God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1038: Holy Land

The first thousand and thirty-eight chapters of the sacred world

Ji family, feast living room, there are people who have heads and faces on the scene, and even half-sacred towns, the rare Wu Zun is countless, and even one or two stars of Wu Zun can only become passers-by, no one cares.

But even in these occasions, it still solidified. The strongmen of the older generation saw more scenes. At the moment, they were also shocked and shocked by a young man.

The king is coming, the genius of the family is so dead, and he is smashed by the feet, crushing all the vitality and dying.

Dead, so simple?

It is indeed extremely powerful to know that the performance of the King of the King just like the King of Thunder is still vivid.

Even if Qin Qi is stronger, Jun Wang Lin should be able to fight for 300 rounds. Everyone is ready, and I look forward to a wonderful battle.

However, it is so dead, a punch, all destroyed.

What kind of power is this, as if the wilderness is coming to the world, the last inspiring lightning rune of the king, the image of the saint appears, but it has not been stimulated, it is broken.

Sweeping, unstoppable, like the ancient king of God!

The body on the ground gradually became cold, and the blood was shocking. Even the **** prince couldn’t help but tremble.

If you are a stalwart, you will be able to see everything in your invincibility. After you die, it is nothing but a flesh and blood. There is no power at all.

This young man is even more embarrassed than they think, and he has a sudden killer. Without any hesitation, he dares to do so. There are not many empire in the whole five elements.

After all, the monarch has already had a saint, and the king is the future of the monarch, killing him, no doubt directly offending a sanctified person!

It is not the case to find death.

Such a big event is enough to shake the world, but those who have done all of this seem to have nothing to happen, and even want to challenge the next one.

Is it necessary to kill Jing Lie?

"Okay, it’s beautiful, it’s awesome!” The **** prince smiled coldly and stunned.

However, this seems to be not bad. Qin Qi killed the king, so he completely offended the monarch. At that time, Jun has no way to remember this account on the head of the Ji family.

After the emperor was sanctified, the royal family naturally went to win over, but Jun had no way but did not show his attitude. The relationship with Jing Lie was only the choice of the king.

Now that the king is dead, there is no way to be angry, and it is a nail for the family.

There is a strong helper out of thin air, the royal family is so happy, this Qin Qi, but helped them.

"Booming!" It seems that there is a thunder, and the surrounding air suddenly becomes terrible. The outside world is covered with dark clouds. It was just a clear sky, and it turned into darkness.

Is it a terrible change in the heavens and the earth, is the Holy One angry?

When the king is murdered, the monarch must have been inductive, and Jun is no longer angry. The pressure of the holy place has rushed here.

In the outer clouds, the thunder beats, the arc flashes, condenses into a figure, and has the supreme majesty.

That is, the lawless way of Jun, he came here to discuss a statement for his children!

This is too horrible. Everyone has a big change in their looks. They are far apart. There is only one law, and there is such a power. The Thunder seems to be extinct and the legs are soft.

This is Wu Sheng, the power of the Holy Land!


Then, it was a cold sizzle, deep in the Ji family, a large smog of mist filled, and the sky was a sword.

This sword can't be described, it's terrible and boundless. Everyone present is a tight heart, as if I saw the scene where I was hit by this sword and the heart pierced.

Wu Sheng a sword, more terrible than the law of the Thunder, is the **** lord also face slightly white, as a semi-holy, he seems to be only one step away from Wu Sheng, but he himself is clear, the gap is still very huge .

The Wusheng of the Ji family is strong enough, and a sword has broken the law of Jun.

"Ji Jia, it is not the place where you can make it!" A voice sounded like a Hong Zhong Da Lu, and it sounded in the minds of all people.

And this sentence is not only to say that the monarch has no way to listen, but also to the royal family.

The **** prince, etc., his face has changed wildly. Although he has been prepared for a long time, he is still under great pressure to bear the sacredness of the saints at the moment, and he almost collapses to the ground.

"Well, this is the school of your family. Today, this holy day will come back!" The voice of Jun is nowhere, resounding through the heavens and the earth, like thunder, it is his anger.

However, it can only express anger. He has just entered the holy world and has not fully grasped the power of Wu Sheng. It is impossible to be the opponent of Ji’s old Wu Sheng.

In this game today, he can also swallow this breath.

Of course, he is also aware of the difficulties faced by Ji family today, so most of them are still ready to wait for opportunities, and perhaps they can still get a lot of gains.

Forced to retreat from Jun, Wujia Nawusheng also converges and returns again. Under this circumstance, all the talents feel that they are light on their shoulders and lament the strength of Wu Sheng. They can’t be described in words, they can kill them with their hands. All people, including two and a half.

It is no wonder that Wu Sheng does not come out all the year round. They have already existed at another level.

And this kind of change, but let these guests look like a change, Ji Jiawu Sheng is so powerful, even Jun has no way to believe, this time, Ji Jia really will be knocked down?

The **** prince is ugly, and he knows that many people have begun to shake. However, although Wu Sheng is strong, are they not in the royal family?

Today's game, we still have to continue, and they must be winners.

"Wu Shengwei's prestige is really shocking, but the secular thing is inconvenient to intervene. Otherwise, it is not a mess." The **** prince smiled coldly and reminded everyone.

Wu Sheng, can not be free to intervene in the world, unless the disaster of the genocide is likely to be shot, and the royal family, although against the Ji family, but only want to take away the Qiankun Chamber of Commerce, suppress the power of the Ji family, not dare really The Ji family will be wiped out.

This is a tacit understanding between the big forces. It is necessary to give respect to the sacred masters. Otherwise, the holy world is too dangerous, and no one can bear the consequences.

The words of the **** prince undoubtedly made people dispel their concerns. This time, the Ji family faced three major forces, including the royal family, and there was no possibility of turning over.

"I still can't fight, my time is very precious." It was Qin Qi, who spoke again. No matter what Wu Shengwei, he only had Jing Lie in front of his eyes.

Time is coming, he doesn't want to waste time.

"After defeating the king, I thought I could fight with the king?" Jing Lie sneered, he slowly came forward, every step, the breath of his body would be strong, and finally, standing in Qin Before the body, it has already risen to the level of the eight-star peak!

This is the power of Jinglie. Although it is eight stars in the same place as the king, the gap between the low section and the peak is extremely huge and almost impossible to compete.

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