this time.

The latter glanced at Fengbo Lake and asked simply, "Dead?"

Su Yang nodded, and Liao Tianming heaved a long sigh of relief: "This kind of person has already died a hundred times, and being in prison is a waste of food. What will you do next? Is there any evidence from the Golden Lion Group?"

"Kim Zhengwu told me something as a deal before he died. So we must hurry up now, go directly to the system factory, and control Kim Zhengwu's residence. In addition, we need the help of the police of neighboring countries for this matter, and we must rely on it. The spectrum is very principled.”

Liao Tianming thought for a moment and said, "It's not too late for this matter. You and I will go to a neighboring country together. On the way, I will contact the top leader of their anti-narcotics department."

Su Yang said ok, and got into the car with Liao Tianming.

In the car, Liao Tianming said: "After all, you are going to use a knife in a neighboring country. You have to ask Leader Ye to speak up. It is not to ask for his consent, but to let him help us clear the way. Neighboring countries are where drugs are concentrated. This is a big country, I don't need to say it clearly, it must be communicated with the other side to be more effective."

Of course Su Yang understood what Liao Tianming meant. Whether it was Trumen or the Golden Lion, they were big companies that settled in neighboring countries.So he immediately picked up his mobile phone and called Ye Ming. The latter seemed to be unprepared after listening, so he replied slightly dignifiedly:

"Don't worry, I'll implement it for you as soon as possible. You go directly to the place. It's best to find out that their drugs have been transported to Mingzhou or other cities. Otherwise, you know we don't have the authority to investigate!"

"All the ledgers are also in that very secret basement."

"That's fine. As long as there is evidence, I can give you the authority to do anything. If something goes wrong, I will take care of it. I have long wanted to remove the cancer of the Golden Lion!"

With Ye Ming's words, Su Yang was naturally fearless, hung up the phone and said to Liao Tianming, "Let's go directly to Jin Zhengwu's house in Liao Bureau, and I will go in alone to collect evidence. Otherwise, wait until the Golden Lion Group. People reacted, and we may have to miss the best time to collect evidence!"

"Uh, wouldn't this be too risky?"

Su Yang squinted his eyes and sneered: "The so-called "seeking for wealth and honor in danger, if both Chumen and Jinshi fall into my hands, then I can also retire from Mingzhou!"

Chapter 622 Money Empire!

The night became even deeper.

The explosion in Fengbo Lake caused all the nearby villagers to run over after hearing the sound. The police maintained order at the scene and launched a symbolic investigation on the scene.

The police were still very busy that night, but they were not the only ones who were busy.

In the workshop, the person sitting in front of the computer tapped a paragraph of text on the keyboard with his fingers and deleted it in a fidgety manner. Then he typed out a line of words, and then deleted it again.

His irritability was obvious, and the expression of the remaining one was not very good.

"A Si and Manzi haven't come back for more than half an hour, and their calls have not been answered."

"Don't contact them anymore, I failed." The man in front of the computer said solemnly.

"Maybe it's not as bad as you think." The companion comforted, but the man had already slapped the table and shouted with red eyes:

"If you lose, you lose. Twenty minutes have passed now, including the time they spent back and forth, which means that things should have been completed in almost fifty minutes. It's obvious that they haven't come back for such a long time, and they can't be reached on the phone. I wanted to counter Su Yang, but Su Yang finally figured it out!"

Roaring here, the man's face is full of gloomy 580 colors: "It's too powerful, he is really too powerful. He can even think of Feng Bohu, I lost completely! Even I can think that he can find The storm lake means that he already knows all the places where my corpses are thrown. Do you know what this means? It means that my brain is now under his control, and he knows what I do!"

At this time, the companion did not speak with a gloomy face, and did not dare to speak.He knew that among their group, the most powerful one was the one in front of him.

It is not so easy for him to think about how to better complete the plan.

"Then we need an emergency now."

The man silently closed his eyes and shouted: "Su Yang forced me to send himself to my death list. Well, very good, I will design a perfect death journey for him, It must be the most perfect death journey!"

Having said that, the man sat in front of the computer and opened a new document, and started the death process he designed for Su Yang.

It's just that Su Yang doesn't have the heart to care about him now. Looking at the mansion not far away, Su Yang's head is extremely huge.

The house is so big that it has the size of ten houses next to each other under normal circumstances.

Fortunately, Su Yang had been prepared for a long time, because he had also seen Chen Jincheng's mansion, so he asked everything clearly before that.

Of course, he was not sure whether what Kim Jong Wu said was the truth.

Leaving Liao Tianming outside, Su Yang went straight to the house.

Liao Tianming was very worried in the car, but he didn't dare to make any noise.Although Jin Zhengwu is dead, as the saying goes, a thin dead camel is bigger than a horse.The Jin family's protective power is still very strong, so it is the most appropriate way for Su Yang to go alone at this moment.

Su Yang didn't act rashly. Before entering the Jin family, he checked all the surveillance cameras in the Jin family, and determined the location of each surveillance before entering.

His goal is very clear, that is, to go to the basement of Jin Zhengwu's house.

After searching for a while, he finally found the switch that Jin Zhengwu said.

Jin Zhengwu is a very hegemonic person, just like an ancient emperor.It was impossible for him to tell anyone, not even his son, what could determine the lifeline of the Jin family until the day he retired.

That is to say, unless he waits until the day he is about to die, he will hand over all his assets to his successor.

This kind of hegemony is good for Su Yang. The good thing is that the Jin family may not know about this place.The person who knows it may be Kim Jong-wu alone, or a few more confidants who Kim Jong-wu believes more.

Sometimes confidants are more trustworthy than children. Confidants can firmly control themselves and will not be above themselves, but children are different.

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