Picking up the dead man's hands, he saw a circle mark on the ring finger of the man's left hand.

That is to say, there should be a ring on the ring finger of the man's left hand, and the ring on the ring finger is usually a wedding ring! .

Text Chapter 795 The chance of living! (3 more for subscription)

Jiang Rou and Zhang Xing also noticed Su Yang's move, and at a glance, they also found the ring print on the deceased's finger.

"Not only did the deceased have nothing on his body, but even his train car was found to have nothing about the deceased. There was also nothing in his clothes. It was like a completely innocent person. , team leader, where did the ring go? Where did the things on the deceased go? Could it be that they were ransacked?"

"It does look like it was looted, but if it is looted, it won't kill people in this way, right? But it is undeniable that the murderer does have the intention of looting. Team Zhang, go and urge the high team, Let's see if the information on the deceased on his side has been investigated. The mobile phone of the deceased is not on his own body, so it must be not far from the place where the accident happened, maybe we can avoid running around on the spot to eliminate it. "

Zhang Xing nodded and immediately went to call Gao Ang.

Jiang Rou continued the autopsy. At this time, she didn't need to make any more comments. As Su Yang said, if the corpse smelling method could be used properly, then the case would be much simpler.

Of course, Su Yang has just come into contact with this case, and he still doesn't know more about the case.

So I'm not so anxious. The most important thing is that the identity of the deceased has not been clarified, and the case has not been opened yet.

Su Yang is helping Jiang Rou at the forensic identification center. Haicheng's forensic identification center can be said to be one of the best identification centers in China, but Jiang Rou is already well-known, at least even the director of the identification center is Be polite to her.

Naturally, no one felt inappropriate for Su Yang to help here.

Time passed by and Zhang Xing actually came back. He originally thought he came back with the information of the deceased, but unexpectedly he said as soon as he came in: "Master Su, a body was found at Beihe Railway Station!"

Su Yang frowned and asked, "Beihe? It's a bit far, how did you know?"

"A classmate of Gao An is currently working in Beihe. When the two chatted, he just said it. Beihe is more than [-] kilometers away from Haicheng, but the coal truck arrived at the station two days ago. It took two days to find this dead person in the morning."

Su Yang didn't reply in time, but remembered: "One in Beihe and one in Haicheng, [-] kilometers away from each other. Judging from the throwing of the corpses, the two corpses must be related, which means that the murderer had to throw two corpses. A dead body must be at the intersection of the two cars."

Thinking of this, Su Yang opened his mouth and said, "How is the information on Gao Ang's side verified?"

"Still investigating."

"Has the identity of Beihe been confirmed?"


Su Yang thought for a while and said, "Go to the missing persons website and check to see if there is any overlap. The mobile phone of the deceased is not on him. They are all middle-aged, and they should have family members under normal circumstances."

Zhang Xing slapped his forehead and said, "How did you forget about the missing persons archives? All the people we encountered have been dead for three or four days. Maybe the murderer would have started earlier. Once the family members of the deceased are alert, The case should have been reported long ago. It is even possible that a certain police station or sub-bureau is already looking for it, but they do not know that the body has reached Haicheng and Beihe."

Having said that, Zhang Xing hurried out.

Su Yang sat on the chair and looked at Jiang Rou's frown. He knew that this time Jiang Rou had encountered a huge challenge. If she was lucky, she might be able to find out something. what worked.

Chapter 795 The chance of survival! (3 more requests for subscription) -->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Su Yang sat on the chair and looked at Jiang Rou's frown. He knew that this time Jiang Rou had encountered a huge challenge. If she was lucky, she might be able to find out something. what worked.

Silently took out the paper and pen, Su Yang was sorting out the things to be investigated.

The identity of the deceased, the place where the corpse was thrown, these are things that must be found out immediately. If you don't find out, you won't know what the deceased was doing in the place where he was killed.

Su Yang made a list, and finally he waited until Gao Ao.

"Master Su, the identity of the deceased has been found out. He was from Zhuzhou. He was the owner of a hardware company. His name was Wang Chong. The family reported the case three days ago, saying that there was no news after he went to Tengli."

After hearing this, Su Yang said, "How far is Tengli from Ender?"

"More than five hundred kilometers apart."

"Did the deceased stay at Ender?"

Gao shook his head: "I haven't stopped, but the deceased drove there by himself, with his three friends."

Su Yang's eyes narrowed: "Three friends, that is to say, there are four people. What we have found so far are two corpses, which means that there are two more people, right?"

"The deceased on Beihe's side has also been identified. He is one of the three friends who passed by with Wang Chong."

"Then I don't know what they are going to do in Tengli?"

Gao An shook his head, and said in a puzzled way: "The area in Tengli is relatively poor, and there are no particularly famous tourist attractions. Their family members said that a few men went out to relax, Also, go and see some of the people they have funded."

"Wait, you said they funded people in the area in Tengli?"

"That's right, whether it's Wang Chong or the other three, they all have a certain amount of wealth. Most of the assets are over 983 million yuan, which is the level of a rich [-] boss. It's not enough, and it's more than the next. Among them is a friend named Wan Shun, who has been supporting some poor families in his early years, and then his business has become better and better, and he often advises his friends to do more good deeds to accumulate good luck."

Su Yang was stunned: "Although I don't know much about the situation on the North River side, I think the conditions of the deceased are probably similar. All their money, wealth, and possessions have disappeared, which means that part of the reason for the murder of the murderer is for money. Go. Investigate the poverty-stricken families that the four of them funded, and see where the last place Wang Chong and the four of them disappeared."

When Gao An was about to leave, he suddenly came back and asked, "Young Master Su, do you think the remaining two of the four of them are still alive?"

Su Yang shook his head very directly and said, "Basically, they won't be alive, unless the four of them don't leave in one car."

"It's the same car. I drove an off-road vehicle worth nearly two million by Wang Chong."

"The probability of survival is relatively low. Go tell Bureau Zhou and see if there are any bodies found in railway stations in other parts of the country. In addition, let Zhang Xing prepare a map of the train's running route for me. , I'll take a look."

Gao Ang didn't say more and then left.... .

Chapter 796 Tragedy in the world! (4 more for subscription)

When Jiang Rou entered the autopsy state, she almost forgot to eat and sleep.

Su Yang didn't continue to wait for her here, and went to the office alone.

Now the identity of the deceased has been determined, but one deceased is in Haicheng, the other is in Beihe, and even the remaining two will appear all over the country.

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