"In this way, you can find a way to contact the city bureau of Jianghai City to see if there is an unsolvable case there. The time of the case should be a murder case between the beginning of last month and the [-]th!"

Jiang Rou nodded instinctively, but raised her head curiously and asked, "Team leader, isn't the first murder case in Pingchuan City? Are there any cases before the eleventh?"

"You'll find out if you check it out first!"

Su Yang left a sentence and walked out of the room with his mobile phone. He wanted to contact the city bureau of Haozhou City in person. After waiting for news from three sides, he could confirm whether the investigation was done in cooperation with Xue Danren and Qin Feng. The clues are the same. .

Body Chapter 1025 One to seven, form an altar!

Another night came, and Su Yang spent most of the day in his room, and he really became an otaku for a day.

During the day, it rained from time to time outside, which seemed a little gloomy in this slightly cold weather, but in the evening, the weather was rarely clear, and even in the evening, the rays of the setting sun shone into the house inside.

Jiang Rou ordered takeout to be delivered. In the room, after Su Yang and Jiang Rou contacted the city bureaus of the two cities, they returned to the city bureaus.

"How did you check it?" Su Yang asked while eating.

Jiang Rou nodded and said, "I found out that there was indeed a death on the island!"

"Did the case file information come from them?" Su Yang said with joy in his heart.

Jiang Rou nodded again: "Yes, they said they would send it to us after a little tidying up. They asked if we were going to investigate that case!"

"Investigation, of course we have to investigate!" Su Yang nodded affirmatively.

The question just now is not different from the guesses of Xue Danren and Qin Feng, not even the county that died.

"Where's the team leader on your side?" Jiang Rou15 asked Su Yang again.

"The investigation has been completed. There is also such a case in Haozhou City. The case file information will be sent to us later!" Su Yang nodded.

Jiang Rou snorted and didn't say much. Instead, she lowered her head and started to eat. Su Yang also buried her head to eat.

I don't know if it was because there were suddenly more clues in the case file, Su Yang was a little in the mood to eat, so he took two bites and put the takeaway aside.

Jiang Rou ate a little more than Su Yang, but not much.

Half an hour later, Su Yang and Jiang Rou each received a case file from their computer mailboxes.

The two looked at each other, then nodded at the same time.

Jiang Rou turned on her computer, looked attentively, and read the case file word by word.

Su Yang did the same, but it didn't take long for him to see news from Zhang Xing. Sure enough, there was a case that Su Yang conjectured.

In Zhang Xing's investigation, the deceased was a man who had been wandering around in romantic places all year round. After the murderer killed him, he cut off the deceased's sexual organs and stuffed them into the deceased's mouth.

It's a very bad practice. The local city bureau has also strictly investigated the case, but still no clues have been found.

In this murder case, the deceased's head was facing the city due west, which was the case Su Yang was looking at, the Haozhou City case.

On the corpse in Jiangning City, the lips of the corpse were sutured on both sides, and what was not sutured was to leave space for the deceased's sexual organs...

"Word of mouth... The deceased in the Haozhou City case is a woman, jealous of all those who are better than her!"

Looking at the case file of Haozhou City, Su Yang had the feeling that he was looking at the case file of Lanchuan City. The deceased were the kind of people who could not see that others were better than him.

But relatively speaking, the deceased in Haozhou City came even more, while the deceased in Lanchuan City were more inclined to the anger of the deceased.

Haozhou City tends to be jealous. The deceased in Haozhou City likes to slander others behind others, and it is even more unreasonable to open his mouth.

So in Haozhou City's case, the deceased's mouth was cut off, revealing two rows of white, shiny teeth.

The lips were still placed in the mouth of the corpse by the murderer.

Chapter 1025 One to seven, form an altar! -->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

The lips were still placed in the mouth of the corpse by the murderer.

As for the direction of the corpse's head, it was towards the place where the last case occurred, Jiangning City.

There is no second case in Jiangning City, that is to say, the head orientation of the female corpse in Haozhou City is meaningless.

That is to say, the seventh case is the final murder case, which occurred on November [-]th, and the sixth case was on November [-]th.

From the time point of view, from November [-]th to the present, there has not been another case in Jiangning City, and it can be proved that there is no seventh case.

Su Yang moved Jiang Rou's hand and said, "When did your case happen?"

Jiang Judo: "On the third of last month!"

"Number three!" Su Yang repeated, with a definition in his heart.

The first murder was on the [-]rd, and the second was on the [-]th, eight days apart!

Then the time interval between the seven cases is eight days, six days, five days, and then the rest of the cases are at least five days apart.

Five days is the minimum time between murderers, but because the cities are separated, it takes a long time to run. Five days is definitely fast.

After watching the seventh murder case for a while, Su Yang turned to look at Jiang Judao: "How about your case?"

"Almost understand, the residents of the deceased's island, the murderer should have taken a fishing boat to the island at the seaside, and the murderer came back in a fishing boat before anyone was discovered!"

"The deceased's hands and feet were chopped off. It's tragic. The Jianghai Municipal Bureau has investigated the boatmen of those fishing boats. The murderer should be a man, but the boatmen dealt with strangers every day, but the body was found late!"

"So, the boatman didn't remember the appearance of the deceased. He said that he was a man, about [-] meters, with average appearance, no special face, and ordinary clothes. In addition, he was about [-] years old. around age!"

The first case that Jiang Rou mentioned was the murderer's first murder, which would definitely leave a lot of clues. In addition, the location of the murder was special, so Jianghai City caught a lot of doubts about the murderer.

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