"It seems that the reason for the killing of the deceased in the third case was because he killed the biting Tosa dog!" Guan Hongfeng said in the group.

Qin Feng said: "In other words, the real murderer in this case is most likely the owner of the Tosa dog. The murderer's motive for killing was the death of his pet dog!"

"No, it's not that simple. To say that it was just the death of a dog that led to the birth of the serial case, I am more inclined to believe that the death of the Tosa 407 dog was the fuse of the serial case, and the root cause was that the murderer couldn't stop the murder. Ideas!" Yao Xuechen shook his head and said.

"I remember a sub-group owner mentioned that the murderer may have a criminal record, and the idea of ​​​​killing may also arise in the prison, so it may be because of the Tosa dog biting people that he became a murderer! "Kiko also spoke up.

At this moment, Su Yang in the office suddenly raised his head.

"Fang Mu, I think I have found the murderer's motive for Xu Jingman and Miao Lan!"

Fang Mu also raised his head, with surprise in his eyes, and said, "Really? What is the murderer's motive?"

Su Yang looked at Fang Mu with a smile and said calmly: "Let's go, you will know what the murderer's motive is, let's find the murderer!"

"Looking for the murderer?" Fang Mu asked curiously, but then he understood and smiled knowingly, "Group leader, it seems that you have already determined that the murderer is the owner of Tosa Dog!"

Ma Sheng is an ordinary company employee. Speaking of him, he was just an ordinary college graduate. After graduation, he met some dabe friends and was imprisoned for it.

After being released from prison, he contacted some former college classmates to work in that ordinary company.

That night, when he came home from overtime at night, he was shocked. Two young people who had not met each other sat at his house, and it seemed that they had been sitting for a long time.

"Who are you two? Why did you sneak into my house?" Ma Sheng exclaimed.

Ma Sheng looks ordinary and is the kind of existence that will be completely ignored when thrown on the street.

"My name is Su Yang, I met him for the first time, please don't take offense to Mr. Ma!" Su Yang greeted with a smile, not ready to stand up.

Fang Mu also laughed and said, "My name is Fang Mu, you should have heard of it!"

"I haven't heard of it. You broke into my house without my consent. Do you know that this is a private break-in? Now I invite you out!" Ma Sheng said angrily.

Su Yang looked at Ma Sheng's surprise when he heard Fang Mu's self-introduction, and couldn't help squinting his eyes.

"Ma Sheng, there is a case, we would like to ask you to find out a little bit about the situation!" Su Yang said, staring directly at Ma Sheng.

Through Ma Sheng's eyes, Su Yang already knew what Ma Sheng was thinking. This is the horror of mind reading. As long as you reveal your inner emotions in your eyes, you can't escape Su Yang's eyes.

"Case? What case?" Ma Sheng asked knowingly.

Chapter 852 He already knows it! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"Case? What case?" Ma Sheng asked knowingly.

Fang Mu chuckled: "Mr. Ma, the whole city has been notified, don't you know?"

Ma Sheng pretended to be enlightened and said, "Oh, you're not talking about the case of Hengxiang Square, the circus, and the pet shop, right? Does this case have anything to do with me?"

Su Yang and Fang Mu looked at each other and smiled, Ma Sheng had already revealed flaws, enough to convict Ma Sheng.

"It seems that although the murderer is very smart, he is still very panicked when he really faces the police!" Guan Hongfeng said in the group.

Because he was in direct contact with the murderer, there was a group video in the group. Now all of Ma Sheng's performances are displayed in front of everyone, and there is only a trace of anomaly that everyone can find.

"From his eyes, I can see a trace of fear and a forcible calm mentality!" Yao Xuechen looked at Ma Sheng in the video and said softly.

"Our mind-reading detectives have said so. It seems that the real murderer of this case is clear!" Qin Feng said with a smile.

"Mr. Ma, it seems that you still know the city bureau very well. I wonder if you can talk to me about your thoughts?"

Su Yang said with a smile, all the worries in his heart have disappeared now.

As soon as Su Yang finished speaking, Ma Sheng's heart jumped, and he also realized that something was wrong.

"I have no idea. You are breaking into the house privately. I will not pursue you if you are the police. Now please go out!"

Ma Sheng stretched out his right hand towards the door, trying to drive away the two of Su Yang.

Su Yang sighed and said, "I already knew that you would chase people away. Fortunately, we were already prepared!"

After speaking, Fang Mu took out a search warrant from his pocket and said, "Mr. Ma, this is a search warrant specially prepared for you. Are you still thinking of driving us away?"

When he saw the search warrant, Ma Sheng's face suddenly became ugly.

"I said two police officers, what are you doing to search my house? I didn't do anything illegal!"

"Hahaha!" Su Yang laughed a few times, staring at Ma Sheng coldly, "You really don't give up until the Yellow River, it seems that you won't plead guilty without letting you see how many clues we have. It's gone!"

Hearing this, Ma Sheng's heart skipped a beat, but he pursed his lips and did not speak.

Su Yang stood up with a sneer in his eyes, but his face was indifferent. He looked at Ma Sheng and said, "Mr. Ma, where is your dog? That Tosa dog!"

Another heavy blow, Ma Sheng couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"I...cough, my dog ​​has died!"

Ma Sheng coughed a few times and said, although he was flustered inside, he was still pretending to be calm on the surface.

Su Yang approached a few steps, and Ma Sheng also stepped back a few steps.

"Ma Sheng, don't panic now, if you panic, it won't be fun, and the question I asked you earlier wasn't the dog you died, but the second Tosa you raised. dog!"

Su Yang's eyes were full of sarcasm, he already understood the cause and effect of the case, and Ma Sheng's performance was so ridiculous in Su Yang's view. .

Body Chapter 853 Evil thoughts are only for a moment!

"Dog? What second dog, I don't have a second Tosa dog!" Ma Sheng shook his head like a rattle.

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