God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1007: Little loli

The first thousand and seven chapters of the little loli

In any case, Xunzi couldn’t think of Qin Qi’s sudden attack and rushing to him. How could this be? He is Wu Sheng, who is not normal and dares to challenge him?

It is him, and he can't help but sway.

And this time, Qin Qi has been bullied, their distance is not far, and Qin Qi is too fast, and it is too late to respond.

Of course, the most important thing is that Xunzi did not think that Qin Qi dared to do this, so he wasted a little time, and at this moment, it is too late.

He can only shake the red thunder and block Qin Qi.

But at this moment, Qin Qi is really a horror. It is really like a demon. The red thunder is like losing power. It is impossible to get close to Qin Qi.

Qin Qi all the way, the big hand turned into a dragon claw, and he directly seized.

The time of the invincible form is not long-lasting. Qin Qi must be fast, so at the moment of catching the scorpion, Qin Qi uses the strong force to press the scorpion from the sky, just like a meteor hitting the ground, press him Into the earth.

A huge amount of smoke and dust, which is directly violent, is even more alarming than a nuclear bomb explosion.

"My God!" Far away, the green radish they are watching the situation nervously, seeing Qin Qi talking to the saints, his heart slightly relieved.

However, I never expected that Qin Qi would suddenly start to work. Until now, there was a roar in the distance, and even the earth shook, and they reacted.

Qin Qi, actually shot Wu Sheng?

In the end, they are crazy, or Qin Qi is crazy.

"This...this..." Mo Ziqi couldn't speak at all, and didn't even believe that this would happen.

Wu Sheng, that is Wu Sheng, anyone who wants to worship the supreme power!

"I served, thoroughly served, and I will not dare to call him Lin Lin again in the future, or he will be killed by him!" Green Luo whispered, his face is still sluggish.

Macho, the peerless macho is not so fierce!

On the other hand, after Qin Qi seized the scorpion, he pressed him into the earth, and the power of the dark wizard rushed out, and the soul chain suddenly rushed into the mind of the scorpion.

The Ice Queen has further spurred the power of the Dark Wizard, plus the massive amount of soul energy stored during this time, enough to launch a terrible soul shock.

Just, not real!

What happened, no soul?

Qin Qi’s heart was awkward, and it was the moment when this tenth was not reached. The blind man seized the opportunity, and the red thunder jumped wildly and turned into a thundering blade.

However, under the invincible state, Qin Qi was not afraid. He directly resisted it, and the other hand was dragonized. He grabbed the scorpion again. All the brute force broke out at this moment. The ancestral king snarled wildly and emphasized the limit of the article. Running.

"Boom!" It was another explosion, and the huge potholes settled again and could not withstand this horrible power.

This time, Qin Qi really can't keep a little bit of a hand. Although the other party is probably not Wu Sheng, but the strength is still strong, he must solve the battle before the end of the invincible state.

"You, let go of this holy!" The voice of the blind man changed a little.

"That can't be done, Laozi will uncover your true face today!" Qin Qi roared, constantly exerting strength, and his muscles were all inflated, and the power of color continued to flow, almost turning into a dragon.

"I don't respect this holy, you are asking for it!" The scorpion was angry, and the power of the Thunder was even more terrible.

However, there is only a red thunder.

This Wusheng, is there no other means?

The red thunder is of course extremely strong. I am afraid it is the strongest kind of thunder in the world, but it is only the Thunder. There is no auxiliary skill or avenue, how can Qin Qi be?

At least in the invincible state, Qin Qi has no fear.

"It seems that you are not Wu Sheng, give Laozi a prototype!" Qin Qi roared, the power was even more amazing, and the part of the scorpion was caught, actually collapsed.

Not flesh and blood!

Qin Qi glimmered, this scorpion, even wearing a heavy shell, it is no wonder that the soul chain just did not work for him, there is not his soul.

"Get out of the way!" The scorpion angered, the power of the red thunder was even more terrifying. From a distance, the entire pit was filled with red thunder, and it rushed straight into the sky, breaking the clouds directly.

The dark clouds roll and turn into whirlpools, and there is a feeling of turbulence in the world.

Even if you don't use the power method to operate, even if there is no martial arts bonus, but this red thunder, the power is terrible. Qin Qi is invincible at this moment, but it is not immune impact, it can still be bombarded!

This red thunder is too strong, and Qin Qi feels tremendous pressure to be shot out.

But Qin Qi knows that if it is hit, it is really over, and definitely can't let the blind man succeed.

When Qin Qi gritted his teeth, all the power was used to suppress the scorpion, and the weight of his hand was enough to crush the mountains.

However, it is not enough. The strength must be heavier. It is heavier than the mountains. If the mountains are not enough, then the two are heavy, triple... ten!

Qin Qi’s crazy vibrations and heavy sorrows, the ancient gods roar, even broke through the boundaries, there is an ancient and desolate future spanning time and space, as if the ancient time and space are wrong!

Ancient power, began to change into advanced!

An ancient power, turned into a decade of divine power!


With a single bang, the "body" of the scorpion can no longer withstand the terror of the ancient gods, and it was broken directly. Then the whole "body" was opened at the age of one, like an egg shell, falling off.

"Yeah!" A sigh of relief, Qin Qi directly forced.

Here, it turned out to be a little girl, a very beautiful little loli!

This is the legendary Wu Sheng?

Little Loli is very beautiful, her hair is not too long, with a pair of ponytails, her face round, baby fat, very cute.

On her body, a red arc pulsates and connects to the "body". She uses these arcs to accurately control the outer casing and play the role of Wu Sheng.

"Bad!" The scorpion was tearful and awkward, and he began to cry.

And as she cried, the red thunder began to go mad, and the real destruction of the earth, the dense arc swept out, wherever it fell, whether it was the earth or the sky, all collapsed.

It is Qin Qi, there is still a little time in the invincible state, but it feels stinging and there is a feeling of unbearable.

This little Loli, crying up, is it so terrible?

Qin Qi’s heart is shaking. If this continues, it will be terrible. The nearby Ray of Light may be completely destroyed.

At the time of the crisis, Qin Qi’s mind flashed through countless ways to smash children. In one tenth of a second, he chose one, then his hands opened his mouth and eyelids, and made a small Loli. Make a face.

All the children, I will smile happily after reading this.

Xiao Loli snorted, her mouth squatting tightly, and then, wow, she cried out, more fierce than before, crying and robbing the ground, and the red thunder roared and began to destroy everything.

This is, oh yeah...

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