Those words are not in order, but words like "Road", "68" and "Number" can be seen!

Su Yang exhaled a long breath and said, "This is where the evidence is hidden, this is the evidence that Helan would rather be instigated behind his back for so many years and continue to search for the infamy of being a traitor! Maybe he can't give it directly to Chu Jiangnan. The death penalty is nailed, but it will definitely make Chu Jiangnan fall completely. As for how to make Chu Jiangnan die, Helan... leave it to me!"

After Su Yang finished speaking, the pen in his hand combined the words and finally displayed: "No. 68 Dengyun Road, Honggu District, Mingzhou, nine rows and nine seats!"

When he saw this, Zhang Xing immediately found the corresponding address on his mobile phone, and said in surprise, "No. 68 Dengyun Road, Honggu District is a cemetery! The evidence is hidden around the ninth grave in the ninth row!"

"Go!" Su Yang has already stood up!

Chapter 632 On the altar!

Mingzhou City, No. 68 Dengyun Road, Honggu District, is also known as Mingzhou Dengyun Cemetery!

Why did Helan describe all the detailed addresses? That's because the word mausoleum didn't exist in the entire magazine.If the detailed addresses are depicted, then as long as those who find these hidden spots, they will immediately know that it is Dengyun Cemetery!

Su Yang and Zhang Xing did not disturb anyone, so they took Zhang Xing to Dengyun Cemetery.

Entering the cemetery, I went straight to the ninth tomb in the nine rows.

The ninth tomb is a very strange young man, the man is estimated to be twenty years old.But the person on this tombstone has a name written on it, called Chu Hao!

The surname is Chu!

When he saw this surname, Su Yang couldn't help grinning, and said, "Sure enough, every smart person believes that the most dangerous place is the safest, and his name is Chu Hao, he should have a relationship with Chu Jiangnan. A very important person. But it doesn't matter who he is, what matters is where the evidence is hidden?"

"Could it be in the grave?"

"It seems that this tomb is not a new one, and it should be some time. It is impossible for Helan to hide the evidence like this for at least half a year to a year. Although it is safe to hide in the tomb, if it is so long,103 She has already obtained the evidence that needs to be hidden in this way, so she can go and expose it and there is no need to put it in the grave."

Zhang Xing thought about it and it made sense, so he searched around the tomb.

Liao Tianming, who was running between the two places, called at this moment and said, "Su Yang, I just got permission, and now I have found the drug factory of Jin Zhengwu's family!"

"Okay, the drug factory found the Golden Lion Group and announced that it was completely destroyed. I will make progress soon, but there is a question I want to know with you. Do you know who Chu Hao is? It should be Someone who belongs to the Truman Group with a bit of a reputation."

Liao Tianming didn't seem to know what he said, so he asked the person next to him, and the latter said: "Chu Hao is Chu Jiangnan's nephew. It was announced a year ago that he died of illness. As a result, he was shot to death. After Chu Hao's death, his ashes were sent to Mingzhou for burial, and Chu Jiangnan's origin was from Mingzhou."

"Then do you know what is the relationship between Chu Hao and Helan?"

"Helan seems to have followed Chu Hao right before entering?"

Su Yang had a sudden realization when he heard this, so he hung up the phone and said to Zhang Xingdao: "The things are here, Helan is Chu Hao's subordinate, she will not attract suspicion from others when she comes to pay respects to Chu Hao. And she is in front of Chu Hao's grave, and no one will doubt that she worships alone, and if you look carefully for the crucial evidence, it will definitely be here!"

Zhang Xing worked harder, and with so many clues to support him, the evidence of drug trafficking in Chu Jiangnan must be here.

Therefore, Su Yang and Zhang Xing were investigating everywhere.

Finally, when Su Yang broke apart a brick, he saw a small transparent plastic bag underneath.

Pick up the small plastic bag, and there is a USB flash drive in it!

When looking at the USB flash drive, Su Yang exhaled a long breath and said, "Let's go, let's see what's inside. If it's hard evidence, we can contact the police of neighboring countries to arrest Chu Jiangnan today!"

The two went down to the cemetery with ease, and then got to the car and Su Yang turned on the computer.

The U disk is inserted into the computer, and there are sections of video in it.Each video is short, even a few seconds in some cases, but all have been preserved.

Su Yang opened one of the passages and saw at a glance the scene where Chu Jiangnan was communicating with an old man at an experimental bench.

"Dr. Cen, what grade can the goods reach this time?"

"It can be regarded as a top-notch product, Mr. Chu."

Chu Jiangnan laughed and said, "Okay, Mr. Chu has worked hard. You will be the first person to take the credit for this deal!"

When seeing this video, Su Yang's mouth evoked an extremely cold arc.

"This video alone can make Chu Jiangnan go away without food." Su Yang said lightly.

Zhang Xing said with a smile as he drove: "The golden lion has fallen, and Chu Jiangnan will soon fall. Su Shao I can't find any words to describe my admiration for you at this moment. Helan has left evidence. The technique has been concealed to such an extent that it can be discovered by you, you are simply a god!"

"Don't get excited, the real smart person is Helan. The method she used can be called unknowing. I think people in Chu Jiangnan must have noticed those magazines, and they even opened those magazines. . But the scratches on the fingernails, especially the scratches that look like a little bit, are impossible for them to notice. And when they flip through, if they don't pay attention, they don't know how many scratches there are in the magazine. So, congratulations Lan's death should be the biggest loss that Mingzhou has ever encountered for the anti-drug business!"

After Su Yang finished speaking, he stopped talking, and then sent a message to Liao Tianming and this video to Ye Ming.There are many more videos, but they are far less precious than this one.

Ye Ming was in a meeting when he watched this video, but after watching the video, he completely ignored the shocked expressions of his subordinates and laughed.

Seeing this, the others asked curiously, "Leader, what are you laughing at?"

"A happy event, can I be unhappy with a big happy event?"

"Oh? It's a big happy event, the leader quickly tell us and share it with us." Someone also laughed.

Ye Ming sold out and said, "No rush, I'll make a phone call first. In a day or two, you should know that a piece of news that shocked the two countries has appeared!"

After that, Ye Ming went out and called Su Yang.

As soon as he was connected, Ye Ming made no secret of his praise: "Junior, you are the fastest, most intelligent, and even the most versatile genius among all the police officers I have ever met! I thought you would only Solved the case, but I didn't expect you to make such a huge contribution to the fight against drug dealers!"

"Senior, this is not the time to praise me. The Truman and the Golden Lion have endangered Mingzhou and even the country for a long time. I know you should be eager to capture them immediately and shoot them, but you have been suffering from no chance. Now this I gave you the opportunity, but you must seize it in time and find these drug dealers to vent!"

A sneer flashed in Ye Ming's eyes, and he said, "Leave all the next things to me, but this time, junior, you are afraid that you want to go directly to the altar in the police field in our country!"

Chapter 633 The coffin man!

Su Yang has never thought about being a detective, and fame and fortune are not his pursuit.

Maybe everyone in this world will not understand Su Yang's pursuit. What he pursues is that the system opens up more and more rich and powerful functions, and can attract more and more detectives into the group.

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