God Level Cultivation System

Chapter 1245: Bizarre world

The first thousand two hundred and forty-five chapters of the strange world

This world, the place of heaven and earth, is very clear, no longer a darkness.

However, Qin Qi’s speed is a bit horrible at this moment. If he breaks into the earth directly, Qin Qi may be hurt.

After all, he does not have the body of the dragon.

At the moment, Qin Qi runs into a whole body, the soul force fluctuates, and the void is pressed down. Finally, before landing, he stabilizes himself.

"This emptiness is really terrible, and the speed of the moment is too amazing." Qin Qi sighed.

Perhaps because of the emptiness of the emptiness, the void law of this world is extremely heavy. Even if it is Qin Qi, it is impossible to break the void.

It is impossible to fly in the air and to shuttle the void, which means that the sword has become a useless thing here.

However, in this way, just entering this chaotic ancient world, it is estimated that many people will be killed. After all, this time the emptiness of the sky can be several times stronger than the record.

While recovering the soul, Qin Qi is also observing the world.

This place is a period of separation, free from the long rivers of the years, the incomparable difference.

Entering this sky is equivalent to entering ancient times.

Of course, this is different from Qin Qi’s return to 100,000 years ago. It’s just that time is hard to pass, and it has been in the ancient years.

The environment here is a jungle. The tall trees can cover the sky, but they are simply not named.

In addition, the spiritual power here is extremely rich, and it is suitable for the cultivation of ancient powers such as ancient powers and ancient swords.

This is similar to what Qin Qi experienced last time.

Of course, the time when Qin Qi returned to ancient times was the late period of the Great World, and the time of this world was obviously not a great one.

So the extent is still a lot worse.

But still a big chance!

Qin Qi uses his wings to fly up to the tallest tree nearby, while concealing all the breath and looking at the whole picture of the place.

Small maps are still available, but the range is much reduced, only half the line of sight.

There are no special marks in the map. It is estimated that there are no indigenous peoples in the vicinity of the ancient world, and there are no ethnic groups who come together.

From this point of view, the emptiness of the void is a place where they are completely dispersed and their respective places are dropped. I am afraid that the difference is extremely far.

After a general understanding of the situation, Qin Qi jumped from the tree and began to go in one direction.

Qin Qi does not understand this place, and the direction of choice is also based on luck.

It’s almost the same as taking a step.

Of course, Qin Qi’s heart is extremely vigilant. This place seems to be unusual, but it is said that there is no danger of hiding, and Qin Qi is not allowed to relax.

Steady walking forward, Qin Qi faintly heard the sound of running water.

It is a mountain stream nearby.

Qin Qi’s light flashed slightly, and he carefully leaned over.

The creek is clear, there are unknown fish swimming in it, and in them, the spiritual power is extremely strong, but Qin Qi is only seen in this life, I am afraid it is the most excellent ingredients!

This kind of food, if combined with a high-grade chef, will have the effect of a magical medicine.

There is no doubt that there are not many things to make up.

Hey, just a small stream, there is such a creature, this chaos of the ancient world, it is really a treasure everywhere.

Qin Qi determined that there was no danger around him, and this was close to the stream.

Suddenly, Qin Qi’s heart was tight, and the body responded instantly and traversed in a strange posture.

It is like moving in space.

At the same time as he traversed, a stone broke through and whispered from the place where Qin Qi originally stood.

That speed is very horrible. If it is hit, Qin Qi can not afford this body.

It’s just that Qin Qi hasn’t had time to perceive who is attacking him. Another stone has already flown, and the sound of the sound is loud and roaring.

Qin Qi's eyebrows, once again dangerous and avoiding.

However, this time, Qin Qi's three thousand words condensed and turned into a long sword, suddenly smashed out and squatted on the stone.

He wants to try, how strong this power is!


A crackling sound, the stone bombs flew out, and Qin Qi’s sword almost dislocated, and the whole arm was numb.

Good guy, this is the force, really want to kill.

Moreover, the material of the stone is also special, and it has not been interrupted by Qin Qi.

Three thousand words are artifacts.

When Qin Qi did not dare to stay in the stream, he quickly retreated, first open the distance and say.

At the same time, the whistling sounded again, and another stone shot.

This time, Qin Qi is clearly seeing, and the eyes are slightly rounded.

They did not throw these stones, and the stones themselves blasted to Qin Qi.

Damn, what is this stuff!

Qin Qi quickly avoided, but his face was ugly.

This creek is full of such stones everywhere. If all of them can be shot and killed, it is not easy for Qin Qi to want to be close.

Sure enough, good things are not so easy to get.

And a piece of stone that looks like ordinary, actually has such power, Qin Qi is even afraid to look down on this place.

However, if these stones have only such power, Qin Qi will not be afraid.

Take out the tears of the sword, four thousand words linger, Qin Qi once again close to the creek.

The stone really launched an attack on Qin Qi. The speed and strength are terrible, but with the previous experience, Qin Qi is no longer worried.

The tears of the sword fell, and the stone was directly split into two halves.

"Sure enough." Qin Qi smiled and kept shooting, smashing all the stones that were ejected.

Until the last stone broke, Qin Qi finally walked into the creek, grabbed the fish and put it in the backpack space.

This kind of good thing, even the necessary moments can save lives, naturally can not let go.

Leaving a few of them, Qin Qi has nothing special to see here, and he will once again be on the road.

However, good luck does not seem to last long. After that, Qin Qi encountered many dangers, such as fierce beasts, which are directly the power of the Holy Land. The flesh is comparable to the wild and exotic animals, which is very difficult.

Another example is a kind of different flower. The moment of flower blossoming can actually **** the soul. If Qin Qi has a dark wizard, it is really possible to make a living.

In addition, there are countless dangers, which are even more terrible than what Mr. Ten said.

In this way, Qin Qi walked cautiously for a day and night, and there was a valley in front of him.

And this valley made Qin Qi very surprised.

The pink light, the existence of the light that is known as the fallen light, is densely covered with the entire valley, more intense than what is seen in the Valley of the Clouds.

If anyone enters here, it is estimated that they will be rushed by the moment.

"Do a mark, and then give it to you to fly." Qin Qi whispered, he explored, while drawing a map, everywhere dangerous or baby, have marks.

At the same time, Qin Qi was also curious about the fallen light, could not help but walk to the valley, of course, he only dared to stand in the mouth of the valley, did not dare to go in.

Qin Qi does not want to estrus.

But soon, Qin Qi changed his look.

"No!" Qin Qi's mouth couldn't help but pull it up.

The human mark appeared for the first time in the small map.

Dragon light dance.

Li Ningshuang.

These two women are all in the valley.

After it came out of the void, did it fall here?

What luck!

Under this, Qin Qi is somewhat entangled. What should I do?

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