God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1079: Success in succession

The first thousand and seventy-nine chapters have succeeded

Zuo Qiuhan, it really is the posture of the heavens and the vertical, it is the existence of the Son of God, the air transport is too deep, the chance of one thousandth of the district, it is really difficult to beat him, has successfully absorbed the medicinal properties of the magic flower .

At this moment, his realm is elevated, and he is already at the top of the ten-star peak.

The ancient method of repairing, the **** of the sword, even if the enemy is half holy, there is no possibility of a war.

"Really successful!" Yang Chong exclaimed, could not help but surprise, but also relieved.

Otherwise, even if he is dead, I am afraid that he will face the martyrs who have no return.

"Hey, do you need to be so surprised? This is the inevitable thing." Zuo Qiu was cold and snarled, but the dawn was falling to Qin Qi, and the war was high.

"It's not bad. If you meet half a jun, you will take the lead." Qin Qi shrugged and didn't care.

Zuo Qiuhan’s eyes shook a few times. He wanted to tell Qin Qi that he could not be surpassed by anyone, but Qin Qi’s attitude gave him a feeling of hitting on cotton.

Is this contemptuous of him, or is his growth not threatening Qin Qi?

"If you can't do it, of course I can do it for you." Zuo Qiuhan snorted.

Qin Qi turned his eyes and did not intend to waste time with him. Instead, he set his sights on Wang Qianyu.

He also became.

Wang Qianyu, long-haired flying, straight up, the ground around the body is constantly falling, it is difficult to resist his power at the moment.

At this time, he is like a long gun, and his anger is like a tyrant. It gives a very strong sense of oppression, and it is the body of the overlord!

"If this hair is replaced with gold, the super Saiyan who is alive!" Qin Qiyu two, Wang Qianyu also successfully absorbed the drug, came to the top ten stars!

"Hey, it’s just a little slower than me. It’s ok.” Zuo Qiuhan faintly, with a special disdain.

Wang Qianyu just smiled and was not angry. He just felt the power of his body, and his eyes were shining.

Is there such a power, and Qin Qi, is there a distance?

The two succeeded, and the rest was Su Qingqing, and their qualifications were superior. It is also a great opportunity to grasp one thousandth.

However, they are not good at the moment, cold sweats, and there is a black air flow from time to time. Qin Qi can't see whether it is better or worse.

"The poor insects are not self-sufficient." Zuo Qiu cold snarls.

"Autumn cold, don't talk nonsense!" Wang Qianyu shouted.

Zuo Qiuhan snorted and looked at a few people and walked outside. "I went to look at the wind."

"You..." Wang Qianyu was slightly surprised, and he was so proud that he was willing to go out to look at the wind.

If you don't care about him, the time goes by, the time limit of the magic flower is coming soon. If it can't succeed in this time, then it is doomed to failure.

"Don't let me down!" Qin Qi whispered in his heart, waiting nervously.

"Hey!" It seems that there is a slap in the face, Qin Qi spirit shocked, and quickly looked at the Nangong law to kill, and Wang Qianyu, etc., also noticed this.

The Nangong law kills, the breath is constantly changing, sometimes rising, sometimes decaying, but in the end, it is stabilized, and the line soars!

Until a apex, this stopped, and the Nangong law kills, suspended in the air, the breath is many times stronger than before, has been successfully promoted to the six-star Wu Zun!

The magic flower is not a rare medicine, it is extremely precious, and military power for decades has not been available. This effect is really remarkable.

It is a pity that Qin Qi can only use the experience, but it is not possible to advance through the magic flower.

But this is nothing, after all, experience is much more convenient than this.

"Well?" Wang Qianyu flashed a glimmer of light, and was surprised to see the hand of Nangong Law.

Qin Qi also slightly narrowed his eyes, and the fingers were beating in the unconscious, seemingly fluctuating a string.

"Is it a Guqin?" Wang Qianyu whispered.

Qin Qi nodded. The Nangong family did have a guqin, but it was extremely difficult to use. The entire Nangong family, only the Nangong dancers and the Nangong law-killing can be used.

In particular, the Nangong law kills, once used, the killing is too much, even he himself may not be able to control.

When the four elephants played Wu, Su Qingqing and Nangong law killed a battle, and eventually the Nangong law was defeated, that is, the reluctance to use the power of the Guqin, for fear of being unable to control, causing misfortune.

Although the Nangong Dancer is better, it also needs to bear a huge counter-attack. Qin Qi has only seen her use once, that is, on the day of the moonfall, she forced her to smash the strings and almost died.

But now it seems that Nangong Law killing seems to be able to control the power of the Guqin.

After a while, the Nangong law kills only wake up, the eyes of the eye beating, the self-sounding melody into a film, the sound kills bursts.

“Congratulations!” Qin Qi laughed.

The South Palace Law killed a bit, and realized that he had succeeded, smiled and said: "Thank you!"

"Next, they are a few." Qin Qidao.

There is not much time left, but Qin Qi believes that they can all.

After a while, Chu was awakened, and the realm soared, reaching the same level as the six-star Wu Zun.

"Mom, if you want to be promoted quickly, you still have to rely on Tiancaibao. If you can get this magic flower earlier, Laozi doesn't know how strong it is now!" Chu Xuan praised and was very satisfied with his realm.

"You can't get it early, don't you sell half of your petals at all?" But Su Qingqing laughed, she also became a six-star Wu Zun!

They are a layer of people. At this moment, they are promoted, and the effect they achieve is naturally similar, but Su Qingqing is somewhat different.

Her eyes are too bright, there is a flash of light, and a mysterious taste, it seems to be able to see things that ordinary people can't see.

Is that a secret machine?

"Great, I thought it would take another few years or even ten years, but I didn't expect to reach this realm now!" Su Qingqing couldn't help but excited, so that she could really master her. Master Tianyue old man left everything to her!

However, in one thought, Su Qingqing suddenly frowned and had a bad feeling. At this moment, she had just been promoted. When she was through the heavens, she immediately rushed her fingers and pushed the secret.

Or that scene, she died in the scene, she used to play this scene for herself, but in that scene, Qin Qi saved her, so she will take the initiative to make friends with Qin Qi.

However, now, the figure of Qin Qi that she saw, has become very vague, as if to disappear.

what happened!

Is she misunderstood, the road is not enough, it is difficult to really peek into the secret, or is someone forced to intervene and change everything?

Su Qingqing wants to see more clearly, but he is rebellious, his face suddenly pale, his breath is weak, and he has no spare capacity.

"Qing Qing, what's wrong with you?" Qin Qi was shocked and quickly inspired the Holy Light to cover Su Qingqing.

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