God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1219: See also day

The first chapter of the two hundred and twenty-nine chapters see the day again

"Noisy, Xiaoshang is a girl, what do you touch her hand!" Xu Shi'an shouted, and his heart was relieved.

I thought that Qin Qi had done something extraordinary. It turned out to be just that, and it was not too much.

"Oh, I am looking at the hand of the teacher, and measuring the marriage, this is not the case?" Qin Qi shouted.

Xu Shi'an believes that Qin Qi is strange. In his view, it is true that Qin Qi looks at Li Ningshang, so he has a small hand.

However, it was just a touch of hand, and the reaction of Li Ningshuang was too big.

"Small dress, is this the case?" Xu Shi'an looked at Li Ningshang.

"Well, this is the case." Li Ningshang stayed in the first place, then nodded again and again.

Of course, she knows that the real situation cannot be exposed, otherwise Li Ningshuang estimates that she will not live.

But this **** Qin Qi, sinister thief, big bad guy, too odious, even to make such shameless things, really should be dragged out to get rid of!

"Qin Kong, anyway, this thing is wrong with you, still not apologizing!" Xu Shian coldly said.

"I was wrong, please ask the sister to forgive." Qin Qi is very simple.

Xu Shi'an nodded and looked at Li Ningshuang. He said, "Sister, you see that Qin Kong also apologizes. This is the case."

"This thing will not be so calculated. I am going to find my grandfather and let him kill you!" Li Ningshou gnashed his teeth and turned away without turning back.

She has always been arched by the stars, but today, with so many people watching, she only feels uncomfortable, there is an impulse to go crazy.

Qin Kong, this **** bastard, waiting for her!

"Hey." Xu Shi'an sighed, this younger sister, he also has no way, from the very beginning, it is extremely arrogant, and the things that are caused are not too much.

Xu Shi'an couldn't help but wonder why these younger brothers and sisters are like this. Every peace of mind makes it difficult for him to be a master.

so tired.

"It’s all gone." Xu Shian shook his head and pointed at the crowd.

Xu Shi'an's prestige is still full. He spoke. Of course, these younger brothers and sisters no longer stayed and left.

After all, it was not a big deal, but it was only the hand of Li Ningshang. I thought it was a slap in the face of Li Ningshuang.

"You all go back, remember, you can't mess in the future, especially you, Qin Kong!" Xu Shi'an sighed.

"Masters can rest assured that there will be no next time." Qin Qi quickly promised.

"Okay, your curd-sister is just a little hard to get along with. It's more self-willed. You should take more care. Don't worry about it. As for Li Shizu, I will help you." Xu Shi'an said, then he left in a hurry. It is.

Obviously, I was afraid that Li Ningshuang would make another storm and wanted to give Qin Qi a pleading.

This master, I really have nothing to say.

"Everyone is like a master, how can there be so many things to break." Qin Qi said.

"Qin Kong, you come with me!" But Li Ningshang cold face, angry shouts.

Qin Qi licks his mouth, this gimmick is estimated to be mad.

I have always had such a mistake. Qin Qi followed Li Ningshou back to Yuntian.

"You are a bad guy, bullying my sister, I want to avenge her!" Li Ning's pretty face, and swearing Qin Qi.

"You also saw it, she was looking for her own, I was confused by her, or you thought I would touch her." Qin Qi turned his eyes.

"You are too much, how can you say this, my sister is a girl, you are like her, is a thief!" Li Ningshang yelled.

"Then your sister will not be too much, I will give her a lesson, lest she will always be in the eye!"

Not waiting for Li Ningshang to refute, Qin Qi continued: "Tell you, this character of your sister is also a fortune in the Tianzi Academy. If it is outside, it may lead to many things."

"I'm still fine, but I touched her. If it falls into the hands of the real wicked, she will be the child next year!"

"So I am still wronged by this matter, and I have been killed by people who have done good deeds. What is it called?" Qin Qi shook his head and sighed, and then he said generously: "If your sister is a female, I will not I care about her, don’t thank her, and I feel like I’m in my heart.”

Li Ningchang has wide eyes. She has not seen such a shameless guy in Qin Qi. She obviously bullied her sister, but she even wanted her sister to thank him!

Who is this?

"How do you care so much, I don't care, you go with me to apologize to my sister!" Li Ningshang cried.

"I won't go."


"You call again! Believe it or not, I will do it for you too!" Qin Qi screamed.

"You bully people!"

Li Ningsing suddenly cried, and the pears were raining.


This Qin Qi is really nothing.

"Well, don't cry, anyway, apologize, I will not die, anything else, but also consider it." Qin Qi helpless.

Li Ningshang sobbed, flatly said: "Give me the cream of the day, my sister can only improve the quality of her artifacts."

"White to give?" Qin Qi squatting Li Ningshang.

"Do you still want to collect money? You have done such excessive things. This is a lighter gift!" Li Ningchang called.


"How are you doing this!"

"Love the land."

"You!" Li Ningshang stared at Qin Qi, and sat down on the ground, and began to cry.

Qin Qi’s eyes are shaking, and Li Ning’s crying is more and more fierce, and he can only be defeated.

"When you do, let's do it for you!" Qin Qi didn't have a good spirit. "But it's good. I'm watching you cry so hard, not because you touched your sister's chest." ”

Li Ningshang smacked his mouth and quickly put away the frost and iron. He slammed into the Qin Qi and ran away.

It is estimated that the iron is sent to Li Ningshuang.

"Mom, you are a thief, how can you be confused?" Qin Qi hit his hand a few times, because touched a hand, the day frost iron is so gone.

I lost my life.

However, the feel does not really say...

Yes, this Tianzi Academy can't stay, you must go right away and go out to avoid it.

The grandfather of Li Gingshuang did not know what the characters were, but it was bound to be terrible.

Qin Qi can't imagine how angry the grandfather would be after Li Ningshuang put things out.

"Qin Xiong, I haven't seen you for a few days. I heard that you have made a big move in the Temple of Heaven. It is really a small expert!"

Qin Qi intends to leave the Tianzi Academy and go to the remains of the day, but unexpectedly Kun Kun and the day come.

They said that they would also join the Temple of Heaven, and now they finally come over.

"You are coming." Qin Qi smiled twice.

"Qin brother, what is wrong with this, I just heard about your feat, even the high-ranking Wu Sheng gave you a smash, overbearing, brothers admire!" 夯 Kun ha ha laughed.

"You are not coming, I have to go." Qin Qidao.

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