God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1081: One person blocking gun

The first thousand and eighty-one chapters

The soldiers who did not return rushed into the battlefield, especially Wang Qianyu and Zuo Qiuhan. The strength was too strong, and they resisted the offensive of the two sides of the Mozu.

That **** feather overlord gun, that extremely cold day sword, smashed the devil!

The South Palace is killing, the fingers are beating, the strings are being moved, the sound waves are rolling, and the sound is killing!

In the hands of Chu Xuan, the tomahawk shines brightly, and it is like a **** to kill the enemy.

Shi Tianhao, the martial arts vibrate, the sacred power of the singer, snarled into the powerful sword, and crushed everything with the stone avenue.

Su Qingqing, Jingxiu Jiangshan map spread out, one heavy connection, the illusion overlap, trapping the magic army.

There are also Huazhong and others who fight each other and are brave.

Coupled with the treatment given by Qin Qi, the retired Legionnaires had a chance to breathe, enough to withstand the army of the Mozu chasing.

"Well?" The Mozu Middle Army, a military commander, was lightly stunned. He used the annihilation gun and had already smashed the regular army of this Terran. At this moment, he swept up and intended to completely eliminate it. The military merits did not even think of killing the reinforcements halfway.

And this battle is really powerful, and even a rare holy warrior!

"Head of the group, these human beings are very extraordinary, and at this moment, they are holding on to the important places, and if they continue to attack, I am afraid that the loss will not be small." A deputy official said next to Xaar.

Xaer Andy, the representative of the Andy clan in the military, the realm of a broken half-jun, just a battle, has fully proved his power, adding glory to the surname.

On the main battlefield, their opponents are the third regular army of the Terran squad. This ace in the regular army should have been a major threat to the Mozu Legion, but its combat power is strong, and it can't resist the madness of the Mozu annihilation. .

In the end, the battlefield of the Third Legion was attacked by the annihilation gun. Xaer took advantage of the army and successfully killed the Terran army leader, thus laying the victory, and the third regular army, only retreating, it is difficult to resist the magic army. offensive.

The annihilation of the cannon, the killer made by Demeter, really caused the family to bear huge losses, and the balance of victory was biased toward the Mozu.

"Oh, I am recalcitrant, and the former army retreats, and uses the annihilation gun to open the passage!" Sayre ordered.

The deputy official heard the words, but the brow was slightly wrinkled. "The head of the group, the army's annihilation cannons are not much left. It is close to the Terran recalling the autumn gate. If there is no annihilation of the artillery, it will be difficult if there is a change. retreat."

"Well? Replenishment?" Xaer's eyebrows are a singer, and there is a surge of anger.

"The camp responsible for replenishing our army was attacked by the Terran, and it has been destroyed." The deputy officer slammed the scalp.

"Hey, waste, it's just waste!" Sail screamed and his face was very ugly. He stared at the distant battle. The Terran is retreating. If they don't open the situation at the moment, they will be exposed to the autumn. Under the weapons of war.

"Don't care about those, use the annihilation gun to blow them up, as long as our army still saves the combat power, retreating is not a problem at all!"

"Follow, adults." The adjutant was helpless and could only pass on orders.

"Hey, the Mozu has retired."

After the Mozu’s former army retreated, the Terran suddenly got a chance to breathe.

"No, they want to launch the annihilation cannon!" Yang Chong exclaimed, such a horrible cannonball, the demon even have it.

"Damn, turn to the defensive battlefield, quickly evade!" The deputy head of the Third Army Corps snarled, the annihilation gun is too horrible, the complete army is difficult to resist the bombing, and now this remnant, there is no semi-supporting battle, how withstand?

While giving up the geographical advantage to evade, although it can reduce casualties, but after that, I am afraid that I can no longer resist the offensive of the Magic Army.

Damn, is it going to die?

"Come on!" Qin Qi sighed low, the Mozu army, a black hole in the muzzle aimed at the Terran warriors, and annihilated the shells, straight out, instantly activated, the void chaos, everything must be annihilated.

The speed of the annihilation of the gun is too fast. After all, it is a shell with the power of the void. There is no time for the human race to leave much reaction.

If this is hit, the current strength of the third regular army will be unable to withstand and will be heavy.

"Can you only be a human shield?" Qin Qi gritted his teeth, and the wings of the blue wind flashed. The speed was still above the shells, and the first step was blocked before the shells.

At this moment, the power in this shell has been completely liberated, and the chaotic and incomparable void force has raged out, and Qin Qi has been shrouded in it.

"Qin Qi!" Yang Chong exclaimed, Qin Qi actually used himself to block the annihilation of the cannon, but this can strike the power of the entire command queue.

Even Qin Qi, I am afraid I can't resist it.

"Is he crazy?" Zuo Qiuhan gritted his teeth. He regarded Qin Qi as an opponent. He did not want Qin Qi to die.

"Reassured, he will not have anything." Su Qingqing said, she does not think that Qin Qi is an idiot who will commit suicide. Since he made a choice, he must have his reason.

However, I still can't help but worry.

"Haha, the holy warrior of the Terran, even rushed himself to resist the annihilation of the cannon. How stupid he is, but he saved his efforts!" Selhaha laughed, this is the first time he saw it. Someone single-handedly resisted the annihilation.

You must know that the queues that make up the battle array are difficult to block, let alone single, even if it is semi-sanctified, there is a certain danger.

Otherwise, how does he kill the leader of the Third Regular Army?

"Continue to launch!" Xaer sneered, no longer pay attention to Qin Qi, but is not prepared to give the Terran a chance to breathe.

The annihilation gun exploded in front of Qin Qi. Even if Qin Qi had already prepared in advance, but still couldn't help but sink in his heart, the hollow power that rips everything directly smashes the thousands of layers of ice that he condenses.

The power of annihilation is simply offset by a small part.

Qin Qi is not able to stop this annihilation cannon, as long as the damage rebound, naturally can bounce it back, but he wants to take the opportunity to try to destroy the power of the gun.

After all, the anti-shield is limited in number. If it is encountered in an emergency, it will naturally not be wasted without wasting.

Huangji Tianlong Road, the body of the dragon vein!

Qin Qi vibrated the physical strength, forcibly resisted, but immediately snorted, even if the body is as strong as him, still can not stop, the muscles soon cracked.

Demuel’s technology is terrible.

However, Qin Qi is not the only strength of this.

Jinlong roared, the dragon gods tears in the moment, it is Qin Qi's own sword skills, Jianyi!

Under a sword, nothing is empty!

To a certain extent, the power of Jianyi and this annihilation cannon are the same, and it is not impossible to stop.

Moreover, Qin Qi at the moment is already at the level of the ten-star Wu Zun, and further can be a broken half-sacred, strong power, not before can be compared!

Thirty golden dragons roared under the sword and turned into nothingness, and the scope of the smashed guns soared rapidly, and the final explosion was about to be completed. However, it suddenly stopped and counteracted the power of Jianyi. dissipate.


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