God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1162: Goodbye Xiaobai

The first one hundred and sixty-two chapters goodbye to white

"It turned out to be the boss, you escaped!" Zhang Lang said with a surprise, no one can have such a martial arts except Qin Qi.

Ghostly cold face, could not help but raise a trace of joy, I saw her walked to Qin Qi, Zhang mouth bite.

"I rely!" Qin Qi suffered, and quickly pulled back his arm.

However, the ghost is a flat mouth, and the blood of Qin Qi is spit out. "Not good."

"Crap, this is not the body of the dragon vein, just a avatar." Qin Qi did not have a good voice.

Ghosts and frowns, smashing the micro-drums, screaming, "You fake."

"You!" Qin Qi could not help but roll his eyes.

"But the boss, since you didn't send the news back, you shouldn't want us to know it. After all, there will be risks. You are there now, is it really ok?" Zhang Lang concealed the excitement and couldn't help but ask.

After all, the enemy's means are unpredictable. No matter what, it should not be exposed.

Even for them.

Moreover, there is also a Zhao Cai, which is not a companion.

"No way, I have to make an appointment with the demon. I have to come back, and I don't have much time now. I need to get more power and open the tomb. It is also necessary." Qin Qi Shen said.

"Of course, my identity is too sensitive. For you and for myself, after everything is over, I will ruin your memories of this time, sorry."

"Have an apology, you just let me remember that Laozi opened this ancient tomb!" Zhang Lang did not care.

Qin Qi nodded and immediately looked at Zhao Cai. "Zhao Xiong, I haven't seen you for a long time. I really didn't expect to meet you here."

"But you should also know my current situation, so I hope you can understand it."

"Tell me to say!" Zhao Cai wiped the sweat on his body. It was true that Qin Qi was able to escape the Emperor's prison and master a avatar.

And look at this, the strength of the avatar is not weak.

This is like a miracle. It is worthy of being a person who once only defended the country.

"My Zhao Cai only likes treasures, so as long as there is a baby into my pocket, what I remember, what is ruined will be ruined." Zhao Cai smiled, the fat on his face trembled.

This goods, really should lose weight.

Needless to say, ghosts are left.

This little Loli is not very friendly to Qin Qi.

"Xunzi, what about you?" Qin Qi squatted down, accompanied by a smile.

"Hey!" Scorpion sly, pouting, but since there is no objection, it should be the default Qin Qi approach.

"That's good, just wait for Xiaobai to come over, then start to enter the tomb." Qin Qidao.

"What about the road in the giant pillar?" But the blind man asked.

That is her father's obsession, want to enter the core area of ​​the giant column, because of this, it is necessary to have such a presence of Qin Qi, the qualification of the gods and daughters.

Oh, I am waiting for this.

"After exploring the tomb, I will go to the meeting." Qin Qi smiled.

Zhang Lang had already contacted Xiao Bai, so he did not wait for a long time, Xiao Bai rushed over.

She owns the foxes and snows that Qin Qi gave to her. The practice of doing this is twice the result with half the effort. In addition, the position in the league is extremely high, and the provision of madness is almost uninterrupted.

And as a Yaozu, you can also use Jinwu blood pool, under a variety of bonuses, the realm of Xiaobai can be said to be insane.

Nowadays, two sanctified shackles have been broken and become a second and a half!

And with the white blood, this will never be the end.

Xiaobai came over and learned the situation of Qin Qi, and suddenly he was shocked.

"You, are you really Qin Qi?" Xiaobai looked at Qin Qi with surprise.

"It's me." Qin Qi nodded.

"how to prove?"

Qin Qi is speechless. I knew that I would wait for Xiao Bai to come over at the beginning. I have to re-explain it now.

The soul of the gods is the absolute feature of Qin Qi, such as fake replacement.

"No, this is not enough." Xiaobai shook his head with dignity.

"Then how do you want me to prove?" Qin Qi said without words.

"Give me something to eat, I will know if it is true when I eat it." Xiaobai has a way of saying things.


"Xiaobai, do you know how important my time is now, one minute and one second can't be delayed." Qin Qi's mouth twitched.

"Then I don't believe you." Xiaobai licked his mouth.

Ok, Qin Qi lost, this is difficult to wait for the food, this time I still want to eat, today I will kill you!

Qin Qi was black and began to cook without saying anything.

Zhang Lang and others looked at each other and naturally they sat down. After all, it was really a long time without eating the food prepared by Qin Qi. Compared with Qin Qi, the chefs found in the league are not worth mentioning.

Entering the ancient tomb, most of them will have a bad fight. It is not bad to eat a big meal before.

"Well, this is the taste, you really is Qin Qi is right!" Xiaobai ate a whole chicken, even the bones did not spit.

Qin Qi’s forehead hangs down the black line and can only speed up the progress of cooking.

After a while, Qin Qi looked at Xiaobai somewhat differently.

"Why, what's in me?" Xiaobai blinked, very beautiful.

"Your food intake, is it more than before?" Qin Qi is a bit strange, before Xiaobai could not be so swallowed.

Xiaobai stunned and quickly shook his head. "It may be that I haven't eaten such delicious food for too long."

"Is it?" Qin Qi frowned, and looked at Xiaobai deeply. "I always feel that there is a special change in your body. What happened to you?"

Xiaobai was looked at by Qin Qi, his face suddenly became unnatural, and his eyes were dodging: "I can change anything, not that strength is getting stronger."

"Not this," Qin Qi shook his head, not a change in the realm of strength, but a very strange "fluctuation."

If the ontology is just fine, and you have the body of the dragon vein, you can get a great bonus with the spirit of Qin Qi.

Now, even if there are some kings and eggs, but in terms of spiritual strength, there is no huge increase brought about by the body of the dragon.

Or, with the Dark Wizard, you can also explore one or two.

However, Qin Qi is thinking, Xiao Bai suddenly said: "Qin Qi, you are not allowed to spy on me, or I will never give up with you!"

The white reaction is so big, Qin Qi certainly gave up the idea of ​​exploration. After all, Xiaobai is his friend, not an enemy, and naturally will respect her.

However, there is always some unclear feeling of unclearness, so that Qin Qi is very concerned.

The little white eyes kept swaying, eating a big mouth, but almost ate the plate into it. It seems that the heart is not calm.

"Ah, don't eat, it's hard to eat!" Xiaobai didn't know why. Suddenly, he was very annoyed and patted the table. "When is the time now, exploring the tomb is the key, how can you still have leisure?" Eat here!"

Everyone is a slap in the face.

What the hell, isn’t it that you are asking Qin Qi to cook?

However, Xiaobai is now extremely powerful. Everyone is afraid to speak. He eats delicious food and wipes his lips. "Take it, I can't wait."

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