Su Yang's face was indifferent throughout the whole process, and he did not respond to any words.

If Qin Hong in the auditorium hadn't been pulled by Su Zhengbei, she would have really wanted to kill at this moment.

Even if she knows the law very well, she will understand the laws of various countries.But when the child she regarded as more important than her own life encountered such accusations, her heart of protecting the calf was eating away at her sanity little by little.

When Su Zhengbei looked at the plaintiff's seat, his eyes clearly seemed to be saying, if my child has an accident today, all of you will be buried with him!

"Please make a statement from the third-party plaintiff's police station!" The judge said again to the plaintiff's bench.

This is a policeman from the third-party plaintiff police station, who came up with a lot of materials: "These are the evidences we have sorted out after on-site investigation, the suspect Su Yang is on the body of the deceased, and the murder weapon is the Fingerprints were left on the axe. According to the reporter, when they came to the crime scene, the suspect just stood up from a pool of blood, and his eyes were like the devil!"

Jiang Kai wanted to stand up and refute at this time, but Su Yang shook his head at him.

"Young Master Su, this is just enough to refute them!"

"Even refuting is meaningless. Let them finish, and it's up to me to say after they finish." Su Yang smiled slightly.

Jiang Kai let out a long sigh. He really couldn't understand what this young boy was thinking.

The police over there were still showing evidence, from the traces at the scene to the fingerprints of the murder weapon, to the various interrogation records after Su Yang was arrested.

"This is the first record made by the suspect Su Yang. He clearly admits that he used this axe to perform a horrific act of chopping up the bodies of the two deceased!"

Pieces of evidence were placed in front of the judge, who was full of horror after reading it.

But he did not forget his duty as a judge, raised his head and said, "Defend the defendant."

Su Yang stood up and asked with a smile, "Is it finally my turn to speak?"

"You devil! Why did you kill my brother Chris, how could you bear him so kind!"

"Devil, you return my Ryan, he is my most beloved person!"

Su Yang frowned and said, "Now is my defense time. If you have anything to say, you should finish it just now. Also, please change your lines when you accuse me. I heard the sentence that Chris is very kind. Almost vomiting, they are the real devils!"

"You bastard, Kesley and Ryan are dead, are you still slandering them?!"

"Dong dong... Silence, the defendant, please continue to defend!" The judge struck the gavel, and the plaintiff finally fell silent.

Su Yang stood up straight and said, "Before I do my defense, please give me more time from the judge and I have a request that no one should be allowed to leave the courtroom before the trial is over."

"What's the reason for the request?"

"Because I am facilitating the work of your US police, if you let someone go, the police will probably be busy catching him for a long time!"

The local policeman was standing on the plaintiff's box. He couldn't help sneering after hearing this: "What did you say? Let go of a person, and we are going to arrest him? You are a murderer, and should he arrest him? Arrest, we know better than you!"

"My final trial has not yet come out, and I will always be a suspect without a sentence! But I can really say whether I should be arrested or not, because that person has the most direct relationship with this case!"

The judge looked at what the policeman was going to say, and said, "No one should leave before this court adjourns. The defendant, please continue your defense."

Su Yang nodded, but soon his eyes turned to the auditorium. When his eyes turned to a middle-aged man, his eyes were full of sneer.

"The reason why I defend is not to reduce the sentence, nor to get the forgiveness of the family of the deceased and the judge. Because I am innocent, I have no guilt at all! The family of the deceased should really ask for my forgiveness!"

As soon as the words fell, the people in the plaintiff's box stood up one by one.

Chapter 7 Ronaldo's goal!

From the day the police held a press conference announcing that the terrorist murder and dismemberment case had been solved, for nearly two months, Su Yang was a heinous murderer in the American media.

He used extreme means to torture and kill his classmates, and also killed two Americans who took them in.

The bodies of those two people were chopped into dozens of pieces, and their blood spilled all over the house, as if they had created a hell.

The media's constant support has made the case more and more fermented. Americans are spurning Su Yang, and even some media in China are vaguely pushing Su Yang into the name of the devil.

Because judging from the current evidence, the same classmate who was tortured and killed was also done by him!

It's just that because of Su Zhengbei's reasons, the domestic media who published similar news were attacked by him in the end.

What's more, the parents of the murdered student never thought that Su Yang would be the murderer.

At this moment, they are also standing in the auditorium, listening to Su Yang with their own ears, it is those people who should really ask for forgiveness!

The judge frowned tightly and said, "All the evidence points to you, even though the police have already identified you as the murderer, why do you say you are not guilty?"

"During the two months I was detained, I have been constantly researching the front and back of the case. Unfortunately, I have sorted out the whole process of the case not long ago. I chose to defend myself because of all the evidence from the police, I disagree!"

Su Yang's words fell, and the US police wanted to speak again, but Su Yang shouted coldly: "Don't the US courts have any dignity? Now is my defense time, please shut up your ignorant stinky mouth! "

The judge's gavel hit hard, and the policeman finally sat down helplessly.

Su Yang smiled at the judge: "The bigger reason for my accusation lies in the traces I left on the deceased and my fingerprints on the murder weapon. But the judge, and everyone here, assume that there are still What about the fourth person? Does he have the ability to fake the scene of the crime?!"

"What? There's a fourth person!" the judge asked in surprise.

"Yes, in my transcript, I have emphasized countless times that my classmate Zheng Wei and I were kidnapped after coming to the United States! But the US police have always ignored this most important thing. They are stubborn and even stupid. I just came to America to kill people!"

At this point, Su Yang laughed: "Killing, there must be a motive for committing the crime, right? Zheng Wei and I have hardly had much contact in school, and we don't even have any grudges between us. What am I doing to kill him? "

The judge looked at the U.S. police, who frowned and then said, "What he said has nothing to do with the case!"

"Why is it irrelevant? According to what you said, I killed Chris and Ryan because I killed Zheng Wei for fear of being discovered, so I wielded a butcher knife and killed Chris and Ryan. In that case, why are the two cases unrelated? Do you have any investigations? Is this how the police investigate cases?!"

"Furthermore, I want to ask everyone here a question. I'm from China. If I have a grudge with my classmates, why would I travel all the way to the United States to kill him? Am I crazy? Or mentally retarded? ?"

There were already bursts of laughter in the courtroom, and Su Yang also laughed: "Obviously, I, who can silence the US police representative, have a significantly higher IQ than them."

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