God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1062: Become a rookie

The first thousand and sixty-two chapters became a rookie

"Let's go to the younger brother, my sister will bring you familiar with the situation here. Of course, if you want to be familiar with other things, your sister can't think about it!" Valley drunk winter stands proudly, and the military uniform on the chest almost bursts. The scale is really huge.

Uniform temptation, and this is the hottest!

Qin Qi swallowed a mouthful of water, but it was not really tempted to calm down the slightly warm blood. He smiled and said: "The general is very polite. You are a general. There should be a lot of military affairs to deal with. These little things. Just don't bother you, I can do it myself."

Gu drunk winter was a little surprised, this kid, even refused her, to know that he used this method, but he did not know how many little rookies, tried and tested, of course, successfully eat her, it is not one, but instead of being tempered every day dead.

It’s hard to be done. This kid knows her bottom, so I don’t want to be a model?

Still, her proud capital is not attractive enough!

"Haha, General Valley, I heard no, people are not willing to go with you!"

"Kid, good, his army has something to go, the babies are so boring, it is better to follow us!" Several generals have not yet gone, have begun to gloat.

The valley drunk winter eyelids shook and snarled: "You a few scraps give the old lady shut up, and have the courage to go out and single-handed with the old lady!"

This time, the surrounding soldiers were all whistled, and the general who was pointed at by the drunken winter was unable to hold his face and said: "Well, who is afraid of who, but you must first say good bets."

"If you want to win, if you win, the old lady will sleep with you. If you lose, the old lady will tear your egg down and can't fight!" Valley drunk winter is very embarrassing, and live a prostitute!

"This..." The general was hesitant, and the strength of the drunken winter was still very strong. Indeed, he did not dare to say that he could win.

This is a matter of the egg, and it is not tolerated.

Qin Qi shrinks his neck and is afraid of it.

"Green, do you want to slip first?" Qin Qi whispered.

Su Qingqing and he came together, always on the side, but Qin Qi is too dazzling, did not pay much attention to her, at the moment, some resentment.

Although her combat power is not top-notch, but the performance of the first-hand performance is extremely strong, and the appearance is superior, more beautiful than the valley drunk winter, how can no one pay attention?

"Hey, what are we, no one cares about me?" Su Qingqing grinned and decided not to follow Qin Qi, but he could only become a green leaf.

Qin Qi turned a blind eye, Xiao Nizi also played temper, and regardless of her, pulling her is going to quietly leave.

"Boy, you stand for the aging mother, the old lady has not let you go!" Valley drunk winter found, even more angry, this little bastard, even want to run!

Qin Qi was helpless and could only laugh and said: "The general of Valley, the kid really wants to report, or do you have to fight first, come back to me after the fight?"

Gu drunk winter cold screams, this kid is very ghostly, waiting for her to finish, the ghost knows where to go, may be abducted by others may also be.

No, you can't let him go.

However, this kid even Dick Dawen Xu can kill, use strong, it seems not too reliable, it is estimated that can not take.

"When you go, my sister will take you to register first, and then take the military." Gu Diandong stunned the general who had just prepared for the dry frame, and could only leave with Qin Qi.

And the general, also relieved, this crazy woman, really want to fight, may not ask what problems.

"Walking away, scattered, the Mozu army is about to attack, we still have a lot of things to do!"

The public will see that there is no excitement to see, and they havetily left.

"General Valley, do you know where my friends are now?"

Gu drunk winter has to follow, Qin Qi has no way, and asked Su Qingqing, she did not know where Chu Xuan and other people went, so had no choice.

"Newly recruited fighters should now register in the registration hall, waiting for arrangements, your friends, should also be there." Gu Diandong enthusiastically answered.

This time, the demons fight, the world conquers, in addition to those integrated forces sent by the big forces, the rest of the scattered strong, will be enlisted, and then formed a legion.

Some are temporary additions, while others are supplemented with military power on the old system. In short, all these military positions will be arranged properly.

Generally speaking, warriors from large domains and even super-large domains are not complete military corps. It is difficult to form effective combat power at the border. Therefore, it is necessary to reorganize them. However, Qin Qi and their transport ships are all blown up, leaving only There are only a few seedlings in the seedlings, and there is nothing to say about the other legions.

"Then go to meet them first." Qin Qidao, everyone is from the hundred battlefields, Qin Qi still hopes to be with the same army.

Through the long corridor, Qin Qi finally came to the registration hall, which is not so much a hall, but rather a super square, it is too big.

The soldiers are constantly coming in, and the number is only over one million, but it still doesn't seem crowded.

This time, it’s really scary!

"Let's find an officer to register, drop into the blood, tell the realm and the way of fighting good, and then sign it." Valley drunk winter road, quite helpless, general, but with these rookies to register.

Qin Qi nodded and found Chu Xuan’s mark on the small map. He took Su Qingqing and walked over. They have already registered and are waiting for arrangements.

When I saw Qin Qi and Su Qingqing in the past, several people suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and said, "How do you find the stronghold of the Mozu?"

"Found it, he was completely destroyed by him." Su Qingqing snorted.

It is said that Chu Xuan and Nangong Law Kill can only smile, this strength is too bad.

Shi Tianhao snorted and held his chest with his hands and did not speak.

Qin Qi just smiled and took Su Qingqing to register in the past. After the registration was completed, he received military uniforms, nameplates and some standard weapons. As a result, they officially became a rookie.

"Well, a little rookie, you don't have to wait for the notice, join our 14th Army Corps, and the rest of the procedures will naturally be given to you." Valley drunk winter laughs.

"But I want to be with them." Qin Qidao.

Gu drunk winter looked at Chu Xuan and others, can not help but nod, these guys, the strength is good, is a good seed, and received it!

"No problem, it belongs to our 14th Army!" Gu drunk winter patted the chest, the mountain swaying, it is tempting, attracted a lot of attention.

Gu drunk winter is not care, but very proud.

"General Valley, where is the military need?" Qin Qi coughed, and did not want to attract too much attention.

"I will take you to the past." Valley drunk winter laughed.

Qin Qi nodded and followed the valley drunk winter to leave the registration hall, and asked: "General Valley, this recalls the guards of the autumn gate, how many legions?"

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