God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1198: Silver fire star gun

The first thousand one hundred and ninety-eight chapter silver fire star gun

Qin Qi Emei, do not understand a Yaozu, why in the human kingdom, especially the Tianzi Academy, one of the three giants of the right-wing alliance, is so overbearing.

Even if her strength is stronger and the realm is higher, can she still surpass the dean of the college and the monsters that are hidden in the world?

"This is the Tianzi Academy. I am a student of the Tianzi Academy. I don't think you have this right." Qin Qi Shen said.

"Little brother, you don't have to test me. This is the agreement between the emperor's academy and me. It's strange to blame, you come here." Tao said with a smile, his smile was bright, as if there was no danger.

"Well, you decide to come alone, don't hesitate to say that there are many benefits for those who stay here!" Taoer smiled.

"Your tone is very big." Duan Han looked at Tao, and his face was indifferent. "But others will forget it. Do you think you can get me?"

"Duan brother, this woman has a problem, you have to be careful!" Duanmu Jing pale, could not help but shout, the heart is full of fear of peach.

"Do not worry, the repair of Duan Xiong, more than we do not know how many times, this woman in front of Duan brother, can not turn out any flowers!" Another person screamed.

“So confident?” Tao’s eyes were awkward.

Duan cold, indifferent: "It’s just a little demon, and it’s daunting in my human race!"

This is to make Qin Qi slightly different. This person actually saw the demon status of Tao Er. It is estimated that Tao’s shot just now made him aware of it.

"Wolf girl, you can go with the waste, don't waste my time." Duan Han is indifferent, self-sufficient.

Where is the honey juice confidence?

"Little brother, do it, decide a winner." Tao looked at Qin Qi.

This peach blossom demon seems to want to leave a person, and whoever stays strong, I am afraid that it is not just idle and boring.

It should have a purpose.

She also said that the people who stayed will have benefits, perhaps this is not confusing.

"Oh, no, you can come one by one, let's go, don't waste my time." Duan Han looked at Qin Qi, very confident.

"I don't know where you are confident." Qin Qi was helpless, and there were ten words in his body, forming a sword.

"Oh?" Peach looked at Qin Qi somewhat strangely, and the word sword was used. This means is unheard of.

Duan Han took a look at Qin Qi, but he was also slightly surprised, but he was still conceited and did not think that Qin Qi could pose any threat to him.

"My confidence is naturally derived from my strength!"

"I see that your strength is not weak, speed shot, I am also curious, you can force me a few points of strength!" Duan Han proudly said.

Qin Qi picks up the eyebrows, this cold, it is estimated that there are some cards, and the realm is very high, with Zhao Mingyu is a level, seven broken and half holy.

It is no wonder that he will be so confident. For the younger generation, this kind of realm is already at the top.

"I hope not to let you down." Qin Qi shrugged, smiled slightly, then the sword shook, and immediately came forward.

Mad lion sword!

The sword is like a lion, roaring forward.

With Qin Qi's combat power, Duan Han is the end of the day, it is not likely to be Qin Qi's opponent.

However, Qin Qi is not in a hurry to end the battle. He is ready to pass this battle and be familiar with the power he has just acquired.

In particular, the words of the Wanyan and the use of the word form, without the actual baptism, after all, almost meaning.

"Four breaks and half holy, hey, it really is waste!" Duan cold, a silver gun appeared in his hand, if the gun tip is starburst, the meteor is stabbed!

The silver gun body, instantly turned into a streamer, like a meteor, quickly point out, incomparably forced.

It is also the top Tianwu, but the power of the meteor's sting is to be above the lion's sword.

It is not Qin Qi’s understanding of martial arts that is worse than the cold, but because of the silver gun in Duan Han’s hand.

Divine volatility, straight into the sky, turned out to be a soldier!

This is the source of Duan's self-confidence?


Grabbing the light like a meteor, angering the lions condensed by Qin Qi, before the soldiers, Qin Qi is deliberately exerting all the power of martial arts, or some can not support.

"Haha, this is the **** of the brothers - silver fire star gun, what does the kid fight with the brothers?" Duanmu Jing could not help but excited.

That silver glory is the power of the real stars, the burning of the divine, the power is enormous.

"Broken!" Duan Han low drink, behind the guns and martial arts violently shake, Wu Wu and the weapons seem to be merged together, point out a strong shot!

The gun is like a dragon, breaking everything and directly penetrates the body of Qin Qi.

"Good!" Duanmu Jing and others excitedly yelled, Duan Han shot, and it ended the battle in an instant.

It’s just that Duan Han himself, but his look is a change. Just now, there is no feeling of staping the essence.

No shadow.

Qin Qi used the body method, no shadow and no shape, and instantly avoided the gun of Duan Han.

"The ability to escape is not bad, but there will be no second time!" Duan cold, silver gun burning starlight, really heroic.

Immediately, he moved, like a white dragon rushing out, swept the moment.

The weapons of the two are constantly interlaced, Qin Qi has always been suppressed, and the disadvantages of weapons are too great.

"Hey, try fifty words." Qin Qi whispered, once again condensed forty special words, gathered on the sword.

The power of this sword has also been improved in an instant, and it can slightly block the power of the Silver Mars.

"Hey, the small means are endless, it is really boring, use all the cards in one breath, I am already impatient!" Duan cold, the gun in hand, still dominate.

Qin Qi did not understand the meaning of the attack. The attack collided several times, and he roughly understood the power limit of the fifty words.

And then, it is the use of other ways of wording.

Mad lion sword!

With a long sword, a lion rushed out and was more ferocious than before.

"It is this trick, is it not long-term memory?" Duan cold, the meteor thorns and hundreds of kills!

Instantly point out a hundred silver awns, each one is extremely powerful, enough to kill the eight-and-a-half.

Obviously, Duan Han is not ready to continue, and under the squad, Qin Qi’s lion sword will probably be defeated in an instant.


The tremors continued, but the mad lion, roaring forward, shattered all the guns.

Qin Qi used sixty words to re-shape the lion's sword, and the strength was several times stronger than before!

"How could this be!" Duan Han was shocked. Qin Qi’s text was strange, but it was a special bonus.

"It seems that you still have a lot of cards, this time, I will force you all out!" Duan cold, the guns and martial arts vibrate.

And in him, a more terrifying force began to breed.

"This is, Duan Jiaxing Shi Zhong!" Duanmu Jing exclaimed excitedly.

"Duan Xiong really got this inheritance!"

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