God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1054: The war has begun

The first thousand and fifty-four chapters of war have begun

Northland, Qianxuesen, this place because of the cold weather, snow all year round, at first glance, a piece of white, can not see the end.

But at the moment, there is a burning, large trees have been destroyed, and a huge black hole has appeared.

Around the potholes, there are many wrecks of burning ships, and the main body of the transport ship has disappeared.

The entire troop carrier, which exploded when it crossed the void, was almost devastating. The soldiers inside could not escape the robbery. Most of them had already died in the emptiness of the hull when the hull exploded.

Only some of the strong survived with a strong soul, but they were all heavily injured.

"Damn, what the **** is going on, how can the troop ship suddenly explode!" Qin Qi gritted his teeth and survived with his strength.

Around him, Su Qingqing and others were also innocent. They were sheltered by Qin Qi at the time of the explosion and were not injured.

However, the soldiers of the entire troop carrier, just talking and laughing, said loudly how many Mozus to kill on the battlefield, glory for the tribes, but now, most of them have no bones.

They went to the border with full blood and fought to defend the Terran, but now they have not even arrived on the battlefield, so they die. The blood scarlet is so glaring, it makes people feel sour.

If it is the battlefield, it will be their glory as human beings, but how can it die like this?

"So many warriors, from various family sects, are elites, and they are hopes. Now they are so dead!" Chu Xuan was pale and unacceptable.

Some of the surviving warriors are screaming, while others are crying, because among the dead, there are their close people, friends, or relatives, and even wife and husband!

The cruelty of war has already begun when it has not entered the battlefield!

"The transport ship is one of the most important treasures in the military. It has dozens of safety guarantees. How can it explode!" Su Qingqing frowned, this incident is very abnormal, and the probability of occurrence is less than one in a million. .

Are they so declining?

"Be careful, the demons battle is beyond imagination, anything can happen, the troop ship explodes, maybe it is the Mozu." Shi Tianhao is indifferent and looks calm.

"Yes, let's gather the survivors first, help the wounded to recover, we need to go to Yiqiu." Qin Qi Shen.

Recalling Qiuguan, the biggest gateway to the northern boundary of the Terran is the gateway to the territory of the Terran. For over 100,000 years, the Mozu has been locked out of the border and it is difficult to cross the border.

Recalling Qiuguan, it was named after the first generation of God of War. At that time, the Mozu invaded and swears the Terran, and the Terran is a foregone conclusion. However, Cheng Yiqiu was born, and became a **** in the army. One person defended the country and blocked all Magic army.

It is a pity that although the battle of Yiqiu saved the Terran, it also died before the war, but his will, until now, is still passed down in the army and will never be extinct.

"Qin Qi is right, first gather the survivors." Nangong law kills the road.

Counting the survivors, the remaining people are not even one thousandth of the original, only a few dozen people are left, and each is wounded.

Qin Qi used the Holy Light to help them recover, and at the same time discovered their realm, most of them are close to the existence of Wu Zun, and there are two one-star Wu Zun.

"Well, there is no time to be sad now. I am afraid there will be danger here. We must rush to Yiqiu as soon as possible!" Chu Xuandao.

In this regard, everyone agrees that this is a war, no war is not dead, and with sorrow, it is better to turn it into a driving force to kill the enemy in the battlefield!

"Let's go, be careful." Qin Qidao, always vigilant.

A group of people went on the road and went to recall the autumn gate. Because of the explosion, they did not dare to be too publicized, but flew in the forest.

Suddenly, Qin Qi stopped his body and looked at Linzhong.

"What's wrong?" Su Qingqing asked.

"Someone." Qin Qidao, the dawn flashed slightly.

"This is the border, what are you, dare to sneak here!" Dozens of figures appeared from the forest, the atmosphere is very strong, they wear military-style armor, they look like the army.

"There are people in the army!" Someone exclaimed, showing a happy color, and quickly said: "Adult, we are from the hundred battlefields, the soldiers who came to the border to report, but the transport ship crashed, only we survived!"

"What, the troop carrier crashed, there is such a thing!" The headed officer was shocked. "This is a big event. You must return as soon as possible. Come over, let us use the transmission array to enter the autumn autumn!"

"Yes!" Everyone was overjoyed, but it was going to pass, but Qin Qi suddenly flashed to everyone and stopped them.

"Qin Qi, what are you doing, they are the people of the army, follow them and we are safe." Someone cried.

"Yeah, Qin Qi, what do you want to do?"

Chu Xuan and others are also surprised, but there is no opening, even if Shi Tianhao and Qin Qi do not deal with, I believe that Qin Qi must have his reasons.

"Well? What are you waiting for, still not coming over, now the military is urgent, we have no time to waste here!" an officer said.

"That boy, why are you preventing them from entering us with the autumn seal? Can you be a spy of the Mozu, the transport ship crashed, is it related to you?" Another officer made a gesture, and the soldiers were all slashed out of the sword. , alert.

"What, is Qin Qi doing it!"

"How is this possible, then why did he help us heal?"

"Maybe he just wants to mix in the autumn, and now he meets the military, afraid to be dismantled, and this will not pass!"

"Shut up!" Su Qingqing gave a sigh and looked at Qin Qi. There are also some doubts. "Qin Qi, is there any problem?"

Qin Qi mouth sneered a sneer, looked at the survivors, and said indifferently: "They are the devils, if you want to die, you can go."


"No, they are Mozu?"

"Qin brother, is this impossible?" Chu Xuan could not help but whisper, but here is the back of the autumn, how can there be a demon mixed in.

They are not aware of the smell of the Mozu.

"Oh, it’s a great courage, I dare to take a nap. It seems that you are the spy of the Mozu, come and win!" The officer headed the shout, and the tiger-wolf soldier behind him rushed up.

"Qin Qi!" Su Qingqing frowned, do not know how to deal with.

"Looking at it!" Qin Qi snorted and his body suddenly flashed and he had already arrived among the soldiers.

Immediately, the Holy Light is the most sacred force, and it is a great threat to any Mozu.

These soldiers, Qin Qi discovered it wrong early, the system gives the hint is the Mozu, Qin Qi can not help but be shocked.

This time the war, it really is extraordinary, the power of the Mozu is also unprecedented, and even the devil has sneaked into the customs.

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