After speaking, Zhang Xing sighed fiercely again, and seemed to be very sorry for the death of Yao Anzhi and his wife.

Su Yang frowned and said, "If this is the case, the death of Yao Anzhi and his wife may be the point of the murderer's transformation!"

"The point of transformation? What do you mean?" Zhang Xing's heart skipped a beat.

"The murderer killed the deceased in front of him. It should be hatred. Killing Yao Anzhi and his wife may be jealous. From killing a woman who interferes in other people's marriage to killing a loving couple, do you think this is a transformation of choosing a murder target? ?"

After Su Yang finished speaking, Zhang Xing couldn't help opening his mouth. He wanted to say something but didn't know how to say it.

"Are you trying to say that the murderer's killing heart is fully revealed, that he kills is no longer revenge for those women who intervene in other people's marriages, but is purely seeking to kill a certain type of person, so as to find some unexplainable pleasure in his heart !"

As soon as Su Yang finished speaking, Zhang Xing slapped his thigh and said excitedly: "Yes, Master Su, the murderer's murder was an outburst of anger, but since the police didn't catch him, he forgot his original intention of killing him. Now, if he is allowed to develop, then the target of his murder will not be able to determine which groups of people are!".

Chapter 983 Evolution Road!

At [-] o'clock in the evening, people from the major sub-bureaus of the Pingchuan Municipal Bureau came to the General Bureau with the case materials they were responsible for. There were a large number of police officers in formal suits sitting in the conference room.

This scene is rare. Su Yang has always obtained first-hand information when investigating cases. However, because of the characteristics of this case in Pingchuan City, if you want to understand all the cases in a short time, you can only achieve it through artificial introduction. this purpose.

When Su Yang brought Jiang Rou into the conference room, the original noisy atmosphere instantly quieted down.

Chen Jiang stood up and coughed twice, then walked to the stage and said, "Comrades, the reason for calling you here today is a little bit more than everyone has heard about, that is, the case that happened in our city of Pingchuan, through Consultant Su. It is very likely that the same murderer committed the investigation!”

When everyone at the scene was listening to each other for a moment, someone asked, "Team Chen, since it is the same case, do you want us to investigate these cases together?"

Chen Jiang nodded and said: "Yes, the purpose of today's meeting is to synthesize the characteristics of these cases, analyze and define the cases, and maybe help us find the murderer."

After a pause, Chen Jiang said again: "Okay, time is limited, so I won't say more, let Gu Gu_ ask a few words first!"

Su Yang was not polite. After Chen Jiang returned to his seat, he stood up and said, "The purpose of the meeting is only to find the characteristics of the murderer. I won't say more nonsense. The first case to the last case will be explained one at a time!"

After Su Yang finished speaking, he sat down. The sub-bureau in charge of the first case immediately stood up. He walked to the stage and motioned to the police officer with his eyes to play the photo of the sub-bureau's case file, and then started to introduce randomly.

"The first victim was named Wang Meimei, a dance teacher at the Pingchuan City Art School. She was a woman who got involved in other people's marriages, and eventually drove her original wife away to become a man's wife."

"According to our forensic examination, Wang Meimei died on the 17th day of the 8th lunar month in the 15th year of the lunar calendar. The specific time of killing was between [-]:[-] and [-]:[-] that night. She was kidnapped and killed on the way from get off work during the school holiday."

Having said that, the police turned to look at the big screen behind him, pointed to the photo on it and said, "From the photo, you can also intuitively see what the deceased looked like when he died. After being stripped, he was thrown into the local area. in a stinky ditch."

"The cause of death was mechanical suffocation, and the murder weapon should be a very common nylon rope!"

The introduction of the first case lasted for half an hour, which was also requested by Su Yang in advance. Due to the time, it was impossible to describe the case in great detail.

After the introduction of the first case, the person in charge of the second murder case was still the same sub-bureau. After they spent an hour describing the two murder cases, they added:

"Through the description just now, I believe everyone has a very intuitive feeling that this was done by the same murderer, and the method of throwing the corpse and the method of killing are exactly the same!"

After the person in charge of the first two murder cases had finished telling the case, the person in charge of the third murder case was about to get up and take the stage when Su Yang opened his mouth and said:

"Everyone has noticed that the first two murders have a lot in common, but in the third case, the murderer's methods have begun to change!"

When Su Yang said this, everyone's attention was concentrated.

The third case was exactly the same as what Su Yang had seen in the case file before. The time of death was the fifteenth day of the [-]th lunar month last year. It was also a female deceased. It was still a one-shot death, but the method of handling the body had changed.

The deceased was shaved bald, and his fingernails were clipped with pliers.

Chapter 983 Evolution Road! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

The deceased was shaved bald, and his fingernails were clipped with pliers.

"We are responsible for three or four homicides. You can see the appearance of the deceased in the third homicide. The forensic expert identified that the hair and fingernails were lost by the murderer after death. No clues were found on the body or at the scene!"

Su Yang originally wondered if the people in this branch had reasoned about the hair and fingernails on the deceased or the chest of the deceased in the fourth murder case, but the people in this branch had already said it.

"Based on our continuous investigation and analysis for so long, we suspect that after killing people, the murderer will take away the things that the deceased is proud of or likes."

Su Yang looked at the people in this branch in surprise. Although the progress of their investigation was a little slow, it was not too late to realize at this time.

The police officer of the precinct continued: "Look at the third murder case, the deceased Zhang Li, a student, with black and beautiful hair, usually likes to do nails, and according to our investigation, Zhang Li's lover often exaggerated beautiful hair and nails nice!"

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"So, we can basically confirm that after the murderer kills people, he will take away the things the deceased likes, or the things that others like!"

"The fourth case is like this. It's embarrassing to say. The deceased in the fourth case was proud of her breasts. The person who took care of her said that she thought the deceased's breasts were good-looking, so in the fourth case, she was proud of her breasts. The deceased, his chest was cut off after his death!"

After the people in this branch finished speaking, everyone felt a little strange, but no one commented for the time being.

Judging from these two cases, everyone can think of many suspects. This case involves the city's sub-bureaus and even the general bureau, so it is too early to draw a one-sided conclusion.


After the three or four cases were told, Su Yang said again: "The four cases have been told, and I want to say two words to everyone!"

"If consultant Su has something to say, just say it directly, no need to say hello!"

"Yes, Consultant Su, if you hadn't found the clue, we would still be revolving around the case we are responsible for!"

Su Yang smiled, stood up and said: "After three or four cases have been described, I believe everyone has a very direct feeling. This is a serial murder case that covers the whole city. The murderer has shown his strength in one or two murder cases. His anti-reconnaissance awareness and the target of his crime!"

"In the third case, the murderer's vileness has further deteriorated. From just killing and throwing the body to the series of practices on the body after the killing, it all shows how strong his killing heart is!"

"It also shows that the murderer is evolving. In the third and fourth murders, he took something long on the deceased. This is a manifestation of anger and resentment. He hated the deceased for having those things. We have a lot of speculation about this. But now is not the time to define."

"The most important thing is the latter case. The last three murder cases and even the last murder case are what we need to pay attention to the most!"

After Su Yang finished a series of words, everyone felt the heaviness of the meeting once again. Originally, it was only a case of murder and dumping in each branch, but when they were put together, they realized what kind of murderer they were facing. .

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