God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 997: Emperor Ji*1

The ninth and seventy-seventh chapter of the emperor*1

I haven't picked up the task for a long time, and Qin Qi will certainly not let go. I don't want to pick it up.

“Hey, congratulations to the player for accepting the SSS level task ‘Tianfu secret key’”

Task details

"Task level: SSS"

"Task requirements: collect Qitianfu secret key, open the door of Tianfu"

"Task progress: Tianfu key fragment (1/5)

"Task Reward: Emperor Ji*1"


Qin Qi blinked, then wiped his eyes, this task reward, is it a bit exaggerated?

Rewarding Emperor Ji*1?

"This..." Qin Qi swallowed a mouthful, and can Diji be rewarded?

To know how strong the Qin Ji is, Qin Qi has not been clear yet. She only knows that she is incomparably mysterious and extremely ancient. Even the great destruction of 100,000 years ago did not destroy her.

She walked out of this thunderous madfield, shattering a demon emperor with a punch, how amazing, and perhaps even the invincible power of the world.

Such a horrible woman can be rewarded?

Qin Qi did not believe it. He did not think that the system had such a large capacity. It was estimated that he had learned some secrets. After knowing that the door of Tianfu was opened, Emperor Ji would voluntarily follow.

Otherwise, the system forces Emperor Ji to follow?

Didn’t the emperor give up the system?

Qin Qi believes that Emperor Ji has this ability. After all, the illusion of Qin Qi’s departure from the Jun family has been terrible.

"Does the gate of Tianfu, is it related to the relics that the Jun family got in the early years?" Qin Qi whispered.

Before he learned that the ancestors of the princes had found a ruin, and the emperor was in it, and the area had a gateway to the thunderstorm.

In this case, perhaps the so-called Tianfu Gate is in the Jun family, and the secret key of this Tianfu is scattered in the hands of the top of the Jun family.

In the hands of Jun Qi, it is only one-fifth of them.


If this is the case, then there is one point that does not explain. Why should the monarch separate the secret key? This is undoubtedly more insurance, and it is difficult for outsiders to open the door of Tianfu.

But in the event of an accident, such as today's situation, one of the pieces was obtained by an outsider, then the family could not enter the gate of Tianfu.

Maybe the monarch has another way to enter?

Impossible, if this is the case, why should the monarchy do more?

"It is difficult, the family is hesitating, they are afraid that they do not want to open the door of Tianfu again, but they do not want to lose the ability to open the door of Tianfu, so simply cut the key and divide it into several points."

"In this way, it can still be opened, but it is a little more difficult, and if it is lost, it is God's will, and no one wants to open it again!" Qin Qi guessed.

Although this idea is somewhat different, Qin Qi feels that he has not guessed wrong.

I am afraid that the door of Tianfu, or the existence of Emperor Ji, is to make the monarch a dilemma. He is very hesitant, and he has no fear, but he is extremely eager, so he will make such a decision and let God choose.

I want to come, no matter what the outcome, they can breathe a sigh of relief.

It seems that there may be a peerless treasure in the door of Tianfu, but once it is opened, it is extremely dangerous. It is a place where people love and hate.

"Forget it, anyway, it is necessary to destroy the monarch's, just to follow the path." Qin Qi whispered, alert, but will not affect his mission.

It is not too late to hesitate to open the door of Tianfu.

Below the mission details, there are a few task reminders, all about the other pieces of the Tianfu secret key, all of them are high-ranking members of the family, one of which is in the hands of Jun.

It’s really hard to be an SSS level mission.

"What's wrong, is it really a baby?" Green Luo saw Qin Qi looking at the debris for a long time, could not help but ask.

Qin Qi heard the words and collected the pieces. He smiled and said: "There is a great history, and the world is precious!"

“Really?” Green Roger's eyes widened. “Show me another!”

"Less come, can you still get back?" Qin Qi will never agree.

"Cut!" Green Luo licked his mouth and packed up a few times. In the end, some martial arts and other martial arts were not bad. One of them was a national war, and three thousand thunders were broken. It is the secret of the monarch's family. It is very powerful. Bring it back to Mo Ziqi.

After finishing the cleaning up, Green Rose nodded and said: "The harvest is OK, not white."

Wen Yan, Qin Qi face black, but forget it, the general materials he does not need, can be exchanged for countless, and the real valuable baby is also a few, all points, green radish is still very measured, and there is no Greedy.

To put it bluntly, the green radish is the little princess of the Qiankun Chamber of Commerce. If there is nothing, it is just a matter of fun. It is a personal hobby.

"Then I will withdraw first, wait for you to kill a few more, then come over and divide!" Green Luo smiled.

There is no fight for you, there is a break!

Qin Qi was too lazy to spit and went with her.

"What is that?" Xiaobai is pointing at the sky, where there is a line of blood that is re-adhesive.

"Hmmm?" Qin Qi and Green Luo are both surprised. This blood line is the same as that produced by Jun Qiqi. It is thick and strange. It seems to be a slender worm. It gives people a bad feeling. It is almost evil. .

"The nematode's nuclear?" Qin Qi frowned, did not expect his sword to actually destroy this thing.

According to Jun Qizhan, there is still a part of the nematode's nucleus remaining in the body without hate. The original Jun was not completely stripped.

Of course, it’s not that Jun has no way to keep his hands, but he can’t strip it. Because of this, Jun has no way to continue the life of no hate through the elixir, let him live.

Because once the king does not hate to die, the ability of the nematode's nucleus will drop by 50%, which is a huge blow to the monarch.

Nowadays, Jun is sanctified and has the ability to strip the core of the blood-worm, which is not hated by the monarch. This is what the Qiqi warfare did, but it was finally killed by Qin Qi.

I just didn't think that the nucleus of the blood-worm was not going to die with the battle of the king, but it was once again condensed.

"I am afraid that the ability of the elder grandfather is affecting it."

"He still wants to recover the core of the blood-worm?" Qin Qi is cold, don't think about it!

Since the nuclear nematode's nucleus is destroyed, the ability of the bloodline of the family will be reduced by 50%. How can Qin Qi let go of this opportunity to crack down on the monarchy?

When Qin Qi flew directly into the sky, the destructive power was lingering over the sword front.

He did not allow the nematode nucleus to return to the family again.

Dragon God tears roar, Qin Qi does not hesitate, a sword squat!

However, things are not so simple. The nematode's nucleus does not have the ability to rebel against Qin Qi, but the power of Jun is already projected.

A number of blood lines appeared, sharper than Jianguang, and pierced the void, forcing Qin Qi to give in.

And in this thunderstorm, the dead children of the family suddenly began to "move".

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