The end of the first thousand and forty-seventh chapter

The war of this scale is that she has guarded the northern border for a hundred years and has never encountered it.

It is said that everyone is a sinking look. In the past, the battlefield in the north was dangerous. However, at most, there were one or two forces of the Tianyuan and Twelve. Like the twelve tribes, there were only a few times in history.

On those occasions, there were Terran warriors coming forward and guarding the border. This was not attacked by the Devils. But now, how can the Terran warriors trace and how should they resist?

No wonder, you need to recruit troops from all over the world.

"The quotas for the various conscriptions will be issued tomorrow, I hope that the families will not hide their private possessions and send the soldiers to the front line within ten days!"

"You, this war, it is related to the survival of the Terran, please use your life!" Red Lotus Shen Sheng.

"Follow your imperial decree!" Everyone is screaming in unison.

"Very good!" Red Lotus nodded and smiled slightly: "You don't have to worry too much. In the past few battles in history, we all can be kept, so this time, there will be no exception."

"Don't forget that our people have passed down to the present, not because of the power, but because the will is not extinguished, and the fire is passed on!"

"The will is immortal, and the fire is passed on!"

This is the human race, the greatest faith, and the strongest force!

Qin Qi can't help but feel the blood in his heart, but he is somewhat different from these people, and no matter if he is passing through, the hatred of the demon and the demon is not like these people, then the man is a fire, he is true. Understanding.

Because the girl who inherits the human race is in the moon.

Of course, the girl who inherited the Mozu smallpox, Qin Qi also knows...

"Well, go back and prepare." Red Lotus Road, the military is a party, do not like nonsense.

At the moment, everyone is rushing away, worried, and each is ready to go. As for the game between the royal family and the Ji family, what it looks like now, how can someone be a big war!

When the Mozu breaks through, then everything is over!

"Things are urgent, are you going with me now?" Honglian is a man in the army. He has always been vigorous and vigorous, and he does not want to delay.

"I still need to go back and explain, but I will hurry as soon as possible!" Qin Qidao.

"Also, after three days, there will be a troop carrier to reach the hundred battlefields, then you will take them to the north with them by boat." Red Lotus Road.

The military transport ship is not a general ship, but a treasure of heaven that can soar into the sky and cross the void.

Moreover, the internal space of each ship is extremely large enough to meet the current military needs of the North.

"Yes." Qin Qi nodded.

The red lotus dagger, but it is a smile: "Your ability is born for the battlefield, so when you get to the battlefield, you must perform well, play your strength, remember that the army needs a god, and I and Marshal, I am optimistic about you."

The army needs the **** of war, it is the banner of the army, and the Terran has lost the last **** of war for too long. For a long time, the Red Warrior is the **** of war of the side army.

But she said this now, do you think Qin Qi is more suitable to become a **** of war?

How is this possible? Even if Qin Qi has a system, he does not think that he can match the red war woman who is the person of the day.

And, who is the marshal?

Qin Qizheng wants to ask questions, but Honglian is gone, not answering his meaning.

In this way, Qin Qi can only give up, but when the border is reached, it should be able to know everything.

"I already knew that you met with His Royal Highness, but I didn't expect that His Royal Highness would come here for you." After the green lotus was gone, he couldn't help but be shocked.

"Is not your Highness to enact the purpose of the law?" Qin Qidao.

"This time, the matter is really important. It is related to the entire Terran, but the greatest battle is the Northland. As the North Gate, do you think that your Royal Highness needs to personally issue the decree?" Green Road.

Wen Yan, Qin Qi could not help but be shocked.

In fact, Qin Qi was very surprised by the appearance of Honglian. After all, although the Warrior's Highness is very optimistic about him, he only saw one side, and at that time his strength was still weak, and His Highness should not be determined to be indispensable.

But now, instead of leaving the frontier military affairs to come here personally, there is even the intention of setting up Qin Qi as the future **** of war. I am afraid that there will be the will of others, which coincides with the heroine.

It’s hard to be, that is the marshal?

It was the marshal who made the Warrior's Highness even more determined.

However, what Qi Lanhe has seen Qin Qihe?

I don't want to understand, I don't have to think about it. I am so valued by Honglian, and she is favored by her. Qin Qi, this time, must build military power in the north and not let Honglian be disappointed.

"I don't know how much this battle will be played." Ji Qian sighed.

"The Mozu is not big, but our Terran is not a soft persimmon. This time, the Mozu wants to step into the territory of my family!" Wang Qianyu said, his eyes are bright and he wants to go out!

"The emergence of the gods is the pillar of the DPRK. This time I am afraid I need to share the pressure. You should go back soon. Don't let your mother worry." Green Luo opened his mouth and looked back and forth.

"No, go back tomorrow." Wang Qianyu shook his head.


"You haven't answered me yet. Just because you need to take care of the family, it's hard to answer me really. Now that Ji's danger has been solved, you can answer it seriously. You don't need to worry about anything. Just rely on your heart." Wang Qianyu The scorpion is very clear and very sincere and serious.

Green Luo looked at Wang Qianyu and sighed and said: "You come with me."

After all, he left with Wang Qianyu, and the other people in the Ji family also hurried away. The demons will open, and the Ji family can't delay for a moment. They must immediately start to arrange the intra-community soldiers to go to the border.

Ji family, Houshan, into a beautiful scenery, Green Luo and Wang Qianyu standing here, it looks like a pair of monks, more beautiful than the scenery.

Wang Qianyu looked nervous and the light was very bright, waiting for the answer from Green Luo.

On the other side of a giant wood, Ye Yuexin is watching the cat here, very excited.

"Rely, why are you coming!" Ye Yue was speechless and saw the Qin Qi thief head thief crawling up.

"How can I not come?" Qin Qi grinned and blinked: "Move the position and move, I will sit there."

Ye Yuexin compared Qin Qi to a middle finger, but moved to a position to let Qin Qi come up.

"Young people, there is no heart disease, I am afraid that you can't stand it later." Ye Yuexin looked at Qin Qi, could not help but raise his eyebrows, joking smile.

"Hey, who can't stand it still doesn't know!" Qin Qi was cold and looked at the pair of monks in the distance. The more he looked at his heart, the more unhappy he was.

"Thousands of feather brothers are so handsome now, it is a man!" A very pleasant voice sounded, Xiao Huang actually appeared, and peeked here.

"Xiaohuang, how come you are here?" Ye Yuexin couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Xiao Huang heard the words, some small temper, the small Qiong nose wrinkled, dissatisfied: "You didn't let me out before, don't treat me as a friend, I am very sad."

Ye Yue’s heart was suddenly slammed with a black line. Green Luo did this and didn’t want to bring Xiao Huang into it. Now this Nizi seems to be a bit tempered and angry.

When the next leaf Yue heart decisively pointed to Qin Qi, said: "This is his idea, he wants Jinju to hide, not let you out of the house!"

Qin Qi's face was a stiff face, almost falling off the tree, what was being said, and it seemed to be open.

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