After Su Yang left the hospital, he went directly to the community where Yang Ying was, just in time to meet Gao An who went to investigate.

Encountering Su Yang, Gao asked in amazement, "Consultant Su, who are you?"

"It's nothing, let's investigate something, what's the result of the city bureau's investigation?" Su Yang asked while walking inside.

Gao Ang replied: "No traces were found in the opposite office building, but there is a monitoring environment of Yang Ying's house. I think if the murderer is really monitoring Yang's house nearby, it must be there!-"

"Did you find any trace?" Su Yang asked.

Gao Gao’s mobile phone just came to the news, he glanced at it and said, “There is a problem with the monitoring of the office building over there. It seems that there is a problem, but the specifics cannot be found. In addition, the police sent by the city bureau to investigate on the side of the road just now. A pinhole camera was found next to a street surveillance camera."

"Don't think that it was also done by the murderer, then the surveillance must be broken!" Su Yang said.

Nodding his head high, he said, "Yes, it's been broken for a while, and I haven't had time to fix it!"

"Consultant Su, what are you doing here?" Gao Ang asked.

Su Yang nodded and said, "There is something that needs to be verified. If you haven't done a visit nearby, do the survey first, and let me know as soon as you have any questions!"

After finishing speaking, Su Yang hurried towards his rental house, Gao Ang just turned around, and then another message came from his mobile phone, and he shouted at Su Yang:

"Consultant Su, there is also a problem with the monitoring in the community. There are almost all problems with the monitoring in this area. It started to appear after Qian Xiuying was killed yesterday!"

Su Yang's footsteps stopped, a sneer appeared on his face, and then he continued to rush upstairs.

Gao An went to visit and investigate. After Su Yang returned to the rental house, he thought calmly for a while.

From the current investigation report, it seems that after killing Qian Xiuying, the murderer hacked the surveillance in this area, and then entered Yang Mao's house and took away Yang Ying's medicine. The purpose was to make Yang Ying die. heart disease.

Perhaps the murderer thought this was not comprehensive, so he found out that Yang Ying had left the house tonight, and used hypnosis to prepare someone to kill Yang Ying. However, because of Su Yang's intervention, this plan was disrupted by Su Yang. .

However, the prior preparation of the murderer and the presence of Jiang Rou, a forensic doctor, allowed Yang Ying to escape once again.

It can be said that if it wasn't for Su Yang's intervention, Yang Ying would have been killed by the murderer several times.

"Car accident, heart attack..." Sitting at the computer desk, Su Yang sneered a few times again.

Yang Ying's danger has made Su Yang aware of something, but he still needs some clues to support his thoughts.

Su Yang directly found the case file information left over on the computer. In the Xue Ye murder case fifteen years ago, the murderer was Wei Yan, but there was another hidden murderer, Dracula.

Looking at the information on the Xueye case, Su Yang recalled Wei Yan's description of Dracula in his mind.

He is addicted to murder, and is extremely happy to watch people die. In the Xueye case, six girls were frozen to death, which was caused by Dracula and Wei Yan.

Dracula watched with excitement at the time when six girls were frozen to death, a homicide that seemed to be a natural death.

After a quick reading, Su Yang slowly raised his head, looked at the ceiling, and muttered to himself, "Is that you? Dracula!"

Computer technology, drugs, human body structure, and even the tyrannical ability of psychological hypnosis, all these just prove that the murderer is a very knowledgeable guy.

Chapter 938 You can't trap me, Dracula! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

Computer technology, drugs, human body structure, and even the tyrannical ability of psychological hypnosis, all these just prove that the murderer is a very knowledgeable guy.

In the mouths of Chang Wei and Wei Yan, Dracula is a comprehensive murderer with rich knowledge.

Perhaps in the previous case, Dracula's shadow was not so clear, but now, the way the murderer attacked Yang Ying was very similar to Dracula's way of committing crimes.

Natural death, accidental death, at first glance, it is a strange non-human-induced death case, but as long as you think about it a little, it looks like someone is causing trouble.

In the snowy night case that year, six people froze to death, and there was no way to investigate other than the cold death, and no other reasons could be found, but the environmental characteristics at that time were not enough to freeze one person to death.

This time, if Yang Ying was successfully killed, it might have been a car accident. The driver didn't drink alcohol, his line of sight was not obstructed, and the driver had no bad habits. A person was killed on a road close to the community. Isn't this like an accident?

Or maybe Yang Ying's myrrh caused a heart attack and died. Who would have thought that the drug was taken away by the murderer?

If it wasn't for Yang Ying telling Su Yang that she had medicine prepared by her parents at home, it would be hard for Su Yang to think that someone was at fault for Yang Ying's death from a heart attack.

0 ask for flowers      

Thinking of Dracula, Su Yang immediately thought of Chang Wei's. Chang Wei's methods and Dracula's methods have certain similarities, but Chang Wei does not possess tyrannical psychological hypnosis.

So in terms of the degree of suspicion, Dracula is even more suspicious than Chang Wei.

From the very beginning of the case, Su Yang had linked the case with Chang Wei and Dracula, and was still confused about it for a while. Now the murderer's method of killing Yang Ying made Su Yang and Dracula the first time. linked together.

In fact, in the case, Su Yang not only had a strong idea this time, when Yang Cheng died, especially when it was proved that Yang Cheng was murdered, Su Yang also thought about whether Yang Cheng was killed by Dracula.


But because Yang Mao's death was different from Yang Cheng's, Su Yang didn't dare to think about it, because that might mislead the direction of the investigation.

Moreover, the depth of the case investigation at that time was not as thorough as it is now, plus Qian Xiuying was quickly killed by the murderer, this idea was suppressed by Su Yang.

But with three lives and a person who was almost killed, Su Yang inevitably thought of Dracula, especially now, Su Yang's idea is extremely firm.

"This feeling can't go wrong. Even if the murderer of this case was not made by Dracula himself, there must be Dracula's figure in it, just like the snowy night case back then? The murderer hidden behind the scenes!"

Su Yang murmured to himself.

"But what is your purpose when you do this? You can use all kinds of accidental phenomena to kill people at the beginning. You made the case so difficult, do you think I can't guess it's you?

"Or, you just want me to guess you? But what is your purpose? Is it the same as Fang Mu said? Are you challenging me?"

Su Yang's current thinking completely links this case to Dracula, and Su Yang is more and more sure that there are absolute clues to support this idea.

When Su Yang was at Lenovo, no one knew that on a road in the outskirts of Haicheng, a man covered in blood grinned wildly. It was a wildly proud laugh.

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