God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1005: Not reliable

The first thousand and five chapters are not reliable

"That thing is not for you." A voice rang from the thunder, incomparably majestic, shocking the world.

It’s just a sound, and there’s no added power, but Qin Qi still feels pressure and can’t help but surrender.

The saints are indeed too strong to be able to measure.

Qin Qi swallowed a mouthful of water, accompanied by a smile: "His Royal Highness is that Ziqi is fortunate enough to have a good fortune. Since this day, she has been painstakingly researching, and now she has mastered the article of Lei, and she must not disappoint her Highness."

"I have mastered it, it is really good." The scorpion whispered, but it was quite satisfying. To know that he gave Mo Ziqi at that time, it was just a difficult message. If it was not a genius, I would not even understand it.

It is indeed extraordinary that Mo Ziqi can master it now, and he did not marry him at the time, giving Mo Ziqi the opportunity.

"Today's predecessors came for Ziqi?" Qin Qi asked.

"No, this is for you." The blind man said lightly.

"For me?" Qin Qi trembled and asked with a hard scalp: "I don't know what can the younger generation help His Royal Highness?"

"This holy sacred hunter is happy, especially to ask for advice." Scorpion smiled slightly.

"Let's ask? Ask me for advice?" Qin Qi swallowed his mouth, his face was bitter, and his mouth could not help but tremble.

A Wu Sheng, to ask him for advice, is a big man, but how can he not be happy?

Qin Qi worried that the other party’s finger would be poked and he would have died.

"His Royal Highness laughed, how can the child, He De, let the Highness personally ask for advice." Qin Qi bitterly said, this Wu Sheng, is not a spiritual problem.

He is Wu Sheng, Bu Dao Tong Sheng, the power of all sides is not crushing him, what do you need to ask for advice?

What are you asking for, how can you beg for mercy?

"You don't have to be arrogant. When you are old and you are old, you may not have such achievements. Although this holy place has been away from the outside world for nearly a thousand years, it must be among the people of the world. The same age can overcome you. ""

"And those people, all of them are not the emperor's posture, such as the reincarnation of the gods, you can be close to them, and naturally there is something worth learning from the Holy Spirit." The blind man smiled and seemed to be extremely recognized by Qin Qi. Also not to be rejected.

Qin Qi’s heart is bitter. He really wants to say that he is a hanging wire. Where can he compare with those gods and goddesses, but the nephew is Wu Sheng, since he has already come to the door, it must have been the first few days of the war. In the eyes, Qin Qi is impossible to evade.

Just asking for advice...

The ghost believes this reason.

"Since the Highness opened, the younger generation should do it themselves. I only hope that the Highness will be careful. Don't use too much power." Qin Qi smiled bitterly.

The scorpion heard the words, hehe smiled and said: "You can rest assured that this holy will not make you hurt."

At this point, there is no room for manoeuvre. Qin Qi has to accept it. The moment the atmosphere is released, the power is raging, and it becomes a young god, and the gods in the world!

"Very good!" The blind man nodded, and a red thunder rushed out and turned into a human form.

This red thunder has been controlled by the blind man?

Qin Qi came not to be astonished. The human form that Lei had turned to that day had already rushed to him. With a palm of his hand, it was the thunder of lightning, full of the atmosphere of destruction.

So strong!

Even if it was just the thunder of the scorpion, the power was terrible. Qin Qi felt a huge threat. If it was not evaded, he was seriously injured.

But even so, he was too close to the Thunder figure, leaving scars on his arms, flesh and blood is already black, although the color strength is constantly moisturizing, is recovering, but you can also see the other side's attack.

This call will not hurt him?

Qin Qi half punctuation does not believe.

At this moment, Qin Qi has already made it clear that this war can't be easily done. If you are inadvertent, you may be seriously injured and you must go all out.

At the moment, Qin Qi sinks his heart and concentrates on it. He will not give the Thunder a chance.

The outbreak of the war was extremely fierce at the beginning. Qin Qi means to do it. Really serious battle, seize all the details, and carry out a storm. Each hit is fatal and difficult to resist.

Even so, Qin Qi still can't take the opponent in a short time, only to continue to erupt, but even so, he did not show the slightest fatigue, but the more the more the more brave!

The sky was directly blown up by Qin Qi, and there were raging swords and dragons everywhere. Any seven-star Wu Zun would enter, and I am afraid that it will be smashed in an instant.

"Not bad!" The scorpion is in the thunder sea, only revealing a figure, but can not see clearly.

Immediately, he pointed out a light, bright red, into the Thunder figure, and the next moment, the Thunder figure suddenly picked up, thunder and shock, the power is even more terrible.

I saw the arc of the road as a practice, swept out, the void was directly smashed, Qin Qi was caught off guard, and was actually drawn, directly fell into the earth.

Damn, do you still have this fun?

Qin Qi is raging, even if it is Wu Sheng, don't use it.

Qin Qi body, the breath is even more terrible!

Fuck, tear you up!

Behind Qin Qi, the extreme wings of the double-winged movements rushed directly from the ground to the sky. The whole person was like a cannonball. The speed was too fast. The long sword was accompanied by the impact force, and all the thunder along the way was crushed.

It is the Thunder's human form that has become distorted under such tremendous pressure and it is difficult to maintain its form.

Ancient power, ancient swords!

Infinite sword system!

Full of long swords, roads, swords, and annihilation, this has become the field of Qin Qi, killing all the people who set foot.

Although the Thunder's human form has been strengthened, but in the face of Qin Qi's strength, but also at a disadvantage, has been beaten by Qin Qi.

"Not bad!" The nephew smiled and clicked a thunder again.

The Thunder's human form roars, completely mad, and the Thunder are riots, full of ruin.

Like a mountain, the arc is beating, directly destroying the large sword light, and sweeping the power of all directions.

Damn, come back?

Qin Qi was completely ignited, and the killing in the eyes, the speed suddenly became a bit faster, and it was faster than Lei Guang. He had just mastered the quasi-day Wutian Fengxue book, and at this moment he showed it out. A layer of blood mist shrouded the whole body, attached to it. On the wing of the blue wind.

The combination of Zhun Tianwu and Guowu is extremely fast in the world!

The wings of the blue wind are wide open, and the rings of the green and red are shaking apart and rapidly expanding. Qin Qi is suddenly disappearing in the same place.

Like a teleport!

The speed of Qin Qi was too fast. When it passed, the air was directly evacuated, and the thunder was destroyed. All of them were rolled in.

But even if it is Lei Guang, it can't catch up with the speed of Qin Qi.

The Lei system is definitely one of the most powerful attributes. It is difficult to distinguish it from the wind system. Qin Qi can have the speed beyond the Thunder. It is astounding how amazing it is.

"Not bad, good!" The blind man nodded again and again, and then pointed out a few thunder.

"Your mother, I don't want to play with Laozi!" Qin Qi gritted his teeth, and twenty golden dragons appeared on his body. He had to smother the hurricane to destroy the Thunder!

The Thunder's human form got the power of the scorpion, and once again, the Thunder was even more horrible, and the hands were turned into thunderblades, and they rushed to Qin Qi.

"Boom!" The two forces collided, and the aftermath exploded, and the clouds were thundered.

When the power is quiet, Qin Qi stands in the air, and there are blood everywhere. This is not an injury, but a serious injury!

This Wu Sheng, too **** is not reliable!

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