God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1000: Unstoppable

The first thousand chapters are unstoppable

After Zhao Wufeng shot in Qin Qi, he realized that it was not good. He was about to deal with it, but it was too late. Qin Qi’s fist was too fast, and he did not give him a chance to dodge!

Boom, the dragon snarled, Zhao Wufeng was actually boxed back by Qin Qi, and his foot, together with the whole leg, burst open, bare bones, bloody, has been abandoned.

Just a punch, the middle of the seven-star Wu Zun, was directly injured.

When Qin Qi took the shot, he did not intend to give the other party a living path. He was like a **** king, and he had already raised his sword in his hand and roared up!

God of wrath!

"Damn!" Zhao Wufeng was completely panicked. He never imagined that Qin Qi was so horrible and had full strength to fight him.

And he just underestimated the enemy, has already let Qin Qi stand the upper hand, if Qin Qi continues to break out, he is in danger.

At the moment, he could not hesitate to cope with the countermeasures. When he grabbed the big hand, he pulled his fellow family and used it as a meat shield to resist the power of this sword.

As for Qin Qi, of course, it will not deflect the sword front, and the sword will be shattered. The six-star Wu Zun will be divided into two sections, together with the big shield in his hand, open together!

Even the strong defense of the stone system can not withstand the sword front of Qin Qi.

"Come on and help me!" Zhao Wufeng found the opportunity, hurriedly went out, and shouted, and just high above, the Qin Qi as a bug is completely two people.

Such a change, Liu Ransheng is almost scared, that is, Hu Zexu is full of horror.

Qin Qi is too horrible, this battle has already been comparable to them!

"Oh, no wonder you are just a seven-product giant. It’s too small to be a family. You are sending these melons and melons. It’s not enough for the old man to break his teeth. Let’s go together, don’t ink!” Qin Qi cold and cold, domineering F!

Originally, the people who sent the seven-star peak came to the end, the middle of the seven-star is going on, Lao Tzu has to upgrade!

Still a word of the door to understand, came a peak of seven stars, or Qin Qi always feel that he is losing money.

Of course, in the outside world, the seven-star Wu Zun is indeed a big man on the top, and it is not visible at all. Qin Qi is still abandoning it now. If he is known by outsiders, he will probably be scared to death.

In the past years, the number of Wu Xing Wu Zun who died at the border was limited. Qin Qi has killed two now, and he has to kill three more!

The body of the Dragon Vessel, the martial arts of the gods, and the power possessed by Qin Qi on the two martial arts all broke out at this moment. Under the form of the gods, the young king of the gods is no different!

Hu Runze and Liu Ransheng, in their hearts, are horrified. It is impossible to imagine that a young man can have such power. Such a character can only exist among the gods or the nine great schools.

Such a place in the battlefield is not a place for heaven and earth. Can such a person appear?

Can you compare with those who have not yet been born, and have already poured out the resources of the sea?

"Kill!" Hu Runze is low-key, killing heart and soul, such a person, absolutely can not let him continue to grow, or in the future, I am afraid to create a god.

"He is still too young, and the foundation is limited. We will join hands together, not killing him!" Liu Ransheng also drank, used all the secret cards, and his combat power was improved. He wanted to kill Qin Qi.

"Kid, who laughs at the end is not yet known!" Zhao Wufeng sighed, angrily counterattack, to gather the power of three to suppress Qin Qi.

"Come on!" Qin Qi screamed, never retired, and rushed up according to the terrible attack of the three.

He is surrounded by dragons, powerful martial arts turbulence, various forces are constantly attached, and there is a crushing ability between the mountains and rivers.

The dragon gods tears, the breath is stronger, more and more power is inspired by Qin Qi, as if returning to the old days of the past, the fierceness of the body, the battlefield.

Dragon God roars, tears of heaven!

"Boom!" The Zhoukong was shocked. The energy of the chaos was directly smashed. The earth could not carry it. It continued to collapse and turned into a huge deep pit, just like an abyss.

A few people fight, constantly shot, each hit is terrible, especially Hu Runze, the word "wind" in the hands is extremely embarrassing, power cutting, can break any defense.

This battle is too strong. Some people can't intervene at all. From the position near the ground, they hit the sky directly. Even the clouds are crushed. The Thunder is easy, as if these lightnings are no longer the master of the place.

Qin Qi’s eruption broke out and showed all the power. Even if it was an enemy, it did not fall into the trend of the downwind. It was still strong, and the fists were holding the sword and smashing the shoulders of Liu Ransheng. Zhao Wufeng's arm.

Qin Qi is too strong, as if it is not human, the power is constantly flowing, it seems endless, and can stand shoulder to shoulder with the Poseidon.

On the other hand, Xiaobai naturally did not idle. At first, she was indeed suppressed by Hu Runze, but at this moment she regained her freedom. How can the anger of eating goods continue to endure?

The remaining two six-star Wu Zun became her prey. Although the two had their own cards, but in the face of the seven-star demon statue with the blood of the emperor, there is still no possibility of winning half a minute. Small white shredded.

The blood flies, like the rain falls, and Zhao Wufeng who died with them, his body has fallen from the sky, a **** mark on the eyebrows, but the dragon **** tears directly through the brain and harvested life.

The seven-star Wu Zun, fallen in this way, is no different from other people, but it is a corpse.

Above the sky, the war continued, and it was even more boiling. Liu Ransheng and Hu Runze were already crazy and felt the threat of death. All the cards were displayed at this moment.

Quasi-national Wu, Guowu, boundless, illuminated half of the sky.

However, their Xeon attack did not hurt Qin Qi at all, and they all bounced back.

The attack of Qin Qi, along with the necessary effect, allows them to escape.

"Boom!" is another burst of sound, but the dragon is sweeping, Qin Qi and the dark dragon ride together, smashed into a dragon, a box of seven palaces, and the dragon **** record resonance, directly smash everything.

Liu Ransheng roared, all the strength was used for defense, the number of heavy shields appeared in front of him, and there was a treasure of life to protect the Qin Qi.

But, it’s broken!

"Hey!" Liu Ransheng squirted a blood, his chest collapsed directly, and even the bone **** was sprayed in his mouth.

"Small beasts, give this seat to death!" Hu Runze, even after a few points of his own acupuncture points, actually spit out a blood, but this blood, but did not fall, but with the "wind" word he condensed!

One of the words "Wind" suddenly grew stronger, and the road of the wind system rose wildly, and it merged with his Tianfeng Wuhun.

"Heavenly blood book, the wind king killed!" Hu Runze roared, all the power gathered in this hit.

He is convinced that Qin Qi can no longer rebound and attack, so he will seize the opportunity to exert the strongest power.

This move, quasi-Tianwu, kill everything!

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