Jiang Rou immediately ran over to give her comfort, and it was not until then that Wang Chong's wife started to cry.

This is a tragedy in the world. As detectives, as forensic doctors, Su Yang and the others have seen them too many times... .

Text Chapter 797 Check! (1 more for subscription)

Appeasement is actually useless to the relatives whose loved ones have died. The reason why it can be better is that they have accepted this fact when there is no other way, or that they have more important things to do in their hearts.

That is to find the murderer and take revenge!

Su Yang generally doesn't like to brag about himself, but at this time he needs to give some victims' families more hope.

So after their emotions stabilized a little, they said, "You two, I understand your feelings very well. But the deceased is dead. Although it is cruel, it has to be accepted. In addition, I am the person in charge of this case. The name is Su Yang. The two are from the capital, and I happen to be from the capital, and my name is Su Yang."

Wang Chong's father was actually in a better mood than Wang Chong's wife, but he didn't know Su Yang, so when he saw that he was a teenager, he didn't talk to him, but said to the older Zhang Xing, "Officer , you must find the murderer of my son. Killing is just a point, and he actually used such a method, it is a beast!"

Zhang Xing tightly held the hand stretched out by the old man, and said seriously: "Uncle, although our consultant Su is a little young, he is the best detective in our country at present. You can check it on 450.com. Su Yang, you know who our consultant Su is."

Wang Chong's father still didn't believe it, but Wang Chong's wife went to check it out. When she saw Su Yang's extremely eye-catching resume, she stopped her father-in-law, who was ready to question her distrust, and said, "Dad, they don't have any. Lie to us, Consultant Su is indeed the most famous detective in our country. He is indeed from the capital. Do you still remember the case of the murder of an old man in a nursing home that you were concerned about? He solved it!"

At this time, Wang Chong's father reacted and said excitedly: "The police comrade is really sorry, I beg you all to catch that wolf-hearted beast as soon as possible!"

Su Yang nodded seriously: "I will try my best."

He didn't go too much to say these meaningless words, and instead invited them to the reception room in a different place.

"You two, now that the case has happened, I need to get more information, otherwise this case will not be able to start. Now I need to ask you a few questions, can you answer them now?"

"As long as we know it, we will definitely say it." Wang Chong's wife said heavily.

The one thing they may hope for most now is to catch the person who killed Wang Chong and pretend to be strong.

"Okay, first question, when Wang Chong went to Tengli, didn't he tell you what to do?"

Wang Chong's wife didn't nod or shake her head, but said, "They went to Tengli because the business has been bad recently. All four of their friends are in the hardware industry. Although we all have some wealth, we are ordinary people. It is already very rich. But life is different and the circle is different. When the market is not good, the pressure is very high, so the four of them agreed to go out and relax together. "

Chapter 797 Check! (1 more request for subscription) -->>(Page 1/2), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Wang Chong's wife didn't nod or shake her head, but said, "They went to Tengli because the business has been bad recently. All four of their friends are in the hardware industry. Although we all have some wealth, we are ordinary people. It is already very rich. But life is different and the circle is different. When the market is not good, the pressure is very high, so the four of them agreed to go out and relax together. "

"Then I also told your police comrades that they have always supported poor families in the area of ​​Tengli. We go there once a year, but we just didn't go this year, so they said they would go there to relax. It is poor, but it has not suffered any damage, so the scenery is very good for relaxation, but the conditions are a bit tough.”

"Then you couldn't contact them that day? When was the last time to contact them, did you ask where they were?"

"I contacted my husband four days ago in the afternoon, and he was on his way back to Ende County. Then I called him that night, but he didn't get through. I thought it was a bad signal. I used to do it often. I met him. So I didn’t take it seriously. In the middle of the night, I sent him WeChat and called him again, but he still didn’t get through at that time, and WeChat didn’t reply.”

"At that time, there was already a feeling of unease. At that time, I had gone to the police at my own police station (bbdj), and then they contacted the police in Ander County. Because I contacted the wives of several other people, and they all They said that they could not be contacted at all at night. So the police also cooperated to help us find it, but when we wanted to make a call, we wanted to determine the location by means of communication, but the phone was already on the hook!"

"Furthermore, we went to the 4S shop of the car and asked them to help determine the location of the car. Because the car was bought with a positioning system installed, but I didn't expect that the positioning system had already been dismantled when the police found the place. , thrown in a stinky ditch."

Wang Chong's wife said that her eyes were red at this time, and Su Yang listened to her words, and several questions appeared in her heart: "What time did you contact the Ande County police at that time, and then you dialed the phone again to turn off the phone. What time is it? Besides, have you tried to call Wang Chong since you contacted the Ande County police?"

This time is very ingenious. If Wang Chong was contacted not long before contacting the Ander police, the mobile phone was able to get through at that time, but after contacting the Ander police, the mobile phone was unable to get through, then the meaning of this is a bit interesting. .

Wang Chong's wife thought for a while and seemed unsure, and then took out her mobile phone to compare the time shown in the dial record.

But after comparison, it was found that there was a difference of several hours between the three calls.In a few hours, it is impossible to determine that the Ande County police may have moths, because Su Yang's reasonable time is within tens of minutes, or even within ten minutes.

If the time is compressed to this limit and shorter, then there is no doubt that the murderer or the people involved in the case are definitely people from the Ender County Police.

But now it seems that this possibility is relatively low, Su Yang paused and could only ask another question: "Did he tell you something unhappy before he couldn't get in touch with your husband?"

Wang Chong's wife thought for a while, then shook her head: "No, he has been telling me about his feelings along the way. Originally he was very depressed, but the relaxation along the way made him a lot happier. He also said that he did not subsidize those poor families in vain, at least some of them gave away their children's studies. When those children saw him, they were also very grateful and happy."

"We've seen a lot of reports on the Internet over the years, so it's inevitable that we're afraid to fund some white-eyed wolves. He's glad he didn't meet them." Wang Chong's wife wiped away tears after speaking.

Su Yang frowned, and now he can only ask the last question: "There are two known deceased people, and the method of death is the same. But there are still two people who have not been found. Do you think the relationship between the four old friends is the same?" How is the relationship? I want the most honest answer!".

Chapter 798 Impossible, often the truth! (2 more for subscription)

In Wang Chong's wife's account, the deceased Wang Chong had a very good relationship with the poor family he helped, and there was no phenomenon of raising a white-eyed wolf.

Since they get along well, there is no contradiction.

If there is no contradiction, then this possibility must be ruled out first, and once the possibility arises, it can be taken out and considered again.

Aside from this possibility, then Wang Chong and the two remaining friends of the other deceased became - somewhat suspicious.

As the same boss in the hardware industry, the four people have more than ten years of friendship, and you influence me and I influence you in donating to those poor people with your own ability.

Maybe the amount they donated may be small compared to those of the rich, but they are indeed a group of old friends who are doing good deeds.

Su Yang didn't expect a murderer to appear among them, but this possibility must also be investigated.

Wang Chong's wife didn't hesitate too much, but said with certainty: "The four of them can be said to have grown up wearing a pair of trousers. They are not blood brothers. They are businessmen from the capital, but they are Wen and Chaoshan merchants like Jiangsu and Zhejiang. They are in a group because they are always together, so they both prosper and suffer. Over the years, there has never been a crack in their relationship!"

"Yeah, the three of them and Wang Chong are the best buddies. Even my wife and I are treated as filial piety as their biological parents. If it wasn't for secular reasons, the three of them would have been lost when Li Lin's mother died. Originally I was going to Dai Xiao. It's hard to find a relationship so good!"

Wang Chong's father also said that Su Yang actually understood the feelings between men very well.

Many people often say that there is no so-called true friendship in this world, that there is no such thing as a relationship between men and women, that men and men will also fall apart because of interests, and that women and women may even break up because of some sesame-sized things.

But this is not to say that it does not exist, but because it is not encountered.

Su Yang was willing to believe the relationship between Wang Chong and them, but he still asked, "There are still two people who haven't found out. Do you think this case has anything to do with them?"

"Impossible!" Wang Chong's father and wife said at the same time.

After he finished speaking, Wang Chong's father said, "There is always something to want in killing people, what do they want to kill? After killing Wang Chong, they couldn't get the Wang family's property, and the four of them went out together, Wang Chong. Chong and Li Lin are dead, could it be that once the two of them are alive, if they can't explain the reason, wouldn't they shoot themselves in the foot? They can't even be human beings themselves?"

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